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汉语拼音:shǐ huan
He lifted it as lightly as he could because his hands rebelled at the pain.
他尽量轻地把它举起来,因为他那双手痛得不听使唤了。S. hopes in that way either to drive Iran to its knees or to provoke an attack by Iran that would justify massive retaliation.
美国希望那样做要么让伊朗听它使唤,要么激起伊朗发动一场复仇战争。The wind swept my face, with his face turned away, but the tears do not allow dropping in fingers.
凛冽的风扫过脸庞,我捂着脸背过身去,眼泪却不听使唤的滴落在手指间。If i can't walk, give me a hand, just like i used to hold you when ade the first step of your life.
当我的腿不听使唤,扶我一把,就像我当初扶着你踏出人生的第一步。At the end of the game I could feel my legs giving way at the end of the game, but this is just a question of time.
在比赛的最后我感到我的腿有点不听使唤,但这只是时间问题。"God damned dog! " he said. "Damned old cur, " wiping the slush from his worthless coat. "I -- I hired such people as you once. "
“该死的狗!”他说,“这该死的老狗,”一边拂去他那不值钱的上衣上的雪水。“我--我曾经使唤过像你这样的人。”She kept her silence as a teenager, nannying and doing household chores for whites who would look at her as if they owned her.
少年时期,她依然沉默寡言,替白人当保姆打杂务,听凭那些人主子一般地使唤她。She tried to stand, but every time she put a skate on the ice, it took off with a will of its own.
她一边想一边挣扎着试图站起来,但冰鞋一旦踏着冰面就不听她的使唤。His brain seemed to have stopped working. He turned away from her.