


1. 论 [lùn]2. 论 [lún]论 [lùn]分析判断事物的道理:~断。~点。~辩。~据。~者。议~。讨~。辩~。分析阐明事物道理的文章、理论和言论:理~。舆~。专~。社~。学说,有系统的主张:系统~。看待:一概而~。衡量,评定:~……





汉语拼音:lùn gāng






  1. 论述的总纲。

    梁启超 《乐利主义泰斗边沁之学说·边沁之政法论》:“其立法论纲之绪言曰:‘选举之权利,不可不公诸众人。’”



  1. On Intelligence Industry Economy --Querying the Formulation and Concept of "Knowledge Economy"


  2. Outline of views of "culture zoology and educational development"


  3. On Content System of Marxism Philosophy as "Practical Materialism"


  4. School Outline of "Information Net Retrieval and Using"


  5. Outline for the Study of "Leisure and Literature"


  6. Or when Martin Luther published his 95 theses, in 1517?


  7. Outline of the Relationship Between History of Western Metaphysics and That of Western Civilization


  8. Abstract of Advertisement Sociology--Elaborating on the Relationship between the Advertisement and its Social Interaction


  9. An Outline of Science of Civilization-- Theoretical Call for Reflection on Civilization in the Age of Globalization


  1. 桥头堡论纲

    On the Bridgehead of the Eurasian Continental Bridge.

  2. 生活境界论纲

    Outline on State of Life.

  3. 生态文明论纲

    On Programme For Cultural Ecology.

  4. 怪诞价值论纲

    Brief Expounding on Grotesque Value.

  5. 立法技术论纲

    An Outline on Legislative Technique.

  6. 依法行政论纲

    Outline of arguments on Administration of Law

  7. 账户质押论纲

    On the Charge Over Project Accounts

  8. 汉水文化论纲

    An Outline of Hanjiang River Culture

  9. 循环型经济论纲

    High lights on Circular Economy

  10. 道家生命观论纲

    On the Outlook of Life of the Taoist

  11. 演绎逻辑功能论纲

    On the Function of Deductive Logic

  12. 贿赂犯罪预防论纲

    The Prevention of the Crime of Bribe

  13. 教育法哲学论纲

    An essential demonstration to Philosophy of education law

  14. 侦查法律关系论纲

    Introduction To The Investigative Legal Nexus

  15. 经济宪政哲学论纲

    Outline of Economic Constitutionalist Philosophy

  16. 竞争对手分析论纲

    The Methodological Compendium of Analysing Competitors

  17. 私有财产权法学论纲

    Private Property Right in Science of Law

  18. 刑法主观主义生成论纲

    Subjectivism in Criminal Law Creation

  19. 当代世界民族主义论纲

    The Theory of Contemporary World Nationalism

  20. 诉权法理研究论纲

    A Research Outline of the Jurisprudence of Right to Sue

  21. 产业生态圈理论论纲

    A Primary Study of Circle of Industry Organisms

  22. 孔孟荀德治思想论纲

    On the Idea of Rule of Virtue of Confucius, Mencius and Xunzi

  23. 军事科技伦理学论纲

    Outline of Military Science and Technology Ethnics

  24. 单位犯罪诉讼程序论纲

    On Judicial Procedure of Unit Crime

  25. 广域实践唯物主义论纲

    On the general practical materialism

  26. 当代大学美育创新论纲

    On innovation of current university aesthetic education

  27. 集体主义和社会公正论纲

    An outline of collectivism and social justice

  28. 行为论与犯罪论关系论纲

    Outline of the Relationship between the Behavior Theory and the Crime Theory

  29. 中世纪科学划界思想论纲

    Outline of Medieval Thought of Demarcation of Science

  30. 江苏戏曲文物研究论纲

    On the Research of the Traditional Chinese Opera Antics in Jiangsu Province