







汉语拼音:jiǔ yǐ






  1. 早就。

    清 恽敬 《与宋于廷书》:“迨正月垂尽,因雨霽赴江干,旌旆久已东发矣。”《儿女英雄传》第二六回:“原来姑娘被 张金凤 一席话,把他久已付之度外的一肚子事由儿,给提起魂儿来,一时摆佈不开了。”如:这件事我久已忘了。



  1. For a long time past I have decided to ask you a question of the deepest importance to myself.


  2. I remember , quite a while ago , that in engineering classes among the best, brightest and hardest working students were - the Chinese .


  3. Lady, you know all my desire, and long held in keeping the only treasure that I seek.


  4. What matters is talk, family, cheap wine in the open air, the wresting of minimal sweetness out of the long-known bitterness of living .


  5. As desi homecomings go , it was a mixed experience , with some long- lost relatives latching on to him as a source of subsidies .


  6. I wasn't afraid of the pain of dying - my life was more painful than any death.


  7. These words, repeated in this way from time to time over many years, formed links in an unbroken chain of friendship between them.


  8. " Tao " Even the rain to drink alone, " says: " Xinghai long been of the heart in the complex what words.


  9. There are also questions about whether it is legitimate for people alive today to take responsibility for the actions of the long dead.


  1. 我的祖父久已不在人世了。

    My grandpa has been dead for a long time.

  2. 我重新哭泣爱情久已过去的哀愁。

    And weep afresh love's long since cancell'd woe.

  3. 她开始探究她父亲久已逝去的岁月。

    She had started to delve into her father's distant past.

  4. 鼓与舞相结合的形式久已有之。

    The combination of drum and dance lasted a long time.

  5. 鼓与舞相结合得形式久已有之。

    The combination of drum and dance lasted a long time.

  6. 至于柬埔寨,新闻界的调子是久已熟知的。

    As for Cambodia, the media's themes were familiar.

  7. 我因学你的法度,久已知道是你永远立定的。

    Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old that thou hast founded them for ever.

  8. 这种小事上的类比唤起他久已忘怀的感情。

    These little resemblances opened a long hidden view of sensations.

  9. 她只有一些起码的,因为久已不用而干裂的化妆品。

    She had only rudimentary cosmetics, dry and cracking with disuse.

  10. 我久已听说, 道格尔斯?麦克阿瑟将军,

    General Douglas MacArthur, I learned

  11. 这种症状久已就有了,只是他一直没注意。

    The sign was posted long ago, but he did not notice it.

  12. 交易之中,人类被提供其久已遗忘的物质技术。

    In the bargain, humans were provided physical technology that they had long forgotten.

  13. 被动式是汉语中久已存在的一种重要语法现象。

    Passive form is one of the important grammatical phenomenons in Chinese language.

  14. 我的学校久已享有盛誉了,我由它得益很多。

    My school has long been enjoying a high reputation, and I have profited much from it.

  15. 久已要向你提出一个对我至关重要的问题。

    For a long time past I have decided to ask you a question of the deepest importance to myself.

  16. 妈妈,我向你献上真情一片,诉出我心中久已的话。

    Mother, I offer true feelings one piece to you, sues in my heart the long since words.

  17. 其批语有相当部分是针对久已风行的红楼梦评点的。

    Quite a proportion of the remark was made based on the comments on A Dream of Red Mansions that had prevailed for a long time.

  18. 一时间, 对优化还是作弊这一久已尘封的讨论又达到了高潮。

    For a short while, cogged still to optimizing this one long dusty already discussion reached a climax again.

  19. 咱们久已约定了,要以最慵懒的姿式,模糊地面对这个世界。

    Bs we promised, to face the world drowsily in our most languid positions.

  20. 另一个新现象是,久已形成的男人皆武士的形象正逐渐消失。

    Another new development is eroding the ageold stereotype of the male warrior.


  1. 问:久已拼音怎么拼?久已的读音是什么?久已翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久已的读音是jiǔyǐ,久已翻译成英文是 Refers to something that has existed or appeare...




【注音】:jiǔ yǐ


【释义】:非常的想念,思念一个人而忘记她(他)的存在。(悲与伤的一种感受) 90