


与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……


1. 柔 [róu]柔 [róu]植物初生而嫩:~荑(初生嫩芽,喻女子白嫩的手)。软,不硬:~软。~韧。~嫩。~滑。软弱,与“刚”相对:~懦。~弱。刚~相济。温和:~顺。~和。~曼(柔和妩媚)。~情。……


1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……





汉语拼音:wài róu nèi gāng








  • 【解释】:柔:柔弱;内:内心。外表柔和而内心刚正。
  • 【出自】:《晋书·甘卓传》:“卓外柔内刚,为政简惠。”


  1. MINTIMER SHAIMIEV has ruled Tatarstan, a large Muslim republic in the heart of Russia, for two decades with a soft voice and a tight fist.


  2. The boss always appears kind and sympathetic but in fact rules with an iron fist in a velvet glove.


  3. He and I are just discussing whether I have an iron fist in a velvet glove.


  4. She is an outside soft inside just of female, she almost owned the whole virtue that female can own.


  1. 斯泰因外柔内刚

    Stein's a lot tougher than he looks.

  2. 我的许多同事一致认为我们经理外柔内刚。

    Many of my co-workers agree that our manager uses an iron hand in a velvet glove.

  3. 国王外柔内刚, 统治他的臣民。

    The king governs his people with an iron hand in a velvet glove.

  4. 他是一个外柔内刚的人。

    He is one of those men who have an iron hand in a velvet glove.

  5. 我认为她是一个外柔内刚的人。

    I think that she has an iron hand in a velvet glove.

  6. 高夫将这种方式称为外柔内刚的铁拳。

    Goff calls this the iron fist, velvet glove approach.

  7. 吴地女子内刚品性溯源

    On the Origin of Women's Quality of Inner Firmness in Wu Area

  8. 我和他正在讨论我是否采用外柔内刚的手段。

    He and I are just discussing whether I have an iron fist in a velvet glove.

  9. 诗文真率豪放, 书法劲拔飘逸, 外柔内刚, 独具风采。

    Poetry straightforward, uninhibited, elegant calligraphy, drawing fresh, soft on the outside inside, unique style.

  10. 其人格品质具有内刚外和的基本特征。

    In its personality quality had just outside and basic characteristic.

  11. 妇幼保健院内,刚出生的婴儿被抱到母亲怀里。

    A mother hugs her newborn baby in the hospital.

  12. 外柔内刚地

    with an iron hand in a velvet glove.

  13. 楼盖平面内刚度是空间作用的关键。

    The stiffness of the floors is most important to the buildings.

  14. 冷库内很冷, 刚进去, 浑身上下就结了冰层。

    Cool rooms within its cold, just account myself to bear on the ice.

  15. 三维编织复合材料面内刚度和强度性能研究

    A study on in plane stiffness and strength of three dimensionally braided composites

  16. 亚洲女性表现得更为端庄腼腆,却往往外柔内刚。

    Asian women are more modest and shy, yet they tend to have an inner force.

  17. 缝合复合材料面内刚度和强度的神经网络预测

    Neural network predicting of stiffness and strength in plane of stitched composites

  18. 老板总是似乎很仁慈和富有同情心, 但实际上他是外柔内刚。

    The boss always appears kind and sympathetic but in fact iron fist in a velvet glove.

  19. 卢比刚分解达向内三腕尺以上时,主要功能中断。

    Primary function terminated when Rubikon disintegration reached three cubits inwards and increasing.

  20. 这还只是刚开始的几天内,而且仅仅在英国。

    And that's just the first few days, and just Britain.

  21. 刚一落进青瓶内,瓶中就发出了诡异的红光。

    Just a fall into green bottle of inside, in the bottle sent out uncanny red light.

  22. 内球面车床刚度原理误差

    Keywords Internal boll surface letheRigdityPrinciple tolerances

  23. 反应器内增刚聚丙烯的研究进展

    Progress on High Stiffness Polypropylene Produced Within Reactor

  24. 外层披毛为刚毛,毛质硬,内层底毛柔软浓密。

    It is a hard, wiry outer coat with a soft, dense undercoat.

  25. 刚做完开颅手术的他,颅内压不太稳定。

    Just after a having a craniotomy, his intracranial pressure is not stable.

  26. 刚做完开颅手术的他,颅内压不太稳定。

    Just after a having a craniotomy, his intracranial pressure is not stable.

  27. 刚地弓形虫醛缩酶基因及其内含子的分析

    Characterization and analysis of Toxoplasma gondii aldolase gene and intron

  28. 圆形内衬支护结构刚度二维计算对比分析

    Two Dimensional Calculation and Analysis on Circular Inner Liner Timbering Structure

  29. 坎蒂猜我听到甚么,凡内莎刚告诉我她去选美。

    Candy Guess what. Vanessa just told me that shes in a pageant.

  30. 多因素对剪内墙最优刚度影响的综合分析

    Comprehensive analysis for the effect of multifactor to the optimum stiffness of shear wall

