







汉语拼音:fàng shēng








  1. 把捕获的小动物放掉。慈悲为怀者视放生为善举。

    《列子·说符》:“ 邯郸 之民,以正月之旦献鳩於 简子 , 简子 大悦,厚赏之。客问其故, 简子 曰:‘正旦放生,示有恩也。’” 宋 沉括 《梦溪补笔谈·药议》:“予尝见丞相 荆公 喜放生,每日就市买活鱼,纵之江中,莫不洋然。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·洪由义》:“性慈善,喜放生。暇时坐 黄河 畔,见渔人起网,凡所弃小鱼细虾,暨螺蚌之属,悉拾之投于水中。”《花城》1981年第3期:“都是爸爸,妈妈从农贸市场买来的二元半一斤的田鸡给放生了。”

  2. 犹言给予活命。

    《东周列国志》第七二回:“ 越 ( 薳越 )飞驰出关,遥望之曰:‘是矣!’喝令左右一齐下手,将 訥 ( 皇甫訥 )拥入关上。 訥 诈为不知其故,但乞放生。” 郭寿 《迷路记》:“救她两条命,抛儿舍女谁忍心,为的是放生。”

  3. 北齐 处理死囚方式之一。

    《隋书·刑法志》:“帝尝幸 金凤臺 ,受佛戒,多召死囚,编籧篨为翅,命之飞下,谓之放生。坠皆致死,帝视以为欢笑。”

  4. 方言。谓中途把别人丢开。

    《海上花列传》第三八回:“ 朴斋 嗔责 阿虎 道:‘耐胆倒大哚!放生仔哩,转来哉!’”



  1. Once he saw a turtle someone was getting ready to eat. He felt sorry for it, so he bought the turtle and took it to the river.


  2. So I had to suffer as she caught it by its leg, held it upside down, and ran up the beach, where the waves would not reach.


  3. Goering did not even know about the raccoons ' release, and the authorities in Berlin tried to stop their acclimatization.


  4. We support you to take the money you make arrangements for the club, instead released, take-funded children in need of help!


  5. The breeding centers are part of efforts to help ensure the survival of the species by breeding them to be released into the wild.


  6. The young salmon are then released and head for the ocean. Guided by their sense of smell, they will return in a few years to spawn.


  7. Identify any areas of inappropriate behaviour by both parties. Suggest an ethical policy to deal with this sort of incident in the future.


  8. Do not hold fish in a bucket or some other containers and later decide to release it. If you are going to release a fish, do so right away.


  9. Shenyang wild life-saving station will be sent all over the "patient" treatment after recovery, and put them to set free.


  1. 放生池巴西龟成群结队

    Free Life Pond teeming with Brazilian turtles

  2. 西沙某部官兵放生搁浅鲸鱼

    Stranded whale returns to the sea

  3. 他把他的池塘起名为放生池。

    He called his pond the Free Life Pond.

  4. 你不要把这个放生看得小了。

    Don't take this lightly.

  5. 我们漫无目的地买了一些去放生。

    Pointlessly, we buy a few to release back into the sea.

  6. 而且他们还买来被捉得动物放生。

    They bought captured animals to set free.

  7. 而且他们还买来被捉的动物放生。

    They bought captured animals to set free.

  8. 我们漫无目得地买了一些去放生。

    Pointlessly, we buy a few to release back into the sea.

  9. 不,我觉得该把他扔回去,拿去放生

    No, I thought we'd throw him back in. Catch and release.

  10. 于是我就让它们把蝌蚪卖给我去放生。

    I asked them to sell me their tadpoles and I would set them free.

  11. 黄德环叫厨子们把乌龟带去河边放生。

    Huang Dehuan told the cooks to take the turtle to river and let it go.

  12. 黄德欢叫厨子们把乌龟带去河边放生。

    Huang Dehuan told the cooks to take the turtle to a river and let it go.

  13. 网到鱼后又把它放生,我挺开心的。

    I'm quite happy really to net a fish and then let it go.

  14. 并努力穿越毛细血管搞清楚到底放生了什么

    and try to get out of these capillary and find out what's going on.

  15. 现在我将简述放生及救赎动物生命的益处。

    I shall now in brief describe the benefits Of freeing animals and ransoming their lives.

  16. 从不法鱼贩那里没收的鱼被放生到河里。

    The fish confiscated from illegal fishmongers have been loose in the river.

  17. 小的扣紧,大的放松,池子里捕鱼,太湖里放生。

    Fussy about trifles, careless about big things. Penny wise, pound foolish.

  18. 今日弟子慈恩寄来一封含有放生支票的信。

    Today disciple Ci En sent in a letter with a check for releasing of lives.

  19. 小男孩随即很小心地把它抱到江边放生。

    Carefully, the boy released the turtle back into the river.

  20. 所以回到这里的三文鱼都是我们以前从这里放生的。

    So the salmon that return here are fish that were released from here.

  21. 所以回到这里得三文鱼都是我们以前从这里放生得。

    So the salmon that return here are fish that were released from here.

  22. 住在东南亚的人新年时放生小鸟和乌龟来祈求好运。

    Southeast Asians release birds and turtles to praise themselves good luck.

  23. 放生是令你长寿的最佳方法,是对生者和亡者的最佳仪式。

    This is the best practice for your own longevity, and the greatest ritual for the living or deceased.

  24. 审案官并不相信他把那些钱用于买小动物放生。

    The judge didn't believe he was spending the money to set little animals free.

  25. 这只受伤得赤蠵龟康复后, 已被放生。照片美联社。

    This loggerhead sea turtle was released into the wild after recovering from an injury.

  26. 在那边的小树林里有一个小水塘, 咱们去那里放生吧。

    There's a pond over there in that grove, let's go set them free there.

  27. 我计划到河对岸最深的河沟, 这样就可以把鱼放生。

    My plan is to reach the deep channel on the opposite bank so I can set it free.

  28. 然后就倾囊而出,把鱼蟹乌龟买下来去岸边放生。

    Then he would get out his money and take the fish and crabs and turtles to the shore and let them go.

  29. 当牢中难友突然放生大唱起来时, 那个看守长吓坏了。

    When the prisoners burst into song, the prison warden was frightened.

  30. 这两只秃鹫现在重新被放生于野外并产出了第四只雏鸟。

    These two birds are now back in the wild and raising their fourth chick.


  1. 问:放生拼音怎么拼?放生的读音是什么?放生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放生的读音是fàngshēng,放生翻译成英文是 release