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If I were a mayor for a day, I'd pass an edict that every utility company digging up an urban street would have to pay a tree tax in kind.
如果我可以做一天市长,我会推出一项法令,每一个公共事业的公司必须为城市的街道缴纳一些树木的实用税项。The rage of the American colonists over a range of taxes imposed by the British Crown helped trigger the Revolutionary War in 1775.
美洲殖民地居民对英国王室征收的一系列税项的愤怒是1775年独立战争爆发的导火线之一。Tariff: Tax levied on certain imports, either to raise revenue or to protect domestic goods from foreign competition.
关税:公用事业费对一些进口货物所征收的税项,目的是增加财政收入或保护国内产品免遭外来竞争。Withholding Any tax that is taken directly out of an individual's wages or other income before he or she receives the funds.
指从个人薪酬或其他收入中直接扣除的任何税项。The Company is incorporated in the Cayman Islands and is exempt from taxation in the Cayman Islands.
本公司于开曼群岛注册成立,并获豁免缴纳开曼群岛税项。Taxation rates enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date are used to determine deferred taxation.
递延税项按结算日当日制定或实质制定的税率计算。Total Tax The complete amount of taxes an individual owes for a particular year after all credits have been deducted.
在扣除所有减免后一名人士需要缴交税项的总额。JPMorgan yesterday declined to comment, but bank executives have told investors that the tax charge would be "material" .
摩根大通昨日拒绝置评,但银行高管已经告知投资者,税项支出将“十分可观”。He is also quite precise on which taxes should be transferred to a federal fiscal authority.