


1. 钻 [zuān]2. 钻 [zuàn]钻 [zuān]用锥状的物体在另一物体上转动穿孔:~孔。~木取火。~探。进入:~心。~营。钻 [zuàn]穿孔洞的用具:~床。~头。电~。……


1. 台 [tái]2. 台 [tāi]台 [tái]高平的建筑物:亭~楼阁。敬辞,用于称呼对方或与对方有关的事物:~鉴。~甫。像台的东西,器物的座子:井~。窗~。灯~。量词:一~戏。台湾省的简称:~胞。~币。姓。桌子、案子:写字~。发生在……



汉语拼音:zuàn tái







  1. Some combination of boats, floating platforms and helicopters will have to be employed to get rig workers there and back.


  2. A fountain of oil gushed up through the floor and high over the top of the derrick into the darkness.


  3. the total absence of fishing boats around the oil rigs.


  4. A hydraulic rotary table is designed and used to replace the mechanical-driven rotary table.


  5. Take that drill collar up to the derrick floor?


  6. The tong counter-weights must not rest on derrick sub-floor, derrick substructure sills.


  7. The least desirable jobs along with roustabout for 2011 are iron worker, lumberjack , roofer and taxi driver, it said.


  8. The correct size and type bit breaker is to be on the rig floor.


  9. One such is Flexlife, which makes equipment to detect and repair faults on the pipelines that connect undersea wells to floating platforms.


  1. 他经常离开钻台。

    He often leaves the drill floor.

  2. 钻台还没有清洗。

    The drill floor hasn't been cleaned.

  3. 近海停泊近海石油钻台

    An offshore mooring offshore oildrilling platforms.

  4. 轻型固定无钻台虎钳

    Bench vice without anvil stationary base light duty

  5. 钻台上有三只钻头。

    There are three bits on the drill floor.

  6. 现在只有司钻在钻台上。

    Only a driller is on the rig floor now.

  7. 风钻台车钻爆施工实践

    Practice of drilling and blasting construction using a pneumatic drill carriage

  8. 从那个位置上可以看见钻台。

    From that position can be seen the drill floor.

  9. 从这个屋我们看不见钻台。

    We cannot see the drill floor from this room.

  10. 今天早上这个钻工冲洗了钻台。

    This roughneck washed and cleaned drill floor this morning.

  11. 所有的多余的人都要离开钻台。

    All extra personnel are away from the rig floor.

  12. 把那根钻铤拉到钻台上来。

    Take that drill collar up to the derrick floor?

  13. 此日早上这个钻工冲洗了钻台。

    This roughneck wlung burning ashed and cleaned drill floor this morning.

  14. 石油突然从四号钻台喷射出采。

    Oil suddenly jetted out of rig number four.

  15. 他现在不在钻台工作,他在机房工作。

    He is not working on drill floor, he is working in engine house.

  16. 钳工,能够熟练操作钻台、电焊机等设备。

    Benchwork, be familiar with the operation of drills, welder, etc.

  17. 司钻不在办公室工作, 他在钻台上工作。

    The driller does not work in the office, he works on the drill floor.

  18. 检查动力钳和尾绳是否在钻台上。

    Check power tongs and spinning rope are on drill floor.

  19. 在海上钻井平台上的位于钻台下面的甲板。

    The deck below the rotary table on an offshore drilling rig.

  20. 标明钻台底下气动绞车的安全工作负荷。

    Clearly mark safe working load on the air winch below the rig floor.

  21. 标明钻台底下气动绞车得安全工作负荷。

    Clearly mark safe working load on the air winch below the rig floor.

  22. 钻台上有合适尺寸和种类得钻头盒。

    The correct size and type bit breaker is to be on the rig floor.

  23. 钻台上有合适尺寸和种类的钻头盒。

    The correct size and type bit breaker is to be on the rig floor.

  24. 用海上钻台开采石油可能比较容易做到。

    Oil, tapped from offshore rigs, would be more accessible.

  25. 今天上午他在钻台上把衣服弄湿了。

    This morning he got his clothes on the drill floor.

  26. 今地下午他在钻台上把衣服弄湿了。

    This morning he got his clothes on the drill floor.

  27. 不允许从钻台上或井架上,往下乱扔东西。

    Do not throw objects off the floor, mast or derrick.

  28. 确保不用得大钳悬挂在或拴牢在钻台得一侧。

    Ensure that tongs are not in useare hung at the side of the floor.

  29. 确保不用的大钳悬挂在或拴牢在钻台的一侧。

    Ensure that tongs are not in useare hung at the side of the floor.

  30. 油喷涌上来了, 穿过钻台, 超过井架, 喷入夜空。

    A fountain of oil gushed up through the floor and high over the top of the derrick into the darkness.


  1. 问:钻台拼音怎么拼?钻台的读音是什么?钻台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钻台的读音是zuàntái,钻台翻译成英文是 A platform where a drilling machine is installe...



zuàn tái 1.在钻井三角架或井架底部沿钻孔周围用木板搭起的工作区。drillfloor;drillingplatform 2.有一条或一条以上V形槽的钢座,钻孔时圆柱形工件紧固在槽内。 drillblock