







汉语拼音:shén kān






  1. 供神像或祖宗牌位的小木阁。

    《坛经·咐嘱品》:“﹝ 惠能 ﹞奄然迁化……十一月十三日迁神龕併所传衣鉢而回。” 柔石 《夜底怪眼》:“距他们两百步的地方,神龛底前面,蜷卧着讨不回尸首的也将死去的老妇人与小姑娘。”



  1. There's a wall of DiCaprio and Kate Winslet photos adorned with red twinkling lights as if it's a shrine.


  2. Hindu temples vary regionally, but generally consist of a towering shrine and a columned hall surrounded by an elaborate wall.


  3. The temple plan is laid out on an east-west axis, clearly marked by a pair of small niches or sanctuaries, each about the size of a closet.


  4. Heading home through the empty streets, Vorenus stops at a shrine to Venus and prays that his wife will love him.


  5. This was the way we learned the language carved on steles in a tiny family shrine somewhere across the ocean.


  6. The boat was taking a statue of a sea goddess to the islands, with the four ships guarding it.


  7. He made homage before the shrine to the memory of his father.


  8. do not touch any of the temples and shrines offerings to the believers, please clockwise a tour.


  9. A shrine consecrated to the worship and consultation of a prophetic deity, as that of Apollo at Delphi.


  1. 好像一个神龛一样。

    It was like a shrine.

  2. 把神龛嵌于墙内

    Immure a shrine.

  3. 我会在神龛前打坐。

    I will meditate before the shrine.

  4. 教堂里放置神龛的地方

    An area of a church in which reliquaries are kept.

  5. 神龛外雕梁画栋, 仪仗罗列。

    On all sides of the shrine are richly ornamented columns and beams and sculptures of guarding warriors.

  6. 他们在神龛前鞠躬示敬。

    They bowed down before the shrine.

  7. 他站在神龛前默默祈祷。

    He prayed silently in front of the shrine.

  8. 他站在神龛前默默祈祷。

    He prayed silently in front of the shrine.

  9. 为爱之人才能到达神龛之前。

    He who loves reaches the shrine.

  10. 准备神龛,要你的手下撤离神庙。

    Prepare the shrine, clear your men from the temple.

  11. 他们是藏在神龛後面的神秘圣人。

    They are the mysterious divinities hidden behind the tabernacle.

  12. 于是众人转过身子面对神龛站着。

    This done, all the men turned and stood facing the altar table.

  13. 他们是藏在神龛后面的神秘圣人。

    They are the mysterious divinities hidden behind the tabernacle.

  14. 我的神龛只能是个遥远的记忆了。

    My pedestal is all but a distant memory.

  15. 他站在神龛前,向他父亲的亡灵致敬。

    He made homage before the shrine to the memory of his father.

  16. 在这?几乎每一个家庭?都有一座神龛。

    Here, there is an altar in almost every household.

  17. 而且你将这誓言放在神龛里我的牌位旁。

    And you put it in the shrine beside my tablet.

  18. 而且你将这誓言放在神龛里我得牌位旁。

    And you put it in the shrine beside my tablet.

  19. 墙凹里的某位被人遗忘之神的古代神龛。

    The ancient shrine to some longforgotten deity, recessed into the wall.

  20. 我们说话的时候,她正在向神龛上摆放祭祀的供品。

    We talk as she makes offerings to the shrine.

  21. 前面是一个由乌龟壳和贝壳制成的神龛。

    In front of that is a tabernacle made of tortoise shell and mother of pearl.

  22. 神龛下放着长方形的大供桌, 挂上了红绒桌

    Before the ancestral shrine, stood a rectangular altar table, covered with a red velvet cloth.

  23. 他们参观了圣母马利亚的神龛,为赎罪而祈祷。

    They visited the Shrine of Our Lady to pray for redemption.

  24. 谁也不知道是谁把圣面包和酒置於到神龛中了。

    No one knew who tabernacled the holy bread and wine.

  25. 神龛下放着长方形的大供桌, 挂上了红绒桌帷。

    Before the ancestral shrine, stood a rectangular altar table, covered with a red velvet cloth.

  26. 谁也不知道是谁把圣面包和酒置于到神龛中了。

    No one know who tabernacle the holy bread and wine.

  27. 两棵树间的幔子拉了开来,神龛就此展现在眼前。

    The curtain between the trees was drawn aside, and the shrine was disclosed to view.

  28. 他像一名忠实的信徒,和她们一起拜倒在这神龛面前。

    At this, their own shrine, he knelt with them, an ardent devotee.

  29. 他将她的牌位放在自设的神龛内,每天供上祭品。

    He put the ceremonial tablet in his personal shrine, and every day he set offerings before it.

  30. 然后走到神龛面前取出短剑,读着刀身上的题词。

    Then she goes to the shrine, takes the dagger, and reads the inscription on the blade.


  1. 问:神龛拼音怎么拼?神龛的读音是什么?神龛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神龛的读音是shénkān,神龛翻译成英文是 A shrine; a tiny receptacle for an idol or ancest...




【英文】[a shrine for idols or ancestral tablets] 供奉神像或神主的小阁子。

神龛 神龛,是放置道教神仙的塑像和祖宗灵牌的小阁。神龛大小规格不一,依祠庙厅堂宽狭和神的多少而定。大的神龛均有底座,上置龛。
