







汉语拼音:fáng ài








  1. 阻碍,使事情不能顺利进行。

    南朝 齐 萧子良 《净住子净行法门·修理六根门》:“初不乐闻,反生妨碍。” 宋 范成大 《秋日田园杂兴》之四:“静看簷蛛结网低,无端妨碍小虫飞。” 雷加 《命名的传说》:“那天刮着大风,一点也没有妨碍他们的讨论。”

  2. 不利,对人有损害。

    《水浒传》第十回:“不知甚么样人,小人心下疑,只怕恩人身上有些妨碍。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·崔猛》:“但我所言,不类巫覡,行之亦盛德;即或不效,亦无妨碍。”



  1. To the drivers in the long line of cars that was backing up in the street, we were insufferable obstructions.


  2. COM components can also be without prejudice to the case of the old customers have been upgraded into a new version.


  3. Yet, even today, we still have fire buffs who seem to appear at every fire in an area. Sometimes they prevent firemen from doing their jobs.


  4. He had been told at the start of the meeting to behave themselves and not get in the way of others, so he did not have a good time.


  5. "It would be stretching the point a bit to say an economics degree is an impediment to writing about economics, " he said.


  6. The real therapy only begins when the patient sees that it is no longer father and mother who are standing in his way, but himself.


  7. Public examinations have to occur at set times, but that should not prevent holidays before or after varying by a week or two.


  8. However this did not stop people from building very large, mission critical, systems - like the Cargill Lynx Project.


  9. You can leveling the ground to determine the main thing is to work out laying of the floor, the door will hamper the switch.


  1. 妨碍,阻碍

    hinder, interrupt, hamper impediment n.

  2. 故意妨碍的

    deliberately obstructive.

  3. 阻止或妨碍

    obstruct To hinder or obstruct.

  4. 严重妨碍, 削弱

    cripple, hinder, impede handicraft n.

  5. 吸烟妨碍健康。

    Smoking often interferes with health.

  6. 严重妨碍,削弱。

    Cripple, hinder, impede handicraft n.

  7. 妨碍公职人员罪

    obstructing public officer

  8. 他们妨碍他比赛。

    They put him off his game.

  9. 妨碍物障碍物

    One that hinders an impediment.

  10. 阻碍,妨碍阻碍的行为

    The act of obstructing.

  11. 车祸妨碍了交通。

    The car accident obstructed the traffic.

  12. 我妨碍你了吗

    Am I interrupting?

  13. 希望没有妨碍你。

    Sorry, Im a little early. I hope it is not inconvenient.

  14. 不灵活的或妨碍的

    Clumsy or cumbersome.

  15. 别再妨碍我工作!

    Stop messing about my work!

  16. 别再妨碍我工作!

    Stop messing about my work!

  17. 妨碍到我做手术

    It's making surgery very difficult.

  18. 不妨碍租船合同

    Without Prejudice to the Charter Party

  19. 妨碍某人做某事

    to hinder somebody from doing something

  20. 雾天妨碍了联络。

    Misty weather interfered with the contact.

  21. 这会妨碍试验项目

    it could set back the research.

  22. 串谋妨碍司法公正

    conspiracy to pervert the course of justice

  23. 娱乐不能妨碍正事。

    Pleasure must not interfere with duty.

  24. 他的大衣妨碍他跑步。

    His overcoat hampered his running.

  25. 吸大麻可能妨碍受孕

    Marijuana Use May Thwart Pregnancy

  26. 他们会妨碍我,打搅我。

    They would interrupt and encumber me.

  27. 锯齿为木屑所妨碍。

    The teeth of the saw were clogged with saw dust.

  28. 低物价妨碍工业发展。

    Low prices discourage industry.

  29. 使失败妨碍成功阻挠

    To prevent from being successful thwart.

  30. 消沉的思想妨碍进步。

    Downhearted thoughts hinder progress.


  1. 问:妨碍拼音怎么拼?妨碍的读音是什么?妨碍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍的读音是fáng'ài,妨碍翻译成英文是 obstruct

  2. 问:妨碍某事拼音怎么拼?妨碍某事的读音是什么?妨碍某事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍某事的读音是Fáng'ài mǒushì,妨碍某事翻译成英文是 to interfere with something

  3. 问:妨碍物拼音怎么拼?妨碍物的读音是什么?妨碍物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍物的读音是,妨碍物翻译成英文是 deterrence

  4. 问:妨碍的拼音怎么拼?妨碍的的读音是什么?妨碍的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍的的读音是,妨碍的翻译成英文是 impedimental

  5. 问:妨碍者拼音怎么拼?妨碍者的读音是什么?妨碍者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍者的读音是,妨碍者翻译成英文是 obstructionist

  6. 问:妨碍发展拼音怎么拼?妨碍发展的读音是什么?妨碍发展翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍发展的读音是,妨碍发展翻译成英文是 stunt

  7. 问:妨碍抗辩拼音怎么拼?妨碍抗辩的读音是什么?妨碍抗辩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍抗辩的读音是fáng ài kàng biàn,妨碍抗辩翻译成英文是 pleas in abatement

  8. 问:妨碍地役权拼音怎么拼?妨碍地役权的读音是什么?妨碍地役权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍地役权的读音是fáng ài dì yì quán,妨碍地役权翻译成英文是 obstructing easement

  9. 问:妨碍性建筑拼音怎么拼?妨碍性建筑的读音是什么?妨碍性建筑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍性建筑的读音是fáng ài xìng jiàn zhù,妨碍性建筑翻译成英文是 obstructive building

  10. 问:妨碍拘押罪拼音怎么拼?妨碍拘押罪的读音是什么?妨碍拘押罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍拘押罪的读音是fángàijūyāzuì,妨碍拘押罪翻译成英文是 crime of impeding apprehension

  11. 问:妨碍选举罪拼音怎么拼?妨碍选举罪的读音是什么?妨碍选举罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍选举罪的读音是fáng ài xuǎn jǔ zuì,妨碍选举罪翻译成英文是 offence against election

  12. 问:妨碍通行令拼音怎么拼?妨碍通行令的读音是什么?妨碍通行令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍通行令的读音是fáng ài tōng xíng lìng,妨碍通行令翻译成英文是 quare obstruxit

  13. 问:妨碍通行权拼音怎么拼?妨碍通行权的读音是什么?妨碍通行权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍通行权的读音是fáng ài tōng xíng quán,妨碍通行权翻译成英文是 disturbance of ways

  14. 问:妨碍邮政罪拼音怎么拼?妨碍邮政罪的读音是什么?妨碍邮政罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍邮政罪的读音是fáng ài yóu zhèng zuì,妨碍邮政罪翻译成英文是 obstructing mails

  15. 问:妨碍立法程序拼音怎么拼?妨碍立法程序的读音是什么?妨碍立法程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍立法程序的读音是fáng ài lì fǎ chéng xù,妨碍立法程序翻译成英文是 obstructing proceedings of legislature

  16. 问:妨碍诉讼程序拼音怎么拼?妨碍诉讼程序的读音是什么?妨碍诉讼程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍诉讼程序的读音是fáng ài sù sòng chéng xù,妨碍诉讼程序翻译成英文是 hinder court proceedings

  17. 问:妨碍司法逮捕罪拼音怎么拼?妨碍司法逮捕罪的读音是什么?妨碍司法逮捕罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍司法逮捕罪的读音是fáng ài sī fǎ dǎi bǔ zuì,妨碍司法逮捕罪翻译成英文是 impeding apprehension

  18. 问:妨碍圣职推荐权拼音怎么拼?妨碍圣职推荐权的读音是什么?妨碍圣职推荐权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍圣职推荐权的读音是fáng ài shèng zhí tuī jiàn quán,妨碍圣职推荐权翻译成英文是 disturbance of patronage

  19. 问:妨碍信号交替交换拼音怎么拼?妨碍信号交替交换的读音是什么?妨碍信号交替交换翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍信号交替交换的读音是fáng ài xìn hào jiāo tì jiāo huàn,妨碍信号交替交换翻译成英文是 alternate mark inversion violation

  20. 问:妨碍官员执行公务拼音怎么拼?妨碍官员执行公务的读音是什么?妨碍官员执行公务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妨碍官员执行公务的读音是fáng ài guān yuán zhí xíng gōng wù,妨碍官员执行公务翻译成英文是 obstructing officer




拼音:fáng ài词义:干扰、阻碍,使事情不能顺利进行。造句棒球比赛中,凡影响比赛队员进行正常攻守的行为叫“妨碍”。