


歪倒(dǎo ),反转,变动位置,改变:推~。~车。~卷。~滚。~腾。~工。~阅。~身。~地。~修。~建。~改。~脸。人仰马~。~江倒海(形容水势浩大,多喻力量或气势非常壮大)。~云覆雨(喻反覆无常或玩弄手段)。数量成倍的增加:~番。越过:……





汉语拼音:fān bǎn









  1. 亦作“ 翻板 ”。翻印的版本。

    清 黄丕烈 《士礼居藏书题跋记续·老学庵笔记》:“今此本亦同,然其中已有改正处,未识是翻板否?” 清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·小郎儿曲》:“近日是曲翻版数十家,远及荒村僻巷之星货铺,所在皆有。”

  2. 未得原出版者、著作者同意将图书重印发售。我国 宋 代已有不准翻版的禁例。



  1. fails, Antigua says it might engage in a bit of music or software piracy, a form of retaliation permitted by WTO rules.


  2. This word always brought us into a situation that flooding with emotion; there was no different with "Man is none of fucking good things" .


  3. Simple does not mean simplistic however. A simplistic game might be something like an old Atari game remake or Tetris.


  4. These dangers to free trade do not add up to a repeat of the 1930s, but they all need watching.


  5. "Nobody gives a crap about that stuff but you, " he tossed over his shoulder. "Sounds like another one of your plays to slam Wal-Mart. "


  6. The book was, to all intents and purposes, a mere duplication of her earlier efforts.


  7. The girl has long legs and enchanting lips exactly like her mother's; she's like a mirror image.


  8. In essence, it seems to be a new term for Colbertism.


  9. The fiscal strategy of a direct stimulus to the economy is straight out of the Keynesian copybook .


  1. 渐进等距翻版

    asymptotically isometric copy

  2. 我有个翻版。

    I have a doppelganger.

  3. 地图翻版法

    map photomechanical copying.

  4. 你是你母亲的翻版。

    You are your mother's glass.

  5. 她是她母亲的翻版。

    She is the image of her mother.

  6. 全张翻版印对裁

    half sheet

  7. 他活象他叔叔的翻版

    He is the image of his uncle.

  8. 你就成了她的翻版

    you turn into a mini version of her!

  9. 可补渐近等距的翻版

    complemented asymptotically isometric copies

  10. 一部旧音乐喜剧的翻版

    a trite retread of an old musical.

  11. 一种社会民主主义的翻版

    a reborn version of social democracy

  12. 这是不是 这个画面的翻版

    So is that just another version of this?

  13. 这孩子真是他父母的翻版。

    The kid is like a mirror image of his parent.

  14. 这是一部老电影的翻版。

    It is a remake of an old film.

  15. 这个双胞胎是她的姐妹的翻版。

    This twin is her sister's counterpart.

  16. 你简直是你妈妈小时候的翻版

    It's like looking at your mother at your age.

  17. 大家都说我是爸爸的翻版。

    They say Im a ditto of my dad.

  18. 你母亲将你看作是她的翻版。

    Your mother sees you as her double.

  19. 这种观念完全是拜金主义的翻版

    This view is absolutely a mirror image of money worship

  20. 做犯法的事, 例如卖翻版货物

    Did illegal jobs such as selling pirated goods

  21. 她的小说都是同一主题的翻版。

    All her novels are variations on the same basic theme.

  22. 戈登的绘画简直像是原作的翻版。

    Gordons painting was an almost perfect facsimile of the original.

  23. 他相当于你在明尼苏达的翻版

    He's my you here in Minnesota.

  24. 这男孩是他父亲的小号翻版

    The boy was a smaller edition of his father.

  25. 你看了翻版的。这是你知道的原因。

    You saw the remake. Thats how you know.

  26. 这几乎就是苏格兰局势的翻版。

    This is almost the mirror image of the situation in Scotland.

  27. 只不过是和父母关系的翻版而已

    is really just another version of that first relationship.

  28. 相互为翻版的两个相互交错的晶体

    two interwoven crystals that are mirror images of each other

  29. 那次旅行或多或少是前一次旅行的翻版。

    That particular trip was more or less a carbon copy of the previous one.

  30. 该局是克格勃在俄国内的翻版。

    the domestic successor to the KGB.


  1. 问:翻版拼音怎么拼?翻版的读音是什么?翻版翻译成英文是什么?

    答:翻版的读音是fānbǎn,翻版翻译成英文是 reprint



fān bǎn 亦作“ 翻板 ”。 1.翻印的版本。 清 黄丕烈 《士礼居藏书题跋记续·老学庵笔记》:“今此本亦同,然其中已有改正处,未识是翻板否?” 清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·小郎儿曲》:“近日是曲翻版数十家,远及荒村僻巷之星货铺,所在皆有。” 2.未得原出版者、著作者同意将图书重印发售。我国 宋 代已有不准翻版的禁例。 3.指玩一个游戏玩完一遍的意思,也叫通关。 4.粤语“翻版”指盗版。 现代翻版是一项复制技术,在原出版者或著作者授权下,根据原样重新制作文档,为丢失文件的客户提供电子文档。