


1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……




1. 信 [xìn]2. 信 [shēn]信 [xìn]诚实,不欺骗:~用。~守。~物。~货。~誓旦旦。不怀疑,认为可靠:~任。~托。~心。~念。崇奉:~仰。~徒。消息:~息。杳无音~。函件:~件。~笺。~鸽。~访。随便,放任:~手(随手)……


1. 仰 [yǎng]2. 仰 [áng]仰 [yǎng]脸向上,与“俯”相对:~首。~望。敬慕:久~。敬~。依赖:~承。~赖。~仗。~人鼻息。旧时公文用语。上行文中用在“请、祈、恳”等字之前,表示恭敬;下行文中表示命令:~即尊照。服下,指……



汉语拼音:zhèng zhì xìn yǎng



  1. The beliefs of its two main political parties are often hard to tell apart. Both their leaders are grand sons of (rival) prime ministers.


  2. Although highly political, Orwell was a man who proved himself to be very open-minded and willing to change his political beliefs.


  3. "It is not a forum for you to get on a soap box for you to give your entire political beliefs, " Wilbert told Roeder.


  4. In his way to California, CASY witnessed the suffering of fellow citizens, and gradually created a new faith - a kind of political beliefs.


  5. In modern life, communism has always been cognized as a social ideal and political belief, and has been treated as a political concept.


  6. Let me begin with a confession of political faith: The state is made for man, not man for the state.


  7. Some of the activists are professional, representing large NGOs; others are students exploring their political beliefs.


  8. They say she could be an "activist judge" who will let personal feelings and political beliefs influence her rulings.


  9. A strong majority among people of all political persuasions and social groups think that Britain would be worse off without the monarchy.


  1. 社会政治信仰教育

    social and political belief education

  2. 你的政治信仰是什么?

    What is your political creed.

  3. 她忠实于自己的政治信仰。

    She is sincere in her political beliefs.

  4. 论周佛海政治信仰多变的内因

    The Internal Causes of ZHOU Fuhai's Changeable Political Belief

  5. 艺术成了她表达政治信仰的工具。

    Her art became a vehicle for her political beliefs.

  6. 她为捍卫她的政治信仰而大声疾呼。

    She spoke up in defence of her political beliefs.

  7. 我的政治信仰,我的理想迫使我否决这个议案。

    My political belief, my ideals, compel me to veto this bill.

  8. 斯大林时期的政治信仰与苏联剧变

    Political conviction in Stalin period and drastic change in Russian

  9. 简而言之, 让它成为这个国家的政治信仰。

    And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation.

  10. 她的政治信仰来自她对偏私枉法的痛恨。

    Her political beliefs grew out of her hatred of injustice.

  11. 他们让她做的事情和她的政治信仰不一致。

    What she was being asked to do did not square with her political beliefs.

  12. 他的行为是对一个政治信仰盲目忠诚导致的。

    His actions were caused by blind devotion to a political creed.

  13. 他的行为是对一个政治信仰盲目忠诚导致的。

    His actions were caused by blind devotion to a political creed.

  14. 让我先谈我的政治信仰国家为民, 而不是民为国家。

    Let me begin with a confession of political faith The state is made for man, not man for the state.

  15. 要想改变这伙人的政治信仰,那简直是枉费力气。

    To try t change the political convictions of these people would be like running you head into a brick wall.

  16. 人们和史塔西合作的重要原因是 政治信仰和实际利益

    The main reasons why people cooperated with the Stasi were political conviction and material benefits.

  17. 这是一场全国性运动,参加者的政治信仰各不相同。

    It is a national movement and has within it people of all political persuasions.

  18. 泰勒的政治信仰受到了北方和西部辉格党人的坚决反对。

    Tyler's political beliefs were strongly opposed to those of the northern and western Whigs.

  19. 他们是政治犯,因政治上的信仰而坐牢。

    They are political prisoners, in prison because of their political beliefs.

  20. 他的理论把各种政治和宗教信仰完美地结合起来了。

    His theories mesh together various political and religious beliefs.

  21. 扶轮基金会超越种族, 宗教信仰和政治。

    The Rotary Foundation looks above race, creed and politics.

  22. 战争期间,出于政治或宗教信仰的原因,有些人会被囚禁,甚至会被杀害。

    During the war, people were imprisoned and in some cases killed for their political and religious beliefs.

  23. 他们强烈感受到他们的宗教信仰与政治体制不相称。

    They feel strongly that their religion is incompatible with the political system.

  24. 我很高兴,我母亲并没有让她的信仰与政治扯上关系。

    And I like it that my mom doesn't politicize her beliefs.

  25. 你是怎样调和你的政治原则与宗教信仰的?

    How do you reconcile your political principles with your religious beliefs?

  26. 有人因为自己的政治观点和宗教信仰丢了工作。

    People have lost jobs because of their political opinions and religious beliefs.

  27. 它也宣扬了在政治机器中 怀抱信仰并以此为荣

    It is also an expression of faith in the political machine as a force of honor.

  28. 唐代文殊信仰兴盛的政治背景

    The Political Background of the Prosperity of Manjusri Belief in Tang Dynasty

  29. 马克思主义信仰教育是思想政治教育的核心和灵魂。

    The education of Marxism belief is the core and soul of ideological and political work.

  30. 我不知道你的宗教信仰如何转化为政治行动。

    I wonder how your religious beliefs would translate into political action.


  1. 问:政治信仰自由拼音怎么拼?政治信仰自由的读音是什么?政治信仰自由翻译成英文是什么?

    答:政治信仰自由的读音是zhèng zhì xìn yǎng zì yóu,政治信仰自由翻译成英文是 freedom of political conviction


