


1. 降 [jiàng]降 [jiàng]下落,落下:下~。~旨。~临。~旗。空~。减低,贬抑:~低。~价。~职。~解(jiě)。~心相从(抵制自己心志以服从别人)。姓。基本字义● 降xiáng ㄒㄧㄤˊ投降,归顺:宁死不~。降服,使驯服。……





汉语拼音:jiàng děng







  1. 古代宾主相见,客人登东阶而上以示谦抑,称“降等”。

    《礼记·曲礼上》:“客若降等,则就主人之阶;主人固辞,然后客復就西阶。” 孙希旦 集解:“愚谓客就主人之阶,谓入门而右也。主人固辞,然后客復就西阶,谓转而向左也。主人与客之辞让,皆在门内。”

  2. 降低官阶。

    清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·王公降袭次第》:“而考以譒译、马步射,其伎皆优等,然后授以本职,否则递相降等授爵。”参见“ 降阶 ”。



  1. Then the thesis analyses sexism in terms of the generic masculine, word order and semantic derogation of women in greater detail.


  2. Throughout their lives, turban ascended to the higher tiers and are occasionally "demoted" to lower ones.


  3. Deviation: The permission for using or releasing the products which not meet the specified requirements.


  4. Push and pull, wave, move, ascending or descending, with, sports camera way to enhance the vitality;


  1. 降等与报废

    Demotion and scraping

  2. 浅谈水库的降等与报废管理


  3. 防止林业检查站木材降等变质措施及保管方法的探讨

    Approaches to Preventive Measures against Wood Degradation in Forestry Check Stations and to Wood Storage Methods

  4. 这批高档蚕丝布由于印错了花形只能降等出售了。

    Because these high-grade silks were printed with the wrong design, they have to be sold as a substandard products.

  5. 在散粮输送系统中玉米的破碎是一个引起降等的严重问题。

    The breakage of corn in bulk grain handling system is a severe problem that reduce the grain grade and quality.

  6. 药理实验表明, 具有显著抑制血小板聚集, 降血脂等功效。

    Pharmacologic studies proved that it can obviously inhibit blood platelet aggregation and showed hypolipemia activity.

  7. 结果患者经抗心律失常和降血钾等对症治疗后痊愈出院。

    Results Patient was recovery and discharged after symptomatic treatment of antiarrhythmia and lower serum potassium.

  8. 对再热机组等效热降计算特性作了简要分析。

    In this paper, characteristic of equivalent heat drop calculation of reheat unit is analysed.

  9. 敌将杨永祚、总兵孙启耀等请降,汉中平定。

    Yang Yongzuo to the enemy, such as Sun Qiyao Zong Bing Qing Jiang, Hanzhong put down.

  10. 基于不等比例降强度参数的龙滩碾压混凝土坝稳定分析

    Stability analysis of Longtan RCC dam by unequal proportional reduction material strength parameters method

  11. 现在你们要出告示命这些人停工,使这城不得建造,等我降旨。

    Give an order now, that these men are to do nothing more, and that the building of the town is to be stopped, till I give an order.

  12. 结论国产与进口鲑鱼降钙素喷鼻剂生物等效。

    Conclusion Domestic salmon calcitonin nasal spray is bioequivalent with the importation.

  13. 自费活动包括按摩、香蕉船、水上降伞、水中漫步等。

    Payable activities available including massages, banana boat, parasailing, sea walking etc.

  14. 南瓜子营养丰富,据说有降血压、治疗慢性病等很多用处。

    Pumpkin seeds are nutritious. It is said that it can be used to reduce blood pressure, and cure chronic diseases.

  15. 还具有降血压, 止血, 润肠等功效。

    It also has a lower pressure, bleeding, and so on Runchang effectiveness.

  16. 上校把中士降为一个二等兵。

    The colonel reduced the sergeant to private.

  17. 制定降本增效的计划及实施方案等。

    Set up the cost reduction plan and related scheme.

  18. 具有低压降,可微调,配有法兰等产品特点。

    Low pressure drop. Micrometer adjustment. Flanged with threaded companion flange.

  19. 具有降噪减振结构加固等专业知识优先。

    Experience and expertise with NVH or structural reinforcement desirable.

  20. 等效焓降法效率相对变化基准的选择与分析

    Selection and analysis of relative change reference of efficiency for equivalent enthalpy drop methods

  21. 等一下,如果我们再多订一些,你们能降多少价?

    Wait a minute! If we order more how much can you bring the price down.

  22. 该纸张具有无毒,无刺激,可生物降解等优点。

    The paper possesses nontoxic, non irritant and biodegradation advantages.

  23. 随着消费者收入的增加,低等物品的需求随之降少。

    As income increases the demand for an inferior good will decrease.

  24. 随着消费者收入得增加,低等物品得需求随之降少。

    As income increases the demand for an inferior good will decrease.

  25. 电气石吸附降解亚甲基蓝等有机染料的研究

    Absorption and Degradation of Organic Dyestuff Like Methylene Blue by Tourmaline

  26. 现在看来有点难。但你若打算等, 我们会给你降点价

    Well, thats rather difficult at the moment. But if youre prepared to wait, well give you a reduction in price.

  27. 降解农药的放线菌主要有诺卡氏菌属,链霉属等。

    The major pesticide degrading actinomycetes were Nocardia, Streptomyces, etc.

  28. 常压非平衡态等离子体降解挥发性烃类污染物。

    The degradation of volatile hydrocarbon waste gases by nonequilibrium plasma in normalpressure.

  29. 稠油和油砂中沥青质等重质组分的轻度氧化降解

    The mild oxidative degradation of the heavy constituents in viscous crude oil and oil sands

  30. 探讨了印染废水等难降解有机污染物处理的发展趋势。

    The treating trend for the difficult degradable organic pollutants such as dyeing wastewater as discussed.


  1. 问:降等拼音怎么拼?降等的读音是什么?降等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降等的读音是jiàngděng,降等翻译成英文是 To degrade.

  2. 问:降等分类拼音怎么拼?降等分类的读音是什么?降等分类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降等分类的读音是jiàng děng fēn lèi,降等分类翻译成英文是 underclassification