







汉语拼音:huān jù








  1. 欢乐的聚会;欢乐地聚会。

    宋 柳永 《归去来》词:“灯月阑珊嬉游处,游人尽,厌欢聚。” 田汉 《毕业歌》:“我们今天欢聚在一堂,明天要掀起民族自救的巨浪。”

  2. 懽聚:欢乐地团聚。

    宋 赵师侠 《永遇乐·重明节》词:“希夷高蹈,寿康长保,五世祖孙懽聚。”懽,一本作“ 欢 ”。



  1. To know Him is life's highest attainment; and at all costs, every Christian should strive to be "on the same old terms with Him. "


  2. All your family and friends gathered here hope that today is the beginning of a wonderful lifelong partnership with the lucky groom.


  3. Today we gather here to enter for the graduation ceremony & performance of the kids from elder classes, thank you for your coming!


  4. In this new family of the night together, I give you worship a year, I wish you a happy New Year.


  5. Thanksgiving Day in the United States are in a family together, like the Chinese New Year as, emphasize the round and round circle circle.


  6. To me, Christmas means family and fun, snow and Santa Claus , and, of course, plenty of presents.


  7. Today, the Children's Day, we catch up here in a happy, bright rhythm.


  8. It seems that your new ads are trying to show that breakfast time is family time, with a certain wholesomeness.


  9. In cooler climes, many young people simply see Christmas as a time to escape their immediate families and celebrate with friends.


  1. 我们什么时候欢聚呢?

    When can we get together?

  2. 以作多日欢聚之纪念。

    In remembrance of many days we spent together.

  3. 可以俯瞰圣诞节人们的欢聚。

    And look down at Christmas below.

  4. 我希望我们都在那儿欢聚!

    I wish that we could both be there!

  5. 疾病使得我未能和你经常欢聚。

    Sickness deprived me of the pleasure of meeting you.

  6. 他们还能不能回来和朋友们欢聚?

    Would they ever find themselves again in the midst of their friends round the domestic hearth ?

  7. 春节到了,全家老小欢聚在一起。

    The whole family got together happily for the spring festival.

  8. 在爱的欢聚中, 我看到神秘缩影,

    because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature

  9. 初一这一天,全家人闭门欢聚,互不访问。

    This is the first day, the whole family gathered behind closed doors, and do not visit.

  10. 当他和家人、朋友们一起欢聚时他的情绪最佳。

    He is at his best when enjoying the company of his family and friends.

  11. 我们明天本该有个父女欢聚日的。

    We were supposed to be having a father daughter day tomorrow.

  12. 上海世博会的理念是理解,沟通,欢聚,合作。

    The philosophies of Shanghai Expo are understanding, communication, togetherness and cooperation.

  13. 很多父母宁可整天与孩子在家欢聚一天。

    Many parents would rather happily settle for a full day with their children at home.

  14. 下午下了第一节课,全校师生欢聚到柿子园。

    After the first class in the afternoon, all the teachers and pupils come to the persimmon garden.

  15. 我们非得现在谈这事吗?过节是家庭欢聚的日子。

    Do we have to talk about it right now Holidays should be about family.

  16. 这是一个财智得盛宴, 也是一个地产人欢聚得天堂。

    This is the regale of a money wisdom, also be the heaven of happy gettogether of a landed person.

  17. 这是一个财智的盛宴,也是一个地产人欢聚的天堂。

    This is the regale of a money wisdom, also be the heaven of happy gettogether of a landed person.

  18. 是喜庆节日中,人们欢聚一起即兴歌舞弹唱的活动,

    It is a kind of activity with impromptu music and dances on joyous festivals when people gather together.

  19. 一些经历了两次世界大战的退伍军人欢聚庆祝胜利。

    Some veterans of the two world wars gathered to celebrate their victory.

  20. 结果是, 你可能不欢聚在人尽可能多的像你希望的那样。

    The result is that you probably don't get together in person as much as you'd like.

  21. 缘,怎么总是以欢聚始,而以惜别终的无奈的轮回?

    Why is fate always running on the same track, fatally beginning with happy gathering and ending with sad parting?

  22. 家庭是您奔波劳累歇息的港湾,合家欢聚的温馨之所。

    House is a harbor in which you can have a rest and a place at which you can happily get together with your family.

  23. 今天,我们欢聚集一堂,迎来了幼儿园2009年冬季运动会。

    Today, we gather together and set in kindergarten 2009 winter games.

  24. 今天,我们再次在这里欢聚,因为丹尼尔博士将于明天回国。

    Today we are now gathered here again with him because he will leave for home tomorrow.


  1. 问:欢聚拼音怎么拼?欢聚的读音是什么?欢聚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢聚的读音是huānjù,欢聚翻译成英文是 happily gather

  2. 问:欢聚一堂拼音怎么拼?欢聚一堂的读音是什么?欢聚一堂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢聚一堂的读音是huānjùyìtáng,欢聚一堂翻译成英文是 be gathered happily in the same hall; be to...




拼音:huān jù词性:动词词义:快乐地团聚:~一堂。基本解释[Happy get-together;Have a happy gathering] 欢快的聚会今天,首都各界代表在这里欢聚,共庆佳节详细解释1. 欢乐的聚会;欢乐地聚会。宋 柳永 《归去来》词:“灯月阑珊嬉游处,游人尽,厌欢聚。” 田汉 《毕业歌》:“我们今天欢聚在一堂,明天要掀起民族自救的巨浪。”2. 懽聚:欢乐地团聚。宋 赵师侠 《永遇乐·重明节》词:“希夷高蹈,寿康长保,五世祖孙懽聚。”懽,一本作“ 欢 ”。