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1. 扁 [biǎn]2. 扁 [piān]扁 [biǎn]物体平而薄:~豆。~担。~圆。~铲。古同“匾”,匾额。扁 [piān]小:~舟。……
汉语拼音:piān zhōu
《史记·货殖列传》:“ 范蠡 既雪 会稽 之耻,乃喟然而叹曰:‘ 计然 之策七, 越 用其五而得意。既已施於国,吾欲用之家。’乃乘扁舟浮於江湖。” 唐 王昌龄 《卢溪主人》诗:“ 武陵 溪口驻扁舟,溪水随君向北流。” 宋 苏轼 《前赤壁赋》:“驾一叶之扁舟,举匏尊以相属。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·听稗》:“俺们一叶扁舟桃源路,这才是江湖满地,几个渔翁。” 刘大白 《秋之泪·西湖秋泛(二)》诗:“叶叶扁舟叶叶篷,掩映著一叶叶的斜阳,摇曳著一叶叶的西风。”
汉 徐干 《中论·修本》:“乘扁舟而济者,其身也安;粹大道而动者,其业也美。”参阅 清 俞樾 《曲园杂纂·读<中论>》。
Fortunately, as if, boat exchanges, the public is not difficult to see also.
若幸而成,扁舟往来,见公不难也。Cha nine mountain peaks above the floating amid the fog, like a leaf boat, floating in the sea.
槎山九座峰顶漂浮在雾海之上,宛如叶叶扁舟,浮游于海上。Here where I was in a puny primitive boat poised precariously on the gently heaving breast of the ocean, life was elemental, primeval.
这一叶简陋的扁舟,浮泛于大海微波荡漾的胸膛上,置身其中,深觉此刻的生命是原始古朴的。Rhyme, like a lonely heart of boats, drifting across the vast deep into the night, while moving, loss of clear in my mind, heart and lakes.
心韵,像一叶孤独的扁舟,漂荡在夜的浩瀚,幽清而凄美,失落的心境,相忘江湖。From which family the prodigal son's in the boat tonight?
誰家今夜扁舟子?When summer arrives, she becomes boats in the sea. Some go down, and some stay on top. . . . . .
一到夏天,她就有如大海里的扁舟。有的沉沦,有的坚强……Drink more water and water flow Drinking more unhappy. People are not desirable, the Ming circulated make boat.
抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。人生在世不称意,明朝散发弄扁舟。Life like a leaf boat, stay on shore, how to know where to go?
人生如同扁舟一叶,呆在岸上,如何知道要去何方?"No wind and tide compiled with the prince with" boat together.