




1. 感 [gǎn]感 [gǎn]觉出:~触。~觉。~性。~知(客观事物通过感觉器官在人脑中的直接反映)。~官。使在意识、情绪上起反应;因受刺激而引起的心理上的变化:~动。~想。反~。好~。情~。敏~。~染。~召。~慨。~喟。~叹。自豪~。……



汉语拼音:tòng gǎn









  1. 深切地感动。

    《晋书·温峤传》:“ 约 ( 祖约 ) 峻 ( 苏峻 )凶逆无道……骨肉生离,痛感天地,人心齐一,咸皆切齿。”

  2. 深切地感觉到。

    毛泽东 《<农村调查>的序言和跋》:“我现在还痛感有周密研究 中国 事情和国际事情的必要。” 郭沫若 《沸羹集·无题》:“仿佛二三十岁时的心境和现在的并没有怎么两样……一样的有时是好胜自负,有时又痛感到自己的空虚。”

  3. 痛苦的感觉。

    瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》九:“截然两个世界两个社会的人聚在一块,精神上的接触,发生种种的痛感。”



  1. If I receive bad news or someone makes a particularly hurtful remark, I'm definitely going to feel the sting of the poisoned covered spear.

  2. This finding could be very valuable clinically because normal pain sensation is essential for avoiding accidental damage.

  3. If you suffer from a sore throat, take two or more cloves, crushed or whole, at the first sign of pain.

  4. And because patients suffering chronic pain are often asked to describe it, this could actually make it worse, scientists claim.

  5. First, you'll notice a painless sore at the site of the infection, which could be anywhere on your body, not just in the genital area.

  6. That pain comes from his digestive tract --payment for the heavy meal eaten a couple of hours earlier .

  7. Sexual lumbago, dampness is mainly caused by the wind cold invade waist pain, pain for local, expression is cold sore, YinYuTian heavier.

  8. The pain returned first, searing and relentless, reminding me that I was, despite my body's best interest, still alive.

  9. In hotter chilies, such as habaneros, capsaicin can be felt on the skin if you cut the chili, as it will produce a burning sensation.


  1. 痛感与快感

    pain and pleasure.

  2. 无痛感肿瘤

    An indolent tumor.

  3. 痛感测验针

    needle for pain sensation.

  4. 痛感阵阵袭来

    the pain came in waves

  5. 痛感阵阵袭来

    the pain came in waves

  6. 快感教育与痛感教育

    Happy Education and Painful Education

  7. 这儿有刺痛感。

    It stings.

  8. 他腹部有压痛感

    and I need to get control of this bleeding.

  9. 甚至愤怒,厌恶和痛感

    even anger, disgust and pain.

  10. 我的皮肤有刺痛感

    My skin feels prickly.

  11. 小便时, 你有痛感吗?

    Does it hurt when you pass water?

  12. 小便时,你有痛感吗?

    Does it hurt when you pass water?

  13. 我背部的刺痛感

    A shooting pain in my back

  14. 刺, 戳, 或使有刺痛感

    To pierce or puncture something or cause a pricking feeling.

  15. 渐渐退去的饥饿痛感。

    The deadened pangs of hunger.

  16. 刺,戳,或使有刺痛感

    To pierce or puncture something or cause a pricking feeling.

  17. 经常运动有助于减轻痛感。

    Regular exercise can help to lessen the pain.

  18. 他痛感她的观点僵化。

    He deplored the rigidity of her views.

  19. 刺痛感剧烈刺痛的感觉。

    A stinging or smarting sensation.

  20. 右下腹处有压痛感

    Tenderness Over mcburney's point.

  21. 我脚上的刺痛感

    A prickly sensation in my foot.

  22. 排尿有疼痛感或排尿困难

    Painful or difficult urination.

  23. 我的手指有刺痛感。

    My fingers prick

  24. 痛感时意识唯一起源。

    Suffering is the sole origin of consciousness.

  25. 足部按摩有一点痛感最好。

    The effect foot massage is better if feeling pain.

  26. 是在痛感翘臀里演主角

    It's the lead in Sorest Rump.

  27. 麻醉药品能缓和饥饿的痛感。

    Drugs deaden the pangs of hunger.

  28. 摘要悲剧痛感是悲剧的精髓所在。

    Tragedian grief is the quintessence.

  29. 百姓一万倍痛感黑夜的来临

    Civilians are keenly feel the approach of dark night

  30. 我太热时皮肤有刺痛感。

    My skin pricks when I get too hot.


  1. 问:痛感拼音怎么拼?痛感的读音是什么?痛感翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痛感的读音是tònggǎn,痛感翻译成英文是 to feel keenly; sense of pain

  2. 问:痛感受器拼音怎么拼?痛感受器的读音是什么?痛感受器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痛感受器的读音是tòng gǎn shòu qì,痛感受器翻译成英文是 pain receptor