


1. 斗 [dǒu]2. 斗 [dòu]斗 [dǒu]中国市制容量单位(十升为一斗,十斗为一石):~酒只鸡(经常用作招待客人的简单酒食,家常便饭)。量粮食的器具:~筲之人(形容人器量狭小,见识短浅)。形容小东西的大:~胆。形容大东西的小:~……


人或某些动物体内器官之一,在肝脏右叶的下部:~囊。苦~。~固醇。肝~相照(指对人忠诚,以真心相见)。不怕凶暴和危险的精神、勇气:~量。~气。壮~。~魄。~大妄为(wéi )。装在器物内部而中空的东西:球~。暖瓶~。……



汉语拼音:dǒu dǎn







  1. 大胆,多形容胆气豪壮。语出《三国志·蜀志·姜维传》“杀 会 及 维 ” 裴松之 注引 晋 郭颁 《魏晋世语》:“ 维 死时见剖,胆如斗大。” 南朝 梁简文帝 《七励》:“至如牵鉤壮气,斗胆豪心……标威於 鴈门 之境,振旅於 龙突 之乡。” 唐 胡曾 《谢赐钱启》:“推 葛亮 之秤心,负 姜维 之斗胆,内安宗庙,外却蛮夷。”

  2. 多作谦辞。

    元 张国宾 《合汗衫》第一折:“小人斗胆,敢问老爹妳妳一个名姓也。”《再生缘》第四三回:“晚生父子忧心极,斗胆而来叩府前。”



  1. If I may venture to say anything of Americanhumour, I would say that it has two conspicuous qualities.


  2. As you command. Though . . . Your Grace, if I may be so bold, there is another road . . .


  3. There were even a few angry, wine-fuelled heckles when I dared to ask if gold was in a bubble.


  4. Assurbanipal purified the city and celebrated a "service of reconciliation" , but did not venture to "take the hands" of Bel.


  5. And if true, for your lifetime boast that you were honored to speak his name even in death.


  6. One Nazi wit actually dared to remark, "If I looked like Himmler, I wouldn't even mention the word race. "


  7. I'm a layman on making a name for Jian, and I just exclaim : The carving of the grip is very good! Let me call it 'Jingning'.


  8. I should take the liberty of introducing her to my admirable aunt .


  9. At last one day, when he was Deputy Magistrate of Hawrah, I made bold to call on him.


  1. 我斗胆问一下您尊姓大名,先生。

    May I make bold to ask your name, Sir

  2. 容我斗胆评论一下你的工作。

    May I be so bold as to pass comment on your work?

  3. 容我斗胆评论一下你的工作。

    May I be so bold as to pass comment on your work ?

  4. 我斗胆猜测他会败得很惨。

    I'd venture a guess that he will fail dismally.

  5. 所以我才斗胆溜进您的教室!

    So I dared to sneak into your class!

  6. 要是我可斗胆猜测,她至少50岁了。

    If I may hazard a guess, she s at least fifty.

  7. 我斗胆说一句吧,那是个弥天大谎。

    I hazard a remark that its a big lie.

  8. 我想斗胆把她介绍给我那可敬的姑母。

    I should take the liberty of introducing her to my admirable aunt.

  9. 我斗胆说一句,这件事您做错了。

    May I make bold to suggest that you were wrong to do so ?

  10. 小睡更安静,而且我斗胆说一句,不够性感。

    Naps tend to be solitary and, dare I say, not as sexy.

  11. 最后,他决定斗胆到狮穴里去会会那只母狮子。

    He resolved at last to brave the lioness in her den.

  12. 我斗胆说一下,我认为第一次世界大战是无意义的。

    I'll go out on a limb here, and offer World War I as rather pointless.

  13. 所以我斗胆再用了两张松哥的原创,做了以下的。

    I did another two, with Damian's photos from New Zealand and Australia.

  14. 所以我斗胆再用了两张松哥得原创,做了以下得。

    I did another two, with Damian's photos from New Zealand and Australia.

  15. 现在我未经经理允许,斗胆和你说明此测试未通过。

    I allow without the manager now, gall as big as a peck measure and you explain that this tests not having passed.

  16. 我斗胆猜测,他们在下一轮竞选中会有不错的表现。

    I would hazard a guess that they'll do fairly well in the next election.

  17. 他斗胆希望人类的正义要坚决予以惩罚而不能手软。

    But, he ventured to hope, justice would be meted out without paltering.

  18. 在他自己的聚会上污辱大使是要有很斗胆量的。

    It took a great deal of presumption to insult the ambassador at his own party.

  19. 我可否斗胆地问一问,你丈夫去考察,是什么单位发起的 呢

    And may I make so bold as to ask what institutions sponsored your husband's expedition


  1. 问:斗胆拼音怎么拼?斗胆的读音是什么?斗胆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斗胆的读音是dǒudǎn,斗胆翻译成英文是 boldly



基本解释 解释形容大胆多用做谦辞)词语斗胆斗胆 拼音dǒu dǎn 注音ㄉㄡˇ ㄉㄢˇ1. 大胆;胆如斗大世语曰:维死时,见剖胆如斗大三国志·姜维传注推诸葛之秤心,负 姜维之斗胆 胡曾谢赐钱启2. 多用指胆大有勇气例句我斗胆说一句,这是您的错详细解释1. 大胆多形容胆气豪壮语出三国志·蜀志·姜维传杀会及维裴松之注引晋郭颁魏晋世语维死时见剖胆如斗大南朝梁简文帝七励至如牵钩壮气斗胆豪心……标威於 鴈门 之境振旅於龙突之乡 唐胡曾谢赐钱启推葛亮之秤心负姜维之斗胆内安宗庙外却蛮夷