







汉语拼音:xià chuán







  1. I was certain of it when the boat slid in to the shore and he jumped out, shouting as he did so.


  2. It wasn't long before Corey started to struggle. I was holding on to his jacket, but he kept trying to jump off the boat.


  3. "I told you not to leave the boat, " the concierge said, glaring at us.


  4. All this, the civilized shore, looked probable to me, appealing, but I had no thought that I could jump ship and get free.


  5. If they continued to refuse to attack they would be put off of the ship in a foreign land.


  6. Make sure that you take al your possessions ashore with you and leave nothing on the ship.


  7. On October 27th, the Terra Nova arrived in Wellington, New Zealand. When Scott came off the ship, a newspa-per man walked up to him.


  8. We were both sick on the journey and a fine drizzle met us as we disembarked.


  9. He came off the ship Excelsior in San Francisco with one hundred thirty thousand dollars worth of gold.


  1. 进港引水员下船

    drop inbound pilot

  2. 请不要下船游泳

    Please do not disembark to swim

  3. 下船游上岸

    to swim from the boat to the shore.

  4. 在下船3小时前。

    It needs to be done three hours before disembarkation.

  5. 我们可以下船了吗?

    Shall we get off the ship?

  6. 所有的动物都下船。

    All the animals get off the boat.

  7. 船长命令船员们拉下船帆。

    The captain ordered the sailors to clew down.

  8. 我命令靠岸,全体下船。

    I order to pull in to shore.

  9. 船只靠岸后士兵们下船。

    The boats beached and the soldiers got out.

  10. 我可以在中途在大坂下船吗

    Can I break my journey at Osaka

  11. 巨浪把那个人卷下船去。

    A big wave swept the man off the boat.

  12. 在多佛尔下船的旅客,

    Passengers are informed that they are allowed to disembark at Dover

  13. 船在摇晃,我想下船。

    The boat is rocking. I want to get out.

  14. 请所有送行者马上下船。

    Will all non passengers get off right now?

  15. 水手们都下船去城里了。

    All the sailors disembarked from the vessel and went to town.

  16. 旅客们在远洋码头下船了。

    The passengers disembarked at the ocean terminal.

  17. 我们应该从右边出口下船。

    We should disembark from the right exit.

  18. 他是最後一个下船的乘客。

    He is the last of the passenger to leave the ship.

  19. 他付了船钱,匆忙下船。

    He hurried off the boat after paying the boat fare.

  20. 他付了船钱,匆忙下船。

    He hurried off the boat after paying the boat fare.

  21. 我一点也不怀疑我会下船。

    And I had no doubts about getting off.

  22. 别担心,船长会让我们下船的。

    Don't worry,the captain would let us off.

  23. 我不能下船,我不能放弃我的生活。

    I could never get off this ship.

  24. 请大家不要在停车场下船。

    Please do not disembark from the carpark.

  25. 可能他忘了他为什么要下船了。

    Perhaps he's forgotten why he's getting off.

  26. 斯坦利的随从都下船了。

    Stanley's men got out of the boat.

  27. 斯坦利得随从都下船了。

    Stanley's men got out of the boat.

  28. 你可以在波士顿中途下船。

    You can stop over at Boston if you like.

  29. 乘客和工作人员下船或飞机的行为。

    The act of passengers and crew getting off of a ship or aircraft.

  30. 他们解下船绳,把船划向大海。

    They cast off and began rowing out to sea.


  1. 问:下船拼音怎么拼?下船的读音是什么?下船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下船的读音是xiàchuán,下船翻译成英文是 to disembark; to get off the boat