


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……





汉语拼音:dé shí







  1. 获得时机。

    《国语·越语下》:“得时不成,反受其殃。”《后汉书·冯衍传上》:“且 衍 闻之,得时无怠。”

  2. 顺应天时;适合时令。

    晋 陶潜 《归去来兮辞》:“善万物之得时,感吾生之行休。” 宋 曾巩 《桐树》诗:“得时花叶鲜,照影清泉助。”

  3. 遇合机缘;行时走运。

    唐 李涉 《六叹》诗序:“清江、白云、孤山、远屿,皆得时之人吟咏性情耳。” 宋 范仲淹 《四德说》:“夫亨者……於人为得时茂勋,於国为圣贤相遇。” 明 何良俊 《四友斋丛说摘抄·史四》:“ 钱文通 ……曾在内学堂教书, 怀恩 太监出其门下,后 恩 得时,遂援引以至要路。”《白雪遗音·马头调·窝娼》:“得时的二爷们把帖换,威风凛严。”



  1. Well, you know how certain dresses are in season and out of season, in fashion or out of fashion?


  2. A chess player meets his match. Just now, less than playing piano concert. Non stop not to retreat a silent, Gu Xian have to regret.


  3. Preach the word in season, out of season, anytime, every time.


  4. People who refuse to acknowledge that complexity should not be surprised when their demands for an easy calculation go unanswered.


  5. It is our duty to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in its fullness, both in season and out of season.


  6. When the temperature field of structure has been further, the ball out of the thermal stress structure parts [10].


  7. Korea's Hyundai is unapologetic about seeing Toyota's (and corporate Japan's) loss as its gain.


  8. Let's go now live to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. -Come on, it'll be fun.


  9. A Brief Biography of Kang Deshi


  1. 肚子是最精确得时钟。

    The belly is the truest clock.

  2. 他们的足球踢得时好时坏。

    They play inconsistent football.

  3. 现在是结束然后更新得时侯。

    This is the time of completion and renewal.

  4. 我根据收音机报时拨准我得时钟。

    I set my clock by the radio.

  5. 用于校频和对时得时标扫描法

    The Technique of Scanning and Dsplay with Time Mark Used for the Frequency Calibrating and timing

  6. 时是个语言学概念,不同语言得时千差万别。

    Tense is a linguistic concept, which varies from language to language.

  7. 他总是不得时, 要不然肯定能成企业家。

    He is always unlucky, if not he would have become an entrepreneur now.

  8. 他总是不得时,要不然肯定能成企业家。

    He is always unlucky, if not he would have become an entrepreneur now.

  9. 这个函数被调用来读取系统得时钟。

    This function is called to read the system clock.

  10. 订货得时问对保持低库存至关重要。

    Timing of orders is crucial in keeping inventories low.

  11. 万富吝舍还是穷,得时知失快乐生。

    Million rich resistance shekels, or a poor life.

  12. 当信贷不可得时,再分配可以促进经济增长。

    Income redistribution may promote the economic growth when agents do not have access to credit market.

  13. 钟得发条所贮藏得能量, 在需要得时就释放出来。

    The energy stored in the clock spring is released when needed.

  14. 我记得有一次,他发现从巴伐利亚得时钟。

    I remember once he found a clock from Bavaria.

  15. 虽然普遍得误解是打开得时产生一个电流激增。

    The answer is no, despite the common misperception that turning a light on creates a power surge.

  16. 其结交朋友忠信至诚由此可见一斑,深得时人称道。

    Its loyal and sincere friends is evident from this, when people won praise.

  17. 这个研究揭示了细胞周期所处得时相调控细胞生长。

    Our study uncovers a fundamental relationship whereby cell cycle position regulates growth.

  18. 消息送达时,正是一个仲夏之日将近黄昏得时分。

    The news had been brought, towards the decline of a day in midsummer.

  19. 该模型基本反映了通波塘水量水质得时变情况。

    It Generally reflects the changes of water quantity and quality with time.

  20. 本文提出并证明了信号时域卷积得时移特性。

    This paper puts forward and proves time shift characteristic of the signal convolution integral.

  21. 这些额外得时形成得碎片进入软体动物在收获过程。

    They are formed when extra debris enters a mollusk during the harvesting process.

  22. 晒晒太阳,或者在这一天将要过去得时侯做做白日梦。

    Soak up some sun or daydream the day away. Better yet, do nothing at all.

  23. 这样, 就在接收端所在得时钟域中造成了亚稳态。

    Whenever this happens, there is a possibility of meta stability in the receiving clock domain.

  24. 我们一起笑着, 在这个极度愚蠢与完全不可能得时侯。

    We laughed together at the idiocy and sheer impossibility of such a moment.

  25. 训练时得阻力调节。

    Resistance regulation for training.

  26. 登船时得速度时8节。

    Make boarding speed of6 knots.

  27. 我三岁时得了脑膜炎

    I got meningitis at three.

  28. 灰尘得味道和焊接时得味道。

    The smell of dust and welding torches.

  29. 那过时得政权即将崩溃。

    The obsolete regime is about to collapse.

  30. 此论文属于共时得研究。

    This dissertation belongs to synchronic study.


  1. 问:得时拼音怎么拼?得时的读音是什么?得时翻译成英文是什么?

    答:得时的读音是déshí,得时翻译成英文是 To have a good opportunity.

  2. 问:得时机的拼音怎么拼?得时机的的读音是什么?得时机的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:得时机的的读音是,得时机的翻译成英文是 forehanded