


1. 倒 [dǎo]2. 倒 [dào]倒 [dǎo]竖立的东西躺下来:摔~。墙~了。~塌。~台。打~。卧~。对调,转移,更换,改换:~手。~换。~车。~卖。~仓。~戈。倒 [dào]位置上下前后翻转:~立。~挂。~影。~置。把容器反转或倾……





汉语拼音:dào guà








  1. 见“ 倒挂 ”。

  2. 古代杂技项目。

    晋 陆翙 《邺中记》:“设马车,立木橦其车上,长二丈,橦头安横木,两伎儿各坐木一头,或鸟飞或倒掛。”

  3. 亦作“ 倒掛 ”。倒悬;下垂。

    宋 苏轼 《西江月·梅花》词:“海仙时遣探芳丛,倒挂緑毛么凤。” 闻一多 《忆菊》诗:“倒挂着一饼蜂窠似的黄心,仿佛是朵紫的向日葵呢!” 叶圣陶 《微波》:“那一对眉毛,以前伴着笑声伴着快意总是舞得起似的,现在微微倒挂了。”

  4. 鸟名。

    宋 苏轼 《十一月二十六日松风亭下梅花盛开》诗之二自注:“岭南珍禽有倒挂子,緑毛红喙,似鸚鵡而小,自海东来。” 宋 朱彧 《萍洲可谈》卷二:“海南诸国有倒掛雀,尾羽备五色,状如鸚鵡,形小似雀,夜则倒悬其身。” 明 王脩 《君子堂日询手镜》:“倒挂小巧可爱,形色皆如緑鸚鵡而小,略大於瓦雀,好香。”

  5. 倒欠。如:年终一结帐,他家不但没倒挂,还分到了一百多元。



  1. The next day they were strung up by the heels from lamp posts and later cut down so that throughout the rest of Sunday.


  2. It also hangs suspended from the underside of the surface film by its tail, which acts as a breathing tube.


  3. Hanging by his feet from the tree next to the car was the dead body of Ned.


  4. A cauldron of milk, a woman hung upside-down, a live snake extracted from her mouth.


  5. To dry parsley, tie the plant stems together and hang them upside down in a warm, dark, airy place.


  6. And he was still physically able to sign with the fans pictured even in upside down which shows poker magic.


  7. A vessel was sighted with the glass, drifting with the wind, and showing her flag with the union down.


  8. The moon is like a watermelon rind, hanging upside down in the night sky and like films will be shining willow.


  9. The ratio is almost the last two years than one point , the basic level, the ratio changed inversion phenomenon.


  1. 倒挂壁围堰

    cantilever cofferdam.

  2. 土倒挂金钟

    native fuchsia.

  3. 成本售价倒挂

    inversion between production cost and sale price.

  4. 购销价格倒挂。

    The selling prices drop away from the state purchasing prices.

  5. 倒挂式主轴承

    Main bearing of underslung type.

  6. 三叶倒挂金钟

    threeleaf fuchsia.

  7. 为什么蝙蝠倒挂着?

    Why Bats Hangs Upside Down?

  8. 玻玻太太, 倒挂金钟

    mrs. popples fuchsia

  9. 我教她怎么倒挂。

    And I showed her how to swing.

  10. 倒挂金钟皱缩病毒

    Fuchsia crinkle virus.

  11. 长颈倒挂金钟

    honeysuckle fuchsia

  12. 市场价与出厂价倒挂。

    The market prices are topsy-turvy in relation to factory prices.

  13. 而石棺则悬空倒挂。

    The sarcophagus was left vacant inverted.

  14. 倒挂金钟的组织培养

    Tissue culture of Fuchsia Hybrida

  15. 它们用脚倒挂着身体。

    They hang upside down by their feet.

  16. 别担心,倒挂在蛹上吧。

    Dont worry. Hang upside down from our chrysalis.

  17. 解决购销价格倒挂的问题

    Solve the problem of retail price Being lower than the purchasing price

  18. 解决购销价格倒挂得问题

    Solve the problem of retail price Being lower than the purchasing price

  19. 倒挂金钟潜伏香石竹病毒

    Fuchsia latent carlavirus.

  20. 晚上树懒还是倒挂在树上。

    All night long the sloth hung upside down in the tree.

  21. 猴子用尾巴在树上倒挂着。

    The monkey was hanging from the tree by its tail.

  22. 猴子头向下倒挂在树枝上。

    The monkey was hanging head downwards from the branch.

  23. 他左肩倒挂着一支冲锋枪。

    He had a tommy gun slung muzzle down over his left shoulder.

  24. 白天树懒都倒挂在树上。

    All day long the sloth hung upside down in the tree.

  25. 这种商品的价格倒挂是暂时的。

    The purchase price being higher than the selling price is temporary for this commodity.

  26. 这种商品的价格倒挂是暂时的。

    The purchase price being higher than the selling price is temporary for this commodity.

  27. 然后, 老猴子倒挂在大树上,

    Then, the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down, with his feet on the branch.

  28. 传导和倒挂时隔有明显周期。

    There exist significant periodic intervals between conduction and upside down.

  29. 什么时候倒挂国旗是可以接受的?

    When did these flag rules fall into place?

  30. 我正在等待一个精彩的倒挂球。

    I am waiting to see a marvelous bicycle kick.


  1. 问:倒挂拼音怎么拼?倒挂的读音是什么?倒挂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倒挂的读音是dàoguà,倒挂翻译成英文是 hang … upside down; be topsy-turvy

  2. 问:倒挂金钟拼音怎么拼?倒挂金钟的读音是什么?倒挂金钟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倒挂金钟的读音是dàoguàjīnzhōng,倒挂金钟翻译成英文是 Fuchsia hybrida

  3. 问:倒挂金钩拼音怎么拼?倒挂金钩的读音是什么?倒挂金钩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倒挂金钩的读音是dàoguàjīngōu,倒挂金钩翻译成英文是 Uncaria lancifolia

  4. 问:倒挂树萝卜拼音怎么拼?倒挂树萝卜的读音是什么?倒挂树萝卜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倒挂树萝卜的读音是dàoguàshùluóbo,倒挂树萝卜翻译成英文是 Agapetes pensilis

  5. 问:倒挂金钟属拼音怎么拼?倒挂金钟属的读音是什么?倒挂金钟属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倒挂金钟属的读音是dàoguàjīnzhōng shǔ,倒挂金钟属翻译成英文是 Fuchsia

  6. 问:倒挂铁角蕨拼音怎么拼?倒挂铁角蕨的读音是什么?倒挂铁角蕨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倒挂铁角蕨的读音是dàoguà tiějiǎojué,倒挂铁角蕨翻译成英文是 Asplenium normale


