


1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……





汉语拼音:tōng guān









  1. 交往联系。

    《史记·燕召公世家》:“与人通关约交,以五百金饮人之王。”《后汉书·乐恢传》:“后 永 ( 焦永 )以事被考,诸弟子皆以通关被繫, 恢 独曒然不污於法。” 李贤 注:“为交通关涉也。”

  2. 开通关禁。


  3. 谓筵席上某个人依次与在座的人豁拳喝酒。

    《官场现形记》第十二回:“通桌的陪花,从主人起,五啊六啊,每人豁了一个通关。”《近十年之怪现状》第十四回:“ 雨堂 的拳本来不济,打了两桌十二个人的通关,倒输了八个直落五,不觉酩酊大醉。” 端木蕻良 《曹雪芹》第四八章:“那杆儿头,就是图这个脸面,要的,就是能打个通关。”

  4. 中医指疏通关窍。

    清 蒲松龄 《草木传·番鳖造反》:“你速去逐水府二便齐下,拿住他冬葵子破血通关。”《红楼梦》第九五回:“岂知汤药不进,连用通关之剂,并不见效。”



  1. Romance will be a wildcard in September for you, for the new and full moons seem to be on a mission to find chinks in the armor.

  2. You will not be allowed to pass immigration, customs or enter the United Kingdom and transfer to another airport.

  3. Another crit was that the game play was surprisingly short for the hype generated.

  4. Detectives suspect many more get through with a few kilos and a bribe.

  5. The new system is planned to be applied to all the administrative area of Gongbei Customs early next year.

  6. Vietnam back to the greater degree of difficulty, to obtain more precious, your clearance would be helpful.

  7. Such information shall also specify the customs procedures used for clearing the goods.

  8. These smuggled goods were all confiscated when going through customs.

  9. Keeping those pumpkins around the tall-nuts seems more important to her than passing the level sometimes.


  1. 蜜调通关散

    Mitiao Tongguansan decoction.

  2. 老兵难度通关!

    Complete the Single Player Campaign on Veteran difficulty.

  3. 保税运输通关

    immediate transportation entry.

  4. 行李通关单

    baggage sufferance.

  5. 海关审核和通关。

    Customs examination and clearance.

  6. 方便你快速通关。

    Convenience you pass the customhouse rapidly.

  7. 通关藤浸膏

    Marsdenia tenacissima extract

  8. 你的行李通关了吗?

    Have you cleared your luggage with customs?

  9. 深化通关作业制度改革。

    To deepen the reform of the operational rules for customs clearance.

  10. 我需要作通关申报吗?

    Do I need to make a customs declaration?

  11. 意大利口岸通关务实指南

    Guideline of the practical clearance of the commerce at port of Italy

  12. 我想您通关没问题吧?

    I take it that you had no trouble going through customs.

  13. 这个柜台办理通关手续吗

    Is this counter open for clearance

  14. 如何查询口岸的通关情况?

    How to Enquire about the Immigration State

  15. 通关藤化学成分研究

    Studies on Constituents from Marsdenia tenacissima.

  16. 奥地利口岸通关务实指南

    Guideline of the practical clearance of the commerce at port of Austria

  17. 我要填通关申报表格吗?

    Do I fill out a customs declaration form?

  18. 通关美国可以带几条烟?

    How many packs of cigarettes can I carry into the U.S.?

  19. 我需要你的帮助,我需要通关证。

    I need your help. I need transit papers.

  20. 不随身行李到达时要通关。

    Unaccompanied baggage should be cleared when they arrive.

  21. 学习单词和短语通关听和读。

    Learn these words and phrases through your listening and reading.

  22. 阿联酋口岸通关务实指南

    Guideline of the practical clearance of the commerce at ports of United Arab Emirates

  23. 通关后增加获得勋章的几率。

    Winning the game now increases your chances of earning medals.

  24. 你要带这些去通关柜台吗?

    Will you take these to the clearance counter?

  25. 让我告知你一些通关的细节。

    Let me tell you some details about clearance.

  26. 让我告诉你一些通关的细节。

    Let me tell you some details about clearance.

  27. 通关藤两个化合物的研究

    Studies on Two Compounds from Marsdenia Tenacissima.

  28. 按通关数字计算的贸易收入差额

    Trade balance on customs clearance basis

  29. 提高服务质量, 创造优质通关环境。

    To enhance service quality, create quality environment for customs declarations

  30. 请给我一张收据作通关用。

    Please give me a written receipt for the Customs.


  1. 问:通关拼音怎么拼?通关的读音是什么?通关翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通关的读音是tōngguān,通关翻译成英文是 To pass through a custom.; To name for two cro...

  2. 问:通关节拼音怎么拼?通关节的读音是什么?通关节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通关节的读音是tōngguānjié,通关节翻译成英文是 to get round by bribery; to buy off the author...

  3. 问:通关卡拼音怎么拼?通关卡的读音是什么?通关卡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通关卡的读音是,通关卡翻译成英文是 carnet