







汉语拼音:qīng jiāo






  1. 辣椒的一种。

    明 宋诩 等《竹屿山房杂部·汤部·青脆梅汤》:“青消梅一斤十二两,甘草生末四两……青椒三两,红椒半两。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“乡下没什么好吃的,我就从地里摘了点韭菜,芹菜,擘兰,黄瓜,青椒,豇豆,这点东西--”



  1. He looked at the greasy veal and peppers splattered all over the kitchen walls and his finicky neatness was outraged.


  2. So I took a seat, a young man walked to come over and ask me to eat something, so I had a bowl of beef noodles peppers.


  3. By tracing experiment, we review the long distance transportation of green pepper with railway mechanically refrigerated car.


  4. I've decided to use my chopped beef to make stuffed peppers. That will be something a little different.


  5. Ratatouille: a seasoned stew made of eggplant, tomatoes, green peppers, squash, and sometimes meat.


  6. A sweet custard seemed to conclude the meal, but it was followed by a salty sea slug topped with green chilies.


  7. Scramble with a little olive oil, red and green bell peppers, maybe broccoli, onions, black pepper.


  8. Next on the menu chosen for us by his chef is steak, with beans, green peppers, rice and potatoes.


  9. green peppers, flowers, watermelons, soybeans, fish and of course rice.


  1. 青椒炒肉丁

    Saute pork with green pepper

  2. 青椒炒西红柿

    Fried Tomato with Green Capsicum

  3. 肉丝炒青椒

    pork shreds with capsicum.

  4. 剥青椒的茎

    deribbed the green peppers.

  5. 青椒炒猪肉

    Fried Pork with Green Pepper

  6. 青椒包牛肉

    Beef Wrapped in Pimiento Rolls

  7. 青椒炒河虾

    River shrimp with green chilli

  8. 煎西柿青椒

    Fried tomato with green pepper.

  9. 青椒牛肉丝

    Shredded beef with green pepper

  10. 青椒瓤猪肉

    Green pepper stuffed with minced pork

  11. 青椒汁牛柳

    Beef Tenderloin with Green Peppercorn Sauce

  12. 青椒肉丝面

    Noodles with Green Pepper and Shredded Pork

  13. 青椒鲜度保持

    keeping fresh of green pepper

  14. 青椒牛肉炒饭

    Fried rice with green pepper and beef

  15. 青椒山药肉片

    Pork slices with green pepper and Chinese yam

  16. 青椒汁鹅肉扒

    Goose steak in green pepper sauce

  17. 青椒牛肉慕思

    Fried green pepper pieces with beef mousse

  18. 西冷配青椒汁

    Sirloin Steak with Green Pepper Corn Sauce.

  19. 青椒豉汁炒牛肉

    Beef with Green Pepper And Black Bean Sauce

  20. 青椒牛肉蛋炒饭

    Fried Rice with Egg, Beef and Green Pepper

  21. 蚝油青椒肉丝饭

    Rice with Green Pepper and Shredded Pork Fried by Oyster

  22. 酸甜青椒罐头工艺研究

    Processing Technology of Acid and Sweet Green Pepper Can

  23. 影响青椒贮藏性的因素

    Effect factors on storage of green pepper

  24. 大蒜烤虾,青椒,香菜,面。

    Shrimp baked in garlic, pepper, cilantro and clear noodles.

  25. 青椒黄瓜不宜久存冰箱

    Paprica and Cucumber Should not Be Kept for Long in the Refrigerator

  26. 蘑菇,橄榄,洋葱,香料和青椒。

    Mushroom, olives, onion, oregano and green pepper.

  27. 中草药提取液贮藏青椒试验

    Experiment of the Green Pepper Storage with Chinese Herbal Medicine Extracts

  28. 黑木耳,青椒复合果酱的研制

    Study on Processing Compound Jam of Black Edible Fungus and Green Pepper

  29. 麻烦土豆青椒已被打光了。

    The potatos and the green peppers are all sold out.

  30. 我不喜欢烤青椒, 味道怪怪的。

    I did not like the grill green pepper, tasted too strange.


  1. 问:青椒拼音怎么拼?青椒的读音是什么?青椒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青椒的读音是qīngjiāo,青椒翻译成英文是 green pepper

  2. 问:青椒肉丝拼音怎么拼?青椒肉丝的读音是什么?青椒肉丝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青椒肉丝的读音是,青椒肉丝翻译成英文是 Pepper steak

  3. 问:青椒芹菜派饼拼音怎么拼?青椒芹菜派饼的读音是什么?青椒芹菜派饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青椒芹菜派饼的读音是qīngjiāoqíncàipàibǐng,青椒芹菜派饼翻译成英文是 green pepper and celery flan



“青椒”是个多义词,它可以指青椒(日本漫画海贼王人物), 青椒(大学青年教师别称), 青椒(茄科植物名)。