




居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……



汉语拼音:wū lǐ







  1. 室内。

    北周 庾信 《春赋》:“池中水影悬胜镜,屋里衣香不如花。” 唐 杜甫 《见萤火》诗:“忽惊屋里琴书冷,復乱簷前星宿稀。” 唐 姚合 《咏破屏风》:“残雪飞屋里,片水落床头。”《红楼梦》第三八回:“明日叫你黑家白日跟着我,我倒常笑笑儿,也不许你回屋里去。”

  2. 家里。

    元 萨都剌 《过嘉兴》诗:“ 吴 中过客莫思家, 江 南画船如屋里。” 柳青 《一九五五年秋天在皇甫村》:“娃在县中上学,我和老伴在屋里。”



  1. He was worried about his mother and walked up and down in the room.


  2. It is snowing again. Qiqi asks the cat to come and play with him. But the cat wants to stay inside. She does not like the snow.


  3. Then one evening, Sara was in her attic when she heard a noise on the roof. She looked up - and there at the open window was a small monkey.


  4. I used to take a lot of black and white photographs and disappear into the dark room for hours just to make pictures.


  5. It is equally good to come in and feel the warmth wrap around the body like a soft fluffy blanket.


  6. Instead of working indoors all day you should go out for a walk once in a while.


  7. He stood for a long moment, but there was no reply. He struck the heel of his hand against the door and the timbers shuddered.


  8. Chang did not return several phone calls, and one worker at the building said he was traveling and not available.


  9. The master was a fat, healthy man, but he turned very pale. He looked at the little boy in front of him with amazement. Nobody else spoke.


  1. 进屋里吧。

    Go inside the house.

  2. 屋里见,好

    I'll see you inside. Yeah.

  3. 从屋里出去

    go forth the house.

  4. 屋里尽是烟。

    Smoke filled the room.

  5. 屋里杯盘狼藉。

    Wine cups and dishes lay about in disorder in the room.

  6. 屋里没有人。

    There is no one in the room.

  7. 屋里灯光暗淡。

    The room is dimly lit.

  8. 屋里浓烟滚滚。

    It was choking with smoke.

  9. 屋里热烘烘的。

    It's very warm in the room.

  10. 新屋里岩体

    Xinwuli rock body.

  11. 在屋里闲着

    idle about in the room.

  12. 进屋里来吧。

    Come into the house.

  13. 屋里有人吗

    Is there anyone in the room

  14. 这屋里太闹。

    This room is too noisy.

  15. 这屋里有火。

    There's a fire in the room.

  16. 抱歉屋里很乱

    Excuse the mess.

  17. 屋里挤满人。

    The house is alive with people.

  18. 屋里太晒了。

    There is too much sun in the room.

  19. 屋里显得很热。

    The room feels hot.

  20. 呆在屋里如何

    How about staying indoors

  21. 屋里一片狼藉。

    The house is a mess.

  22. 那个屋里有人。

    There's a person inside.

  23. 屋里冷清清的。

    The house looked deserted.

  24. 这屋里不通风。

    This room is badly ventilated.

  25. 死神在屋里呢!

    The angel of death's in the house!

  26. 玻璃屋里的生活

    Life in a Glass House

  27. 在屋里饮酒取闹

    drink and pother in the house

  28. 屋里家具太少。

    There is very little furniture in the room.

  29. 屋里家具太少。

    There is very little furniture in the room.

  30. 一阵风吹进屋里。

    The gust of air ventilated the room.



【拼音】 wū lǐ

【注音】 ㄨ ㄌㄧˇ


◎ 屋里 wūli (1) [wife]∶指妻子 (2) [home]∶家里

【引证解释】 1. 室内。 北周 庾信 《春赋》:“池中水影悬胜镜,屋里衣香不如花。” 唐 杜甫 《见萤火》诗:“忽惊屋里琴书冷,复乱檐前星宿稀。” 唐 姚合 《咏破屏风》:“残雪飞屋里,片水落床头。”《红楼梦》第三八回:“明日叫你黑家白日跟着我,我倒常笑笑儿,也不许你回屋里去。” 2. 家里。 元 萨都剌 《过嘉兴》诗:“ 吴 中过客莫思家, 江 南画船如屋里。” 柳青 《一九五五年秋天在皇甫村》:“娃在县中上学,我和老伴在屋里。”