







汉语拼音:shí jì






  1. 时尽,谓寿终。

    《淮南子·俶真训》:“是故伤死者其鬼嬈,时既者其神漠。” 高诱 注:“既,尽也。时既当老者,则神寂漠也。” 吴承仕 校理:“‘时既’与‘伤死’对文,一则横死,一则寿终也。”



  1. Couple the fear of what others might do to me with a fear of what I might do to myself when depressed, and it feels like there is no escape.


  2. When boxing was added to the Games, there was no boxing ring, nor were there any rounds.


  3. At the time of transaction, the accounting profits will not be affected, nor will the taxable amount (or the deductible loss) be affected.


  4. When the two gears are engaged, both line-touch and point-engaging are formed to realize the point-line transmission.


  5. Many refuse to stop or yield when making a right turn, forcing cars and people out of the way.


  6. These tides, which swept across the islands and destroyed houses, came when there was neither wind nor rain.


  7. Yes, he walked through the crowd, look at them, also ignore what they said, put them not, kids all flocked to behind him, and proud of it.


  8. Most shareholders would like to think that their directors are neither drunk nor blind when doing the company's business.


  9. Do you think Donald Tsang's Policy Address delivered today has honoured his pledges made during the CE election?


  1. 她接手时既平静, 又谦逊。

    She was quiet and nonassertive as she took control.

  2. 闯红灯时既不停下来,也不东张西望。

    You don't stop or look both ways before driving through a red light.

  3. 当艺术家在进行创作时既是在启示又在回忆。

    While creating their works, artists are enlightening and recollecting simultaneity.

  4. 写作时既要遵守语法规则, 又要符合习惯用法。

    In writing one has to conform to usage as well as to the rules of grammar.

  5. 我们写作时既要遵守语法规则,又要符合习惯用法。

    In writing,one has to conform to usage as well as to the rules of grammar.

  6. 他的文笔不算好, 提到他的孩子们时既无趣又做作。

    His prose is tinny, and the mentions of his children dull and cutesy.

  7. 我出名时既没有出卖过朋友, 也没有奴颜媚骨地讨好过别人。

    I didn't sell out or Uncle Tom when I became famous.

  8. 我们在传达巴哈欧拉的佳音时既不可犹豫亦不可支吾。

    They must be neither contemptuous of the poor nor timid before the great.

  9. 设置时既快速又免费, 时时更新你的收入, 且按月支付。

    It's quick and free to set up, keeps you up to date on your earnings and pays out monthly.

  10. 苏珊回家时既瘦又弱, 孩子都差点儿认不出她了。

    Susan came home so thin and weak that her own children hardly recognized her.

  11. 本实用新型使用时既卫生, 外观又美观, 是较理想的盛装器具。

    The utility model which has the advantages of sanitary use and beautiful appearance is an ideal containing appliance.

  12. 在食既时不要忘记放大光圈。

    We must not forget to open the aperture at the second contact.

  13. 大麻疯既时离开他, 他就洁净了。

    And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed.

  14. 在学校时我既打拳击又玩橄榄球。

    At school I boxed and played rugby.

  15. 所以在进行交易时, 既有私心杂念, 也有伦理问题。

    So there is a selfish as well as a moral argument for making a deal.

  16. 我被威尔士队解聘时,既失望又错愕。

    I was both disappointed and amazed when I got the chop from the Wales team.

  17. 这些画家在佛寺壁画的创作时,既有竞争,也有合作。

    As far as mural painting is concerned, there exist both cooperation and repetition.

  18. 这些画家在佛寺壁画得创作时, 既有竞争, 也有合作。

    As far as mural painting is concerned, there exist both cooperation and repetition.

  19. 当你与他人互动时,既不要夸大其词,也不要自贬身份。

    As you interact with others, neither exaggerate nor downplay what's true for you.

  20. 正如同画画一样,在做工作时应该既要有耐心,又要认真。

    As with drawing a picture, you should be patient and careful in doing that job.

  21. 葛福临现在感到很后悔, 因为他年轻时, 既轻狂又叛逆!

    Franklin Graham regrets it now, but in his youth he was wild rebellious.

  22. 在旅行箱的底板两端都装上转动轮时, 既载人又装物旅行。

    The two ends of the bottom board are deflecting roller, to carry people and the luggage.

  23. 分手时, 她既没有哭, 也没有大吵大闹。

    She didn't weep at the parting or make any time over it.

  24. 当我发现了这些时,我既惊异又高兴。

    When I found it, I was both amazed and delighted.

  25. 当我们齐头并进时,他既没有慢下来也没有加速。

    When we drew level, he neither slowed down nor accelerated.

  26. 不守时的人既惹别人生气, 又弄得自己不快活。

    And the unpunctual man is a source of annoyance both to others and to himself.

  27. 在犬保持自然站姿时, 脚垫既不外翻, 也不内侧。

    The paws neither turn in nor out when the dog is in natural stance.

  28. 我年少时拥有的两种既互相冲突又互相补充的声音,多年来一直在我脑海里回响-太精彩了……太糟糕了……太精彩了……太糟糕了-就像两股方向相反的风猛烈地冲击着我。

    Those conflicting but complementary voices of my childhood echo down through the years - wonderful... lousy... wonderful... lousy - like two opposing winds battering me.

  29. 她进屋时的神态,显得既尴尬,又很不服气。

    She came into the house awkwardly defiant.

  30. 手工编程既复杂又费时。

    Manual programming are both complex and time consuming.