







汉语拼音:biān tà








  1. 鞭打。

    汉 应劭 《风俗通·怪神·世间多有亡人见神》:“鞭挞奴婢,皆得其过。” 唐 高适 《封丘作》诗:“拜迎长官心欲碎,鞭挞黎庶令人悲。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致杨霁云》:“我想,这就是 菲洲 黑奴虽日受鞭挞,还能活下去的原因。”

  2. 驾驭,征服。

    《三国志·魏志·武帝纪论》:“ 太祖 运筹演谋,鞭挞宇内。” 宋 苏辙 《进御集表》:“﹝ 神宗 ﹞自初即位,经营百度,有纲纪海内,鞭挞四夷之志。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷五:“故 吐蕃 赞普都之,以鞭挞四夷,抗衡上国。”

  3. 犹驱送。

    唐 杜甫 《上水遣怀》诗之三:“蹉跎 陶唐 人,鞭挞日月久。” 仇兆鳌 注:“鞭挞日月,犹云驱送岁月。”

  4. 抨击。

    鲁迅 《南腔北调集·“论语一年”》:“最猛烈的鞭挞了那主人们的是 萧伯纳 。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·笑的力量》:“对剥削阶级贪婪愚蠢的讽刺,对他们的风习影响的嘲弄和鞭挞,状物传神的譬喻,智慧警辟的语言,句句都可以引起幽默感。”

  5. 责罚;折磨。

    郁达夫 《薄奠》下:“我被众人的目光鞭挞不过,心里起了一种不可抑遏的反抗和诅咒的念头。” 华嘉 《寂寞》:“即使你躲进一个没有人烟的深谷,它的魔手还是要把你拖出来鞭挞。”



  1. Fifth song off the Thrash Metal masterpiece 'Nothing To Gain' by the Bay Area thrashers 'Violence'.


  2. Modern times, West while Canada whips China, also unconscious leads the residential society's idea Chinese this piece of barren soil.


  3. Exclusive of their human feelings, lashing out, in no uncertain terms.


  4. They are not about to engage in mutual flagellation. The new rules will not be retrospective, and many sanctions will not bite until 2013.


  5. First song of the Thrash Metal masterpiece 'Nothing To Gain' by the Bay Area thrashers 'Violence'.


  6. To punish or impel as IF by whipping.


  7. According to Marx's analysis of the Fetishism of the Commodity, Adorno fierce- ly criticized the American mass culture of that time.


  8. Even while I spoke in confident tones I could feel in anticipation the lashes which were soon to score our naked flesh.


  9. It has formed a trend of thought to sing the praises of humanitarianism, and the beautiful of human nature.


  1. 你是否害怕狂风的鞭挞?

    Do you fear the force of the wind

  2. 命运疯狂的鞭挞和蹂躏,

    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

  3. 马烨鞭挞奢香事件考辨

    An exploration of the affair about Ma Ye whipping She Xiang

  4. 船长怀特无情地鞭挞船员。

    Captain White scourged his crew without mercy.

  5. 过去, 穷人常遭受地主的鞭挞。

    In the pat, the poor people were often flogged by the landowners.

  6. 近距离的鞭挞与远距离的哲思

    On Close Castigation and Far Philosophical Thought

  7. 过去,穷人常遭受地主得鞭挞。

    In the pat, the poor people were often flogged by the landowners.

  8. 这些宗教狂热分子鞭挞他们自己。

    The religious fanatics flagellated themselves.

  9. 法庭判处她8年监禁及500下鞭挞。

    The court sentenced her to eight years in jail and500 lashes.

  10. 影片对旧社会进行了无情的鞭挞。

    The film mercilessly castigates the old society.

  11. 瑞典鞭挞金属乐队2吨的捕食者。

    Swedish thrash metal band2 Ton Predator.

  12. 瑞典鞭挞金属乐队2吨得捕食者。

    Swedish thrash metal band0 Ton Predator.

  13. 有谁愿意承受时代的轻视与鞭挞,

    For who would bear the whips and scorns of time

  14. 有谁愿意承受时代得轻视与鞭挞,

    For who would bear the whips and scorns of time

  15. 因为谁愿忍受人世间的鞭挞和嘲笑

    For who would bear the whips and scorns of time

  16. 指定替罪羔羊, 煽动其他人鞭挞他们。

    Identifying scapegoats and inciting others to castigate them.

  17. 有时只有狠狠鞭挞才能使顽童学好。

    Sometimes only a good spanking will straighten out a naughty boy.

  18. 痛斥, 鞭挞象鞭抽那样惩罚或鞭策

    To punish or impel as if by whipping.

  19. 鞭挞的方法是当时常用的一种说服方式。

    The baculine argument was used as a common mode of argument in those days.

  20. 忽然骑兵连像给宽扫把鞭挞了一下。

    suddenly something swept over the squadron like a broad broom

  21. 而妖魔则是作者所否定、鞭挞的反面形象。

    But evil spirit then is the reverse side image which the author denies, whips.

  22. 它们一代代的命运就是套上枷锁,接受鞭挞。

    Their heritage from generation to generation is the belled yoke and the lash.''

  23. 现今,鞭挞不服从的兵士或水手是不人道的惩罚。

    Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors.

  24. 心灵专注现在正确作用于精神鞭挞,精神凋零和忏悔。

    Inner Focus Now works properly with Mind Flay, Mind Sear, and Penance.

  25. 现今, 鞭挞不服从得兵士或水手是不人道得惩罚。

    Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors.

  26. 强化火焰箭改名魔力毁灭,并且增强剧痛鞭挞的效果!

    Improved Firebolt has been renamed Demonic Destruction and merged with the effects of Improved Lash of Pain.

  27. 从它的极猛烈的鞭挞中产生出一种对人类的爱抚。

    From its most terrible blows there comes forth a caress for the human race.

  28. 而美中不足的是在进行讨伐鞭挞的时候走的有点远了。

    The weakness is that it takes its crusading a little far.


  1. 问:鞭挞拼音怎么拼?鞭挞的读音是什么?鞭挞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鞭挞的读音是biāntà,鞭挞翻译成英文是 lash out at



鞭挞(biān tà)动词,原指鞭打,现多形容无情地指责披露。