


1. 挑 [tiāo]2. 挑 [tiǎo]挑 [tiāo]扁担等两头挂着东西,用肩担着:~土。~夫(旧时以给人挑货物行李为业的人)。挑的东西:~担。挖取:~荠菜。量词,用于成挑儿的东西:一~儿白菜。选,拣:~选。~拣。~剔。~肥拣瘦。古同……


1. 刺 [cì]2. 刺 [cī]刺 [cì]用有尖的东西插入:~绣。~伤。~杀。暗杀:~客。被~。行~。侦探,打听:~探。用尖锐的话指出别人的坏处:讽~。讥~。尖锐像针的东西:芒~。鱼~。~丛。刺 [cī]象声词:~地滑了一跤。……



汉语拼音:tiāo cì








  1. 故意找差错。

    《新华月报》1979年第1期:“ 翦伯赞 同志好像预见到有人专门挑刺。” 王肯 《买菜卖菜》:“买菜就别挑刺儿。”



  1. You know these people: They're always critical of everything you do and say, which can be contagious.


  2. When your Aries dad is poking fun or picking a fight with you, believe it or not, he is saying that he loves you.


  3. I don't want you to be forever finding fault with me.


  4. Yet singling out Mr Mack may be unfair , as none of his peers are any good at this either .


  5. We are just used to fighting and nagging, but there is no absolute rightness and apparently we are no way the model of such justice.


  6. While my industry has quibbled about its true size ever since, this misses the point.


  7. It goes with the grain of Britain's ornery zeitgeist, with its antipathy to politicians.


  8. You criticize, I know that I'll never be what you want me to be.


  9. These days to store inside the woman ugly and nagging, they didn't like the taste of the flowers.


  1. 皮肤挑刺试验

    skin prick test

  2. 对一杯咖啡的价钱挑刺。

    Caviling about the price of a cup of coffee.

  3. 他竭力讨好她,但她总爱挑刺。

    He tries to please her, but she always finds fault.

  4. 在公司专机问题上挑刺很容易。

    Corporate jets are easy to pick on.

  5. 就是那个老给病人挑刺的刺猬医生。

    He has a very prickly bedside manner.

  6. 然而人们对她的演唱仍然诸多挑刺。

    But people are very critical of her singing.

  7. 对于他认为的造成浪费的公共支出,他特别爱挑刺。

    He is particularly critical of what he sees as wasteful public spending.

  8. 别坐在那儿挑刺,你或许能帮我们一次!

    Perhaps instead of sitting there finding fault you could help us for once!

  9. 你总挑刺,我知道我永远都不会变成你想的样子

    You criticize, I know that Ill never be what you want me to be.

  10. 他这个人就喜欢在别人的话中挑毛拣刺。

    He likes finding fault with what others say.

  11. 他这个人就喜欢在别人的话中挑毛拣刺。

    He likes finding fault with what others say.

  12. 你的天职就是挑我的刺

    You just live to judge me.

  13. 你的天职就是挑我的刺。

    You just live to judge me.

  14. 不是我在挑刺,就没别的了?

    Not that I'm knocking it, but is that all?

  15. 别老是挑刺,那只会把他弄糊涂。

    Don't nag because it will only confuse him.

  16. 我希望你不要再对肯尼什家的人挑刺了

    I need you to stop lashing out at the Kennishes.

  17. 男人不喜欢喋喋不休的女人。别老是挑刺, 那只会把他弄糊涂。

    A man doesn't like a talkative woman. Don't nag because it will only confuse him.

  18. 你知道的, 你挑不出里面的刺。

    You know you can't handle the bones.

  19. 马丁,闭上嘴好吗?他挑每个人的刺儿。

    Shut up, martin, alright? he gigged everybody.

  20. 希刺克厉夫挑了那最漂亮的一匹,可是不久它跛了。

    Heathcliff took the handsomest,but it soon fell lame.

  21. 一天土挑下来,肩膀早肿了,担子一压上去就针刺一样疼。

    At the end of a day's work, my shoulder was already swollen.

  22. 那少女竹棒挑起,碧影微闪,已刺入他左眼之中。

    The bamboo stick raised upward, followed by another stab into the swordmans right eye.

  23. 小时侯, 父亲总是会帮我把鱼刺挑出去。

    When I was a child, my dad used to take the bones out of the fish for me.

  24. 小时侯,父亲总是会帮我把鱼刺挑出去。

    When I was a child, my dad used to take the bones out of the fish for me.

  25. 如果你能保证把鱼都吃完,我就帮你把鱼刺挑出去。

    I'll bone the fish for you, if you promise to finish it.

  26. 如果你能保证把鱼都吃完,我就帮你把鱼刺挑出去。

    I'll bone the fish for you, if you promise to finish it.


  1. 问:挑刺儿拼音怎么拼?挑刺儿的读音是什么?挑刺儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挑刺儿的读音是tiāocìr,挑刺儿翻译成英文是 be overcritical


