




1. 应 [yīng]2. 应 [yìng]应 [yīng]该,当,又引申料想理该如此:~当。~该。~分(fèn )。~有尽有。回答:答~。喊他不~。~承。随,即:“桓督诸将周旋赴讨,~皆平定”。姓。应 [yìng]回答或随声相和:~答。呼……



汉语拼音:gāi yìng






  1. 方言。应该。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“却是自家没有主意,不知该应怎的?”《官场现形记》第二八回:“説起来,那一位统领,不该应拿问,不该应正法?” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》十四:“换句话说,就是议论文、诗歌、对话该应用了强弱的法则来读。”



  1. 网络
  2. should;Kain;ying

  1. 该应支付得费用是按季度支付。

    The fee is payable on a quarterly basis.

  2. 该应具报气体装置的用途陈述书。

    A written statement as to the purpose of the notifiable gas installation.

  3. 该代码应与以下代码相似

    The code should be similar to the following

  4. 该比较应根据下列规定

    Such comparison shall be based on the following

  5. 该标记应用于方法定义。

    This tag is applied to a method definition.

  6. 该发现应归功于牛顿。

    The discovery is due to Newton.

  7. 可将该属性应用于方法。

    You can apply this attribute to methods.

  8. 指定该名称应为平直名。

    Specifies that the name should be a flat name.

  9. 该方针应易于监管和理解。

    The guideline should be simple to be easily monitored and understood.

  10. 该属性应是谓词或谓词短语。

    This property should be a verb or a short verb phrase.

  11. 该赠与应交纳联邦统一转让税。

    The gift is subject to the federal unified transfer tax.

  12. 否则, 该申请应被视为未提交。

    Otherwise, the application shall be treated as if it had not been filed.

  13. 该报告应不得迟于4月15日印发。

    The report should be issued no later than15 April.

  14. 法庭判决该丈夫应迅速赎回抵押品。

    The court condemned the husband to redeem the mortage promptly.

  15. 该报酬应被视为每天在自然增长。

    That remuneration shall be deemed to accrue from day to day.

  16. 他说明了对该技术应如何进行完善。

    He described a refinement of this technique.

  17. 因此,该产品应是计算机数据的保护神。

    So, this product could be the protector of computer data.

  18. 该公司应收款项总额较2013年翻了一番。

    The total of receivables has doubled from2013.

  19. 对于新员工,该基数应是首月工资数。

    For new staff, it is based on their first month of income.

  20. 可将该特性应用于方法, 字段或属性。

    You can apply this attribute to methods, fields, or properties.

  21. 但他也提醒该集团应改进自己的表现。

    But the group is on notice to step up its performance.

  22. 工程开始前,该计划应经得监理方批准。

    The plan shall be approved by the engineer before work starts.

  23. 我们认为,该工作组应开放供所有会员国参加。

    We believe that this group should be open to participation by all Member States.

  24. 该方针应符合法制的结构要求, 并应是强制性的方针。

    The guideline should fit within the legal framework and be enforceable.

  25. 该程序应遵循顺序萃取和分离, 化学分析和仪器。

    The procedure should be sequentially followed by extraction and separation, chemical analysis and instrumental analysis.

  26. 该产品应在什么商标或商业名称下被销售?

    What trademarks or trade names may the products be sold under

  27. 一些成员认为, 该司应更好地预测信息需求。

    Some members believe that the Division should perform better in anticipating information needs.

  28. 该小组应在一公正得国际委员会监督下工作。

    The group should work under the supervision of an unbiased international commission.

  29. 该预报应包括的具体内容见附件二的第一部分。

    The notice of arrival shall include the details specified in section 1 of Annex II.

  30. 该预报应包括得具体内容见附件二得第一部分。

    The notice of arrival shall include the details specified in section 1 of Annex II.