




1. 被 [bèi]2. 被 [pī]被 [bèi]睡觉时覆盖身体的东西:~子。~单。棉~。毛巾~。羽绒~。~褥。盖,遮覆:~覆。泽~后世(恩惠遍及后代)。遭遇,遭受:~灾。~难(nàn)。介词,用在句中表示主讲是受事者:他~(老板)辞退了……



汉语拼音:mián bèi







  1. 絮了棉花的被子。



  1. What does matter is whether you pump this air in and out of the sleeping bag - as with a quilt at home.


  2. I pulled out the box, placed it on my mother's quilted bedspread and stared at it.


  3. When the sunshine breaks out, azure tones appear as the angry clouds chase over the sea, making it a patchwork quilt of color.


  4. The master spent his last day of life wrapped in a quilt stitched by his wife, his rasping, irregular breaths filling the small bedroom.


  5. A little boy had just been tucked into bed by his mother, who was waiting to hear his prayers.


  6. In it, a man lies under a green quilt, apparently naked.


  7. The first is how people are quite happy to sleep under a quilt at home, but seem to think a bag is essential when in a tent.


  8. While there, he talked with volunteers who were making quilts for the children of service members deployed overseas.


  9. After nightfall, the initiates continued to visit other places where victims had gathered, giving them quilts and warm clothing.


  1. 提花棉被单

    crochet quilt.

  2. 棉被好舒服

    The quilt is so cozy.

  3. 我叠好棉被。

    I fold my quilt.

  4. 我掀开棉被。

    I throw back the covers.

  5. 我把棉被收到壁橱里。

    I put my bedding away in the closet.

  6. 雪花是冬小麦的厚厚棉被。

    The snowflakes are the thick quilts for the wheat.

  7. 本质上,是手工缝制棉被。

    This is, in essence, the art of making handmade patchwork quilts.

  8. 妇女们在一起缝棉被的聚会

    a quilting bee

  9. 杂拼花布床罩, 垫子, 棉被等。

    a patchwork bedcover, cushion, quilt, etc

  10. 他藏入棉被下面。他钻进棉被中。

    He hid under the bedclothes.

  11. 毯子,棉被,毛衣等等,他都织。

    Blankets, quilts, sweaters he knits them all.

  12. 她给自己盖上一条棉被。

    She covered herself with a quilt.

  13. 小小的女人棉被下面偷看着。

    The teeny tiny woman peeks from under her teeny tiny blanket.

  14. 抽烟的时候我把棉被烧了。

    I burnt the quilt when smoking.

  15. 谢谢, 但是我想要一床棉被。

    Thank you, but I should like to have a quilt.

  16. 棉被袋, 枕头袋, 一次性浴帽, 床罩。

    Quilt covers, pillow covers, disposable bath cap and bedspread.

  17. 棉被边缘被镶上奇特的镶边。

    Edged the quilt with fanciful embroidery.

  18. 一种通常填充有羽绒的棉被。

    A soft quilt usually filled with the down of the eider.

  19. 这棉被是各式各样材料做成的。

    The quilt was made of this, that and the other.

  20. 请试试新型棉被,柔软舒适极了。

    Try this new kind of quilt. It is so soft and so comfortable.

  21. 她把棉被拉过来盖在他身上。

    She pulled the beddings over him.

  22. 知道鸭绒垫, 靠椅和棉被的不同。

    You know the difference between a duvet, duna, and comforter.

  23. 不要使用羊毛制的毯子或棉被。

    Dont use woollen blankets or quilts.

  24. 外宾谢谢, 但是我想要一床棉被。

    Thank you, but I should like to have a quilt.

  25. 简存了几段布留做棉被用。

    Jane save up pieces of cloth to make a quilt.

  26. 玛丽存了几块布留作棉被用。

    Mary saved up pieces of cloth to make a quilt.

  27. 买了一条棉被又带小孩去散步。

    Buy a quilt and walk her kids.

  28. 难怪你来露营还带着棉被和枕头。

    No wonder you brought your quilt and pillow for your camping trip.

  29. 你是如何选择所使用的材料在你的棉被?

    How did you choose the materials used in your quilt?

  30. 棉被店这是一家纯手工制作棉被的小店。

    The cotton quilt shop The cotton quilts in this shop are original handmade.


  1. 问:棉被拼音怎么拼?棉被的读音是什么?棉被翻译成英文是什么?

    答:棉被的读音是miánbèi,棉被翻译成英文是 bedquilt; quilt; comforter