


1. 各 [gè]2. 各 [gě]各 [gè]每个,彼此不同:~别。~得其所。~尽所能。~有千秋。~自为政。各 [gě]〔自~儿(gěr)〕自己,亦作“自个儿”。方言,特别:这个人真~。……





汉语拼音:gè rén







  1. And when they lifted up their eyes afar off, and did not know him, they lifted up their voice and wept. And each one tore his robe, and.


  2. However, it is going to be up to each individual to see that their maximum physical condition is achieved and maintained.


  3. 7Then I consulted with myself, and I rebuked the nobles, and the rulers, and said unto them, Ye exact usury, every one of his brother.


  4. Now I urge you to take some food. You need it to survive . Not one of you will lose a single hair from his head.


  5. Jack: Well, at least you know where everyone stands on the issues.


  6. let us leave her and each go to his own land, for her judgment reaches to the skies, it rises as high as the clouds.


  7. Every man is senseless and without knowledge; every goldsmith is shamed by his idols. His images are a fraud; they have no breath in them.


  8. He had allowed her to free herself; and in a minute or two the milking of each was resumed.


  9. Then I consulted with myself, and I rebuked the nobles, and the rulers, and said unto them, Ye exact usury, every one of his brother.


  1. 各人自管自。

    Let every tub stand on its own bottom.

  2. 波多黎各人

    Uh. Puerto Rican.

  3. 各人有各人的优点。

    Each has his merits.

  4. 各人有各人的嗜好。

    Every man has his hobby.

  5. 各人有各人的缺点。

    Every bean has its black.

  6. 各人有各人的理想。

    Each has his several ideal.

  7. 各人有各人的职责。

    All men have their respective duties.

  8. 各人的苦处各人知道。

    No one but the wearer knows the shoe pinches.

  9. 干吗不各人抽各人的?

    Why not everybody smoke his own?

  10. 各人都手拿拐杖。

    Each man with his staff in his hand.

  11. 他们各人自己来了。

    They came singly.

  12. 孩子们各睡各人的床。

    The children all sleep in separate beds.

  13. 其余各人全都失败了。

    As for the rest, no dice.

  14. 各人独用的餐碟

    individual saltcellars

  15. 各人有各人的位置,各人有各人的活法。

    There's place and means for every man alive.

  16. 各人自扫门前雪。

    Let every fox take care of his own tail.

  17. 其他各人遭遇完全相反。

    With others the reverse of this happens.

  18. 各人的收入明显提高了。

    Income per head rose perceptibly.

  19. 以上各人都通过了考试。

    All the above have passed the exam.

  20. 穿衣戴帽,各人所好。

    Every man after his fashion.

  21. 而各人偏好又是千差万别。

    And everybody's preferences differ.

  22. 师傅领进门修行在各人。

    A teacher can but lead you to the door, learning is up to you.

  23. 经理逐一和他们各人谈话。

    The manager spoke to them all individually.

  24. 僵尸爱好者,波多黎各人

    Zombie lover. Puerto Rican?

  25. 对这件事各人看法不一。

    Opinions differ on this matter.

  26. 遗嘱执行人把遗产分给各人。

    The executor shared out the estate.

  27. 贝是一个波多黎各人

    huge problem with the fact that Bay is Puerto Rican.

  28. 因为各人必担当自己的担子。

    For every man shall bear his own burden.

  29. 因为必用火当盐腌各人。

    49Everyone will be salted with fire.

  30. 令各人舒服和一起工作开心。

    That everyone gets on well and works well together.



各人 : ɡè rén 1.各个人;每个人。 2.自己。