




1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……



汉语拼音:shǒu xiàng






  1. 旧时看相的一种。以看手纹预言吉凶。

    老舍 《茶馆》第一幕:“我就先给您相面吧!手相奉送,不取分文!”



  1. Then he asked if he could read my palm. I gave him my left hand and he proceeded to put me together like a three-piece puzzle.


  2. Thus the whale-line goes back and forth through the whole boat, and all the oarsmen are close to it.


  3. Chiromancy consists of the practice of evaluating a person's character or future life by "reading" the palm of that person's hand.


  4. Right now they are rubbing their hands with glee over the wretched state of the American and British economies.


  5. And two artists based in New York designed a digital puppet, a giant bird that moved in coordination with a user's arm, wrist and hand.


  6. Buchibuqi, led by the heart congratulating each other after the years that we storms counterparts!


  7. Demonstrating value obliquely - winning over her friends, telling cool stories, palm reading, etc.


  8. Maybe Palm Pilots will be able to read your palm one day. . .


  9. This feels like a palm reading, but the doctor' s description is accurate.


  1. 他给我看手相。

    He read my palm.

  2. 他们的手相触。

    Their hands met.

  3. 她靠看手相给我算命。

    She told my fortune by reading my palm.

  4. 别再想手相那套胡扯啦。

    Do not remember that nonsense of the hand.

  5. 上回出手相救的人就是他?

    Was it he who helped us in the last battle?

  6. 而后他问我能否看看我的手相。

    Then he asked if he could read my palm.

  7. 那个吉卜赛人提出要为我看手相。

    The Gipsy offered to read my hand.

  8. 危之中, 恳求神医一定出手相救。

    In danger, entreat highly skilled doctor to move to be saved certainly.

  9. 这只宝石戒指与您得手相配极了。

    The diamond ring matches your hand perfectly.

  10. 有人会看手相, 夏绿蒂会观察不动产。

    Some people read palms, Charlotte read real estate.

  11. 我看, 手相这玩意儿不见得是她捏造的。

    I don't think she was faking about the hand.

  12. 我看,手相这玩意儿不见得是她捏造得。

    I don't think she was faking about the hand.

  13. 这只宝石戒指与您的手相配极了。

    The diamond ring matches your hand perfectly.

  14. 看手相得时候要先看手型,然后才看线纹。

    When reading palms, you first look at the shape of the hand and then the lines.

  15. 关于看手相,最准确的说法是,人们相信他们想相信的东西。

    The most accurate statement about palm reading is that people believe what they want to believe.

  16. 而两个相爱的人,最终也牵手相拥地走向了生命的尽头。

    The two lovers, and ultimately embracing hand towards the end of life.

  17. 你有试过看手相吗?我知道一家看手相的摊子,听说很准哦。

    Have you tried palm reading? I know of a palm reading stall, and it is said to be very accurate.

  18. 我厂主要生产和小手扶相配套的机械。

    I plant on Shoufu production and the main phase of the mechanical support.

  19. 如果你不是我的挚爱,为什么我们的手如此相牵?

    If you are not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?

  20. 告诉我,为什么,我们从不伸出援助之手,真心相帮。

    We don't give a helping hand Tell me why ?

  21. 她的手跟我的相碰。

    Her hand met mine.

  22. 在看完我的手相后, 这位手相家还教我手相术。

    After reading my hands, the chiromancer taught me chiromancy.

  23. 手相师也看指尖和指甲的形状。

    A palmist also looks at the shape of the fingertips and nails.

  24. 在那些日子里, 拳击家赤手相斗, 以获取奖金。

    In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for prize money.

  25. 然而西方的手相师却, 生命线更显示的是生活的质量。

    Western palmists, however, think this line is more likely to signify quality of life.

  26. 红螫相手蟹

    S. haematocheir.

  27. 褶痕相手蟹

    Sesarma plicata.

  28. 缬氨霉素固定相的手性分离研究

    Study on the chiral separation of stationary phases of valinomycin.

  29. 种子从来不去问星相家或手相家。

    The seed never goes to ask an astrologer or palmist.

  30. 一只很大的红螯相手蟹在河边的草丛中散步。

    There was a big female Red claws crab in a bush of riverbank.


  1. 问:手相拼音怎么拼?手相的读音是什么?手相翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手相的读音是shǒuxiàng,手相翻译成英文是 palmistry; features of a palm

  2. 问:手相学拼音怎么拼?手相学的读音是什么?手相学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手相学的读音是shǒu xiàng xué,手相学翻译成英文是 cheirognosy

  3. 问:手相家拼音怎么拼?手相家的读音是什么?手相家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手相家的读音是,手相家翻译成英文是 chiromancer

  4. 问:手相术拼音怎么拼?手相术的读音是什么?手相术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手相术的读音是shǒu xiàng shù,手相术翻译成英文是 palmistry