







汉语拼音:fú yóu






  1. 亦作“ 蜉蝤 ”。虫名。幼虫生活在水中,成虫褐绿色,有四翅,生存期极短。

    《诗·曹风·蜉蝣》:“蜉蝣之羽,衣裳楚楚。” 毛 传:“蜉蝣,渠略也,朝生夕死。”《汉书·王褒传》:“蟋蟀俟秋唫,蜉蝤出以阴。” 颜师古 注:“蝤音由,字亦作蝣。” 晋 郭璞 《游仙诗》:“借问蜉蝣辈,寧知龟鹤年。” 柯灵 《香雪海·给人物以生命》:“否则只好朝生而暮死,与蜉蝣同寿。”

  2. 比喻微小的生命。

    明 许自昌 《水浒记·聚义》:“云天谊,詎可量,匡救蜉蝣离虎狼,復垂怜閫内荆釵,使夫妻团圆无恙。”

  3. 比喻浅薄狂妄的人或文辞。

    清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷一:“今人未窥 韩 柳 门户,而先扫 六朝 ;未得 李 杜 皮毛,而已轻 温 李 :何蜉蝣之多也。” 何启 胡礼垣 《曾论书后》:“此而羣喙犹未息也,吾请质诸圣训以扫俗学之蜉蝣,稽诸圣言以靖伪儒之簧鼓。”

  4. 犹浮蚁。浮于酒面上的泡沫。

    五代 谭用之 《贻费道人》诗:“碧玉蜉蝣迎客酒,黄金轂轆钓鱼车。”



  1. You hold all that it can give or take away was the midge that the sun-blink brings out, and the evening wind sweeps away.

  2. And I'll close with you on the bet. I'll wager anything you want that 'Ephemera' is accepted either on the first or second offering.

  3. Sometimes he glanced over the magazines and newspapers to see how "Ephemera" was being maltreated.

  4. The body size of leptophlebiid mayflies are usually very small, many microscopical and SEM structures have been employed in previous work.

  5. Humans born into the world are like ephemeral insects on an old tree, like a drop of water in the ocean.

  6. I turned my head from them to an old gray-headed one, who was single on another leaf, and talking to himself.

  7. The parties he formed, like all Korean parties (in P. J. O'Rourke's words) had "the average life-span of a trout-stream mayfly hatch" .

  8. A man is trapped in a room with no windows, no doors and no cracks. All there was is a table.

  9. Millions upon millions of mayflies take to the air for a single devastating act to mate and then die.


  1. 蜉蝣昆虫化石

    fossil mayflies.

  2. 钓鱼用的蜉蝣

    drake fly

  3. 蜉蝣,你一定很伤心。

    Mayfly, you must be so sad.

  4. 栎树的蜉蝣感到抱歉。

    The oak tree felt sorry for the mayfly.

  5. 橡树祝福最后一次蜉蝣。

    The oak tree blessed the mayfly for the last time.

  6. 蜉蝣,有一个幸福得梦想。

    Mayfly, have a happy dream.

  7. 蜉蝣,有一个幸福的梦想。

    Mayfly, have a happy dream.

  8. 橡树和蜉蝣不断的互相交谈。

    The oak tree and the mayfly kept on talking to each other.

  9. 橡树和蜉蝣不断得互相交谈。

    The oak tree and the mayfly kept on talking to each other.

  10. 哦,对了,人呀,最后的蜉蝣。

    Oh, yes, man, the latest of the ephemera.

  11. 在这个梦想,橡树符合蜉蝣。

    In this dream, the oak tree met the mayfly.

  12. 最终,蜉蝣靠在橡树和睡着了。

    Eventually, the mayfly leaned on the oak tree and fell asleep.

  13. 我们现在将涵盖成年阶段的蜉蝣。

    We now will cover the adult phases of the mayfly.

  14. 栎树的确很高兴地看到蜉蝣。

    The oak tree was very pleased indeed to see the mayfly.

  15. 他们一般是大全能蜉蝣吸引花纹。

    Is that they make great general allpurpose mayfly attractor patterns.

  16. 想一下,如果我们活得像蜉蝣一样。

    Just think, if we embrace life like the mayfly

  17. 蜉蝣稚虫形态多样性及其适应性变化

    Morphological Diversity of Mayfly Nymphs and its Adaptive Derivation

  18. 可是蜉蝣已死, 还要身后名何用?

    But what will fame be to an ephemera who no longer exists?

  19. 蜉蝣稚虫蛋白质和酯酶同工酶的研究

    Studies on Protein and Esterase Isoenzymes of Mayfly Nymphs

  20. 鳟鱼是飞得蜉蝣, 什么是个人电脑晶片。

    The mayfly is to trout fly fishing, what the microchip is to the personal computer.

  21. 鳟鱼是飞的蜉蝣,什么是个人电脑晶片。

    The mayfly is to trout fly fishing, what the microchip is to the personal computer.

  22. 新得大型礼品店,古董店和蜉蝣销售地下。

    Large new souvenir shop, antique and ephemera sales on the ground floor.

  23. 新的大型礼品店,古董店和蜉蝣销售地下。

    Large new souvenir shop, antique and ephemera sales on the ground floor.

  24. 但爆炸的人气,作为现阶段最脆弱的蜉蝣。

    But it has exploded in popularity, as this stage is the most vulnerable for the mayfly.

  25. 我也是在大地春回及时前来掠食蜉蝣的鸟。

    And I am the bird that swoops down to swallow the mayfly.

  26. 新疆玛纳斯河流域蜉蝣目昆虫的初步研究

    Opinions on Ephemeroptera along Manasi River Valley, Xinjiang

  27. 蜉蝣的生命周期由四个阶段组成卵,蛹,亚成虫,成虫。

    The life cycle of mayflies consists of four stages egg, nymph, subimago, and imago.

  28. 虽然我只是个蜉蝣,但我也期待能成为一条大白鲨!

    Although I am a mayfly, I dream to be a White Shark.

  29. 人生天地间, 就好比蜉蝣之于老椿, 滴水之于大海, 哪里能比量?

    Humans born into the world are like ephemeral insects on an old tree, like a drop of water in the ocean.


  1. 问:蜉蝣拼音怎么拼?蜉蝣的读音是什么?蜉蝣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜉蝣的读音是fúyóu,蜉蝣翻译成英文是 mayfly

  2. 问:蜉蝣目拼音怎么拼?蜉蝣目的读音是什么?蜉蝣目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜉蝣目的读音是fú yóu mù,蜉蝣目翻译成英文是 Ephemerida

  3. 问:蜉蝣类拼音怎么拼?蜉蝣类的读音是什么?蜉蝣类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜉蝣类的读音是,蜉蝣类翻译成英文是 mayfly



“蜉蝣”是个多义词,它可以指蜉蝣(词语解释), 蜉蝣(陈绮贞演唱歌曲), 蜉蝣(齐秦演唱歌曲), 蜉蝣(昆虫)。