


1. 率 [shuài]2. 率 [lǜ]率 [shuài]带领:~领。统~。~队。~先(带头)。~兽食人(喻暴君残害人民)。轻易地,不细想,不慎重:轻~。草~。~尔。~尔操觚(“觚”,供写书用的木简;意思是轻易地下笔作文)。爽直坦白:直~……





汉语拼音:shuài xiān








  1. 带头;首先。

    《史记·绛侯周勃世家》:“前日吾詔列侯就国,或未能行。丞相吾所重,其率先之。” 唐 韩愈 《元和圣德诗》序:“诚宜率先作歌诗,以称道盛德。” 宋 叶适 《沉仲一墓志铭》:“天行或饥凶,民利欲建置,君率先推与无疑。” 郭沫若 《就目前创作中的几个问题答<人文>编者问》:“有主席那样的思想、气魄、风度,故能产生出他那样的诗词,故能率先揭发并提出这个完美的口号。”

  2. 作表率。

    南朝 梁武帝 《霸府禁奢令》:“其中犹可以率先卿士,準的甿庶。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·穀水》:“ 光武 都 洛阳 以为尹。尹,正也。所以董正京畿,率先百郡也。”



  1. Almost a year later, the Chinese stock market was the first to turn and then lead the world's markets out of their post-Lehman slump.


  2. Moffett led from the front, earning his place in history as the first naval aviation observer.


  3. Massachusetts was one of the first states to promote these markets as hubs of preventive health.


  4. Because Marx and Engels were the first to see socialism as the logical end result of the class struggle that was already in progress.


  5. River Zi dulcimer the words are fewer, just a little bit teeny point chin, above all to turn circular to in walk.


  6. An era of two great point guards is just beginning, with him and Paul. The only question is which one will be the first to win the big one?


  7. Can have never thought, he incredibly will at the outset to beat to call words, only and by far don't undo the inning of anxiety as well.


  8. It'll still take some sort of new age hero to be the first to come out, but I just hope, for football's sake, that it happens soon.


  9. It is never entirely clear how much of these initiatives have been taken by Mr Wang himself.


  1. 率先现代化

    Being modernized first.

  2. 率先实现现代化

    take the lead to realize modernization

  3. 率先冲过终点

    cross the line first.

  4. 率先使用铝罐。

    Coke was also the first to use aluminium cans.

  5. 一业率先突破

    taking green economic plantation industry as a pioneering industry

  6. 他率先登上了山顶。

    He was the first to reach the top of the hill.

  7. 可乐饮品率先使用铝罐。

    Coke was also the first to use aluminium cans.

  8. 这件事他应率先行动。

    It is for him to move first in the matter.

  9. 报纸编辑都力争率先报道。

    Newspaper editors all strive to be first with a story.

  10. 心率先是加快,然后大幅减速。

    Theheart rate rises initially, then plummets.

  11. 该大学率先发现阅读教学法。

    That university led the way in finding methods to teach reading.

  12. 一, 农业社会主义改造率先完成

    First Accomplishment of Agricultural Socialist Transformation

  13. 为什么是美国率先出现知识经济?

    Why Does Knowledge Economy Appear First in the USA?

  14. 佛山率先成立中小企业局

    Foshan Sets up SME Bureau

  15. 北京将率先进入休闲经济时代

    Beijing Will Take the Lead in Entering the Era of the Recreation Economy

  16. 这家医院率先使用了分娩池。

    The hospital has pioneered the use of birthing pools.

  17. 重庆率先实现机场属地化管理

    Chongqing Airport Put Under Local Administration

  18. 哪些风险是你要率先面对的?

    What kinds of risks do you face when implementing a new initiative?

  19. 她冲刺超过我, 率先抵达终点线。

    She spurted past me to get to the line first.

  20. 我们的足球队率先进入了决赛。

    Our football team was the first to reach the finals.

  21. 旅游发展计划已率先在国内实施。

    The tourism campaign has begun at home.

  22. 落实科学发展观实现太原率先发展

    Implement the Scientific Concept of Development to Make Taiyuan Take Lead in Developing Economy and Society

  23. 新国航率先实现航空运输一体化

    CNAH Pioneered to Complete Air Transportation Consolidation

  24. 有条件的地方要率先实现现代化

    Areas where conditions permit should take lead in modernizing

  25. 率先进入领导干部的思想和工作

    Be the First to Enter the Thought and Work of the Leading Cadres

  26. 可承受比率先期付款保证见。

    A bank security guaranteeing the advance payment made by the employer to the contractor in case of affordability ratio bankruptcy or other cause.

  27. 解放悍威重卡率先亮相盐田

    Hanwei Heavy Truck Made in FAW Striking Its First Pose in Yantian

  28. 中国率先研制出了这种高效肥料。

    China has taken the lead in developing this highly efficient fertilizer.

  29. 全港首张凸字观星图率先睇!

    The first piece of star map appears ?

  30. 率先现代化与国家安全思维的转换

    Leading Modernization and changing the opinion of the state security


  1. 问:率先拼音怎么拼?率先的读音是什么?率先翻译成英文是什么?

    答:率先的读音是shuàixiān,率先翻译成英文是 take the lead in doing sth.

  2. 问:率先者拼音怎么拼?率先者的读音是什么?率先者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:率先者的读音是,率先者翻译成英文是 leader



率先释义 带头;首先 《史记·绛侯周勃世家》:“前日吾诏列侯就国,或未能行。丞相吾所重,其率先之。” 唐 韩愈《元和圣德诗》序:“诚宜率先作歌诗,以称道盛德” 。