


1. 浑 [hún]浑 [hún]水不清,污浊:~水摸鱼。~浊。骂人糊涂,不明事理:~人。~话。~蛋。~~噩噩。全,满:~身。~然。天然的,淳朴的:~古。~朴。~厚。简直:“白头搔更短,~欲不胜簪。”姓。……





汉语拼音:hún shuǐ








  1. 浑浊不清的水。比喻龌龊的处境。

    《红楼梦》第九十回:“不然,就是他和 琴妹妹 也有了甚么不对的地方儿,所以设下这个毒法儿,要把我拉在浑水里,弄一个不清不白的名儿,也未可知。” 巴金 《家》十四:“我常常想,还是趁早走罢,清水里住过了,还来住浑水,太不值得。”



  1. But at the last moment, the pig pulled out of an event it was due to attend, after its creator decided to steer clear of politics.


  2. The rest of the G20 evinced a desire to help, but not to throw money directly into such a scrum.


  3. But at the risk of looking silly in a few days (or weeks or months or years), I'm going to ignore the obvious pitfalls and forge ahead.


  4. The role of such authorised intermediaries is at the heart of the report issued by Muddy Waters in June.


  5. Dolphins and sharks are showing up in surprisingly shallow water just off the Florida coast.


  6. Of course, no journalist would muddy the waters of a message with such a mixed bag of metaphors.


  7. Still, mortgage buybacks are one bit of new business banks could really do without.


  8. Yet, a song is just a song. . . The reality is. . . If you can't bear the stress, don't even think about it.


  9. 14Gabra women in northern Kenya spend up to five hours a day carrying heavy jerry cans filled with murky water.


  1. 浑水运动方程

    turbid flow momentum equation

  2. 浑水连续方程

    equation of continuity of sediment laden flow

  3. 高含沙浑水

    high silt laden flood

  4. 浑水分离清水装置

    turbid water hydraulic power separation equipment

  5. 浑水下渗仪研制

    Infiltration Instrument for Muddy Water

  6. 浑水之中好摸鱼。

    It is good fishing in troubled waters.

  7. 浑水水力分离清水装置

    turbid water hydraulic power separation device

  8. 我可不想蹚这摊浑水

    I don't wanna get in the middle of it.

  9. 我求你别淌这浑水。

    I beg you notto get involved with this.

  10. 浑水摄像检测技术及其应用

    Videotaping detection technology in turbid water and its application

  11. 在想办法让她淌出浑水

    were thinking about doing to get her out of this mess.

  12. 你可别跟着他这趟浑水。

    This time you really mustn't tread in muddy water and follow him blindly.

  13. 我们每个人都得趟这趟浑水

    we're gonna be involved.

  14. 少来趟这趟浑水,麦克卢斯基。

    Oh, keep out of it, Mccluskey.

  15. 美丽的河滨景致与浑水抽水站古迹。

    Features a beautiful riverside view and the historic raw water pumping station.

  16. 你呢,是一杯浑水,整天灰头灰脸。

    You are that glass of dirtied water, gray faced all day.

  17. 泥沙模型试验浑水系统的研制及应用

    Development and Application of Muddy Water System on Sediment Model Test

  18. 浑水灌溉禁锢土壤空气压力影响的研究

    Study on the effect of muddy irrigation on soil air pressure

  19. 浑水水力分离清水装置的优化试验研究

    Optimization Experiment of Turbid Water Hydraulic Power Separation Equipment

  20. 那你一开始就不该趟这滩浑水。

    Then you really shouldn't have gotten involved.

  21. 我不想让你和孩子们来趟这浑水

    I was trying to keep you out of it you and the girls.

  22. 火狐为什么要趟手机操作系统这趟浑水?

    Why is Firefox going in this direction?

  23. 浑水水力分离清水装置的流场数值模拟

    Field Flow Numerical Simulation of Turbid Water Hydraulic Power Separation Equipment

  24. 全沙排沙漏斗浑水流场特性及输沙规律

    The Sediment Fluid Flow Field Characteristics of the Sand Funnel and Its Sediment Transport Law

  25. 浑水水力分离清水装置清水流场特性试验研究

    The Experiment Research of Clear Water Field Characteristics of a Turbid Water Hydraulic Power Separation Equipment

  26. 我不想把自己扯进这趟浑水里,我不知道。

    I don't want to soil myself in these affairs. I don't know.

  27. 浑水水力分离清水装置弱旋流场特性研究

    The study on weak swirl flow field characteristics of a turbid water hydraulic separator

  28. 所以, 德国不想趟追杀塔利班这趟浑水。

    Germany doesn't want to be involved in the deadly hunt for the Taliban.

  29. 你认为我会盲目的跳进这滩浑水里吗?

    You expect me to jump into this operation blind?

  30. 浑水像小河般流溢, 把我得船冲没了。

    Rills of muddy water rushed and swelled the stream and sunk my boat.


  1. 问:浑水摸鱼拼音怎么拼?浑水摸鱼的读音是什么?浑水摸鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浑水摸鱼的读音是húnshuǐmōyú,浑水摸鱼翻译成英文是 fish in troubled waters

  2. 问:浑水拼音怎么拼?浑水的读音是什么?浑水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浑水的读音是húnshuǐ,浑水翻译成英文是 turbid water

  3. 问:浑水人流拼音怎么拼?浑水人流的读音是什么?浑水人流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浑水人流的读音是hún shuǐ rén liú,浑水人流翻译成英文是 turbid inflow


浑水,读音:hún shuǐ,汉语词语,指浑浊的水。