







汉语拼音:dǎo guǐ







  1. 弄神弄鬼。借鬼神吓唬和愚弄人。

    清 芙蓉外史 《闺律》:“术工捣鬼,志在吓人。”

  2. 指求神拜佛。

    杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第二十章:“ 许宁 苦笑着说:‘妈,你不要瞎捣鬼了。什么神!是我自己不去的。’”

  3. 暗中捣乱。

    元 马致远 《青衫泪》第三折:“我 刘一郎 何曾捣鬼?小老婆多应失水。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部十:“他断定有坏人捣鬼。”

  4. 耍花招。

    《西游记》第四十回:“你这个泼怪物,今日该死了,怎么在 老孙 面前捣鬼!”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“ 魏撰之 不知其故,凭他捣鬼,只道真有个姊姊罢了。”《红楼梦》第九六回:“ 凤姐 走到 王夫人 耳边,如此这般的説了一遍…… 贾母 便问道:‘你们娘儿两个捣鬼,到底告诉我是怎么着呀。’”



  1. Just a few days ago you promised to get me an assignment. And now you go behind my back, trying to shut me up at home or send me away.


  2. But the U. S. is holding back, out of concern of appearing to be cutting back-door deals with its European allies.


  3. My memory might be playing tricks on me but I seem to remember reading once that Hungarian is the hardest European language to learn.


  4. She suspected the children were up to some mischief and she found them in the garden digging up the flowers.


  5. Eg. If he shows any of his monkey tricks with me, I'll soon tell him off.


  6. Though gas meters were considered more difficult to tamper with, this had not deterred some ambitious freeloaders.


  7. There must be someone behind the scenes who has put these boys up to playing such tricks.


  8. As Belinda went out I guess by the look on her face that she is up to something.


  9. The government played shady games, like not giving him a venue or not letting him set up a tent in the rainy weather.


  1. 暗地里捣鬼

    secretly make trouble.

  2. 他在捣鬼。

    He is bent on mischief.

  3. 有人准备捣鬼。

    There s mischief afoot, ie being planned.

  4. 你在我背后捣鬼。

    You have been operating behind my back.

  5. 当面奉承,背后捣鬼。

    Say nice things to a person's face, but play devil with him behind his back.

  6. 捣鬼, 开某人的玩笑

    pull a fast one, play a trick on somebody

  7. 耍些骗人的把戏, 捣鬼

    monkey Business

  8. 我谅你也不敢捣鬼。

    I don't think you'd have the guts to pull a fast one.

  9. 有时候, 巫婆会暗中捣鬼。

    Sometimes witches interfere.

  10. 别相信他,他在暗中捣鬼。

    Don't trust him, he is up to some tricks.

  11. 我想这里有人在捣鬼。

    I think somebody's pulled a fast one here.

  12. 整件事都是你在捣鬼。

    All this time it was you.

  13. 他怀疑有人在暗中捣鬼。

    He began to suspect that some jiggerypokery was going on.

  14. 在捣鬼 因为他们太嫉妒了

    who sabotaged it because they were so jealous.

  15. 盗窃的方法是在仪表上捣鬼。

    The method of theft was through tampering with meters.

  16. 她和妹妹串通捣鬼跟母亲作对。

    She was intriguing with her sister against her mother.

  17. 这不是他头一回打牌捣鬼了。

    It wasn't the first time that he had cheated at cards.

  18. 目前还不清楚是谁在背后捣鬼。

    It is unclear who was behind the stunt.

  19. 如果他跟我捣鬼, 我马上就会斥责他。

    Once upon a time there was a cruel monkey king who ruled in the Himalayas.

  20. 难道是她那疲倦的眼睛在跟她捣鬼?

    Were her tired eyes playing her tricks ?

  21. 难道是她那疲倦得眼睛在跟她捣鬼?

    Were her tired eyes playing her tricks ?

  22. 帝国主义是不怀好心的,总是要捣鬼的。

    They harbour evil designs and are always out to make trouble.

  23. 我得去看看那些孩子,我觉得他们在捣鬼。

    I'm going to check on those kids. I think they're up to something.

  24. 我个人认为,这是男性基因密码在捣鬼。

    Personally, I believe it is in the male genetic code to cheat.

  25. 找到捣鬼的人,无论死活都把他带来

    Find the saboteur!Bring him to me, dead or alive.

  26. 那个骗子因在玩牌中捣鬼已被逮捕。

    That card shark was arrested for his cheating in card games.

  27. 别跟我捣鬼, 我对你的诡计和手段一清二楚。

    Don't play games with me. I'm on to your tricks and manipulations.

  28. 当我念大学时,我们做了所有捣鬼的事。

    We got up to all sorts of things when I was at college.

  29. 背后必定有人教唆这些男孩这样捣鬼的。

    There must be someone behind the scenes who has put these boys up to playing such tricks.

  30. 精明得家伙老是逃跑, 或是偷马, 总是爱捣鬼。

    Your smart fellows are always running off, stealing horses, and raising the devil generally.


  1. 问:捣鬼拼音怎么拼?捣鬼的读音是什么?捣鬼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捣鬼的读音是dǎoguǐ,捣鬼翻译成英文是 make mischief




拼音:dǎoguǐ英文:play tricks

解释:[play tricks;do mischief] 暗中玩弄诡计进行搅扰或破坏背后捣鬼