


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……




簸动,向上播散:~水。~场(cháng )。~汤止沸。高举,向上:~手。~帆。趾高气~。~眉吐气。在空中飘动:飘~。称颂,传播:~言。~威。颂~。~弃。~名。姓。……





汉语拼音:fēn dào yáng biāo





也说分路扬镳。原指分路而行。后多比喻因目标不同而各走各的路。《北史·魏宗室河间公齐传》:“洛阳,我之 丰沛,自应分路扬镳。” 扬镳:驱马前进。镳(biāo):马嚼子。



  • 【解释】:分路而行。比喻目标不同,各走各的路或各干各的事。
  • 【出自】:《魏书·河间公齐传》:“洛阳我之丰沛,自应分路扬镳。自今以后,可分路而行。”
  • 【示例】:第二军总司令李烈钧,亦向广西进发,~,为国效力去了。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语、宾语;用于书面语


  1. The matter was finally settled in arbitration, and the two companies parted ways.


  2. Gillian Lyons broke up with a man she calls "the Beastmaster" and said she's been waiting for him to return her possessions for two years.


  3. He said he split with the singer because Jackson invited into his inner circle "people who really didn't have his best interests at heart. "


  4. We tried to maintain the friendship, and you might think we would have been able to since we had been so close, but we drifted apart.


  5. These two planets will soon part and go their separate ways in space, so if you were to try your luck, I would say do it now.


  6. But then one day I decided to get rid of you and to be myself.


  7. Mary: We just decided to stop seeing each other. It was all very amicable. Are you still going out with Mike?


  8. or with Che Guevara, who by many accounts broke with him over his decision to lead Cuba into the Soviet bloc.


  9. Madrid? Sucked! You know Lisa and I had our long overdue meltdown.


  1. 他们分道扬镳了

    they went their separate ways

  2. 争取权力分道扬镳

    Got every right to hit the road

  3. 两家公司要分道扬镳了。

    The two firms are going to split up.

  4. 人们分道扬镳,彼此失去联系

    People go their separate ways, lose track of each other.

  5. 我想我们该分道扬镳。

    I think we should go our separate ways.

  6. 她不想和他分道扬镳。

    She did not have the will to break with him.

  7. 他们两人分道扬镳, 各奔东西。

    The two split up and went their separate ways.

  8. 美国音乐剧为何与欧洲音乐剧分道扬镳?

    Why Does American Musicals Part their Way with European?

  9. 他考虑同那伙人分道扬镳。

    He considered breaking away from the clan.

  10. 这对年轻夫妇最近已分道扬镳了。

    The young couple have parted company recently.

  11. 它们与见神论传统分道扬镳。

    They are a departure from the Theosophic tradition.

  12. 他们还从未在行动上分道扬镳。

    They had never yet separated in act.

  13. 你是想跟我分道扬镳还是怎么的?

    You trying to finish me off, or something?

  14. 人们说孩子患病会让夫妻分道扬镳

    They say this breaks couples apart, sick kids.

  15. 他很快就与这一行当分道扬镳。

    He soon abandoned this practice.

  16. 约翰和玛丽已经分道扬镳了, 你知道吗?

    Did you know that John and Mary have split up

  17. 我希望意见不同不至于使我们分道扬镳。

    I hope this disagreement does not divide us.

  18. 这两个合伙人吵了一架之后分道扬镳了。

    The two partners split after a quarrel.

  19. 又有一对好莱坞黄金夫妻分道扬镳。

    Another Hollywood golden couple has bitten the dust.

  20. 由于意见上的不统一,我们只好分道扬镳了。

    Because of the disagreement of our views, we could not but part company.

  21. 这是我们遗憾地与孩之宝分道扬镳。

    It is with regret that we part ways with Hasbro.

  22. 如果我们迟疑不决,他们就会同我们分道扬镳。

    If we faltered, they would pursue a course different from us.

  23. 双方达成一致,绝不相互指责,继而分道扬镳。

    The two sides agreed not to criticize each other and went separate ways.

  24. 在两人分道扬镳后, 米奇的飞机失控并坠毁。

    While distracted, Mickey loses control of the plane and crashes.

  25. 我们的关系太不牢靠,所以最好还是分道扬镳吧。

    Our relationship has no substance so I think we should go our separate ways.

  26. 班纳特和弟弟由于政见不同早已分道扬镳。

    A difference in political opinions had early separated Bannet from his younger brother.

  27. 这位网球明星与他的奥地利教练分道扬镳。

    The tennis star has parted company with his Austrian trainer.

  28. 如果你不爱我,那我们就分道扬镳,另外去碰运气。

    If you do not love me, then let each of us try his luck elsewhere.

  29. 交际翻译和语义翻译在认知翻译的后阶段分道扬镳。

    Communicative and semantive translation bifurcate at a later stage of analytical or cognitive translation.

  30. 这伙人根据各自得爱好, 又从这里分道扬镳。

    From this place the party again diverged, according to their several fancies.


  1. 问:分道扬镳拼音怎么拼?分道扬镳的读音是什么?分道扬镳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:分道扬镳的读音是fēndàoyángbiāo,分道扬镳翻译成英文是 each goes their own way



“分道扬镳”是个多义词,它可以指分道扬镳(同名电影), 分道扬镳(汉语成语)。