


传送,传达:传~。投~。~送。~交。~眼色(以目示意)。呈~国书。顺着次序:~补。~变。~增。~减。~升。~降(jiàng )。古代指驿车。……





汉语拼音:dì sòng








  1. 传送。

    清 俞樾 《茶香室续钞·论简帖用白纸》:“更用一锦纸封袋递送,上下通行。” 茹志鹃 《高高的白杨树·关大妈》:“游击队的通讯联络,就像健全的神经系统那样灵活自如,最难递送的武器弹药,也通过了各种岗哨的检查,到了游击队员的手里。”

  2. 犹递解。

    清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·缅甸归诚本末》:“如经过外夷部落,有诚心归化者,酌留官兵数十或二三百名,作一大台站以资递送。”



  1. Delivery is hardly limited to pizza at this point; everything from sushi to barbecue seems available as a to-go order.


  2. He wrote to his children, his friends, and to lawyers who sent a client his way.


  3. John ordered his own flowers and bad the clerk be sure that delivery would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her.


  4. They say intravenous delivery, a more likely route in humans, would be much more likely to reach the heart.


  5. The delivery commitment for application of the Money-Back Guarantee Policy will be extended for a period equal to the length of the holiday.


  6. At present, the drug delivery device up to the release of two drugs, and the release of time must be set in advance.


  7. the world would make it a priority to discover and deliver the medicines to save them. But it did not. For.


  8. Engineer Jun Ashihara also said the machine is useful for people standing in long lines and for people who run around to make deliveries.


  9. That press release you meant to send in is now a year out of date.


  1. 戒指递送人

    ring bearer.

  2. 公文递送盒

    dispatch box.

  3. 凭证递送盒

    token instrument portable magazine.

  4. 钢盘递送纸

    Steel plate feeder and delivery

  5. 主流烟气递送量

    the mainstream smoke delivery

  6. 邮购货物的递送

    Delivery of goods by mail order

  7. 他每天递送晚报。

    He delivers the evening paper.

  8. 磁性靶向药物递送

    magnetic targeting drug delivery

  9. 邮递物品递送承揽人

    mail contractor

  10. 西兰牛奶递送中心

    New Zealand Milk Distribution Center

  11. 骑驿马到各城镇递送

    to post from town to town

  12. 葬礼鲜花递送到菲律宾。

    Funeral Flower Delivery to Philippines.

  13. 信件是每天递送的。

    Letters are delivered every day.

  14. 单据以快递方式全套递送

    Documents to be forwarded by COURIERin one lot

  15. 让我们递送一封抗议信

    Lets send in a letter of protest.

  16. 信使受命递送两封封讫的信。

    A courier was despatched with two sealed envelopes.

  17. 我们每天有三次得递送。

    We have three deliveries every day.

  18. 而我的工人则去递送报纸

    He could just deliver them.

  19. 有保证的性质或保证支付的,保证递送的。

    Having quality or payment or delivery guaranteed.

  20. 递送的信件或包裹的任一集合。

    Any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered.

  21. 那位邮差递送限时专送函。

    The postman delivered a special delivery letter.

  22. 我会去收所有递送报纸的小费

    So I would go and collect for all the papers.

  23. 我来负责安全递送这个秘密情报。

    I'll charge myself with the safe delivery of the secret information.

  24. 邮差每天早晨递送信件和包裹。

    The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning.

  25. 很多公司使用特快专递递送商务信件。

    Many companies use the EMS to deliver their business letters.

  26. 加值服务成绩报告以快捷递送到府

    FedEx Score Reporting to Home

  27. 一个半吨重的包裹刚刚递送出去。

    A parcel weighing half a ton has just been delivered.

  28. 英国酷男有偿的递送一些不合法的东西。

    Cool British guy delivers illegal stuff for a price.

  29. 国际间的邮件就是依据互惠安排进行递送的。

    International mail is delivered by a reciprocal arrangement.

  30. 这一按,声音停止,并有一团食物递送出来。

    This stops the sound and releases a food pellet.


  1. 问:递送拼音怎么拼?递送的读音是什么?递送翻译成英文是什么?

    答:递送的读音是dìsòng,递送翻译成英文是 deliver

  2. 问:递送邮包拼音怎么拼?递送邮包的读音是什么?递送邮包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:递送邮包的读音是dìsòngyóubāo,递送邮包翻译成英文是 deliver parcels

  3. 问:递送品拼音怎么拼?递送品的读音是什么?递送品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:递送品的读音是,递送品翻译成英文是 delivery

  4. 问:递送公文拼音怎么拼?递送公文的读音是什么?递送公文翻译成英文是什么?

    答:递送公文的读音是dì sòng gōng wén,递送公文翻译成英文是 deliver a document

  5. 问:递送压力拼音怎么拼?递送压力的读音是什么?递送压力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:递送压力的读音是dì sòng yā lì,递送压力翻译成英文是 delivery pressure




【读音】dì sòng





【词典解释】 及物动词 vt. 1. 投递;传送;运送[(+to)] The mailman delivered the letters promptly. 那个邮差准时地投递信件。 2. 给予(打击等);发动(进攻)[O] 3. 发表;讲;宣布 He delivered an important report at the meeting. 他在会上作了重要报告。 4. 给...接生;生(婴儿) She delivered twins in the evening. 晚上她生了一对双胞胎。 5. 解救;解脱;释放[(+from)] Education delivered him from ignorance. 教育把他从无知中解救出来。 6. 履行(诺言);实现(期望) 7. 为竞选人拉(选票) 不及物动词 vi. 1. 投递;送货;传送 2. 履行,实现[(+on)] I am certain that he will deliver on his promise. 我确信他会履行诺言。