如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 净 [jìng]2. 净 [chēng]净 [jìng]清洁:~化。~水。~土。~心(a.清净的心;b.心里没有牵挂)。~院(佛寺。亦称“净宇”)。干~。洁~。窗明几~。使干净:~面。~手(大小便)。空,什么也没有:~尽。单纯,纯粹的……
汉语拼音:sù jing
It was plain in colour, but it had a lovely and unusual stitch .
颜色素净,织法却很独特,很好看。Attention can easily be printer head and resolution of the latest progress, because after all, these are the surface look fancy.
人们的注意辛很容易被打印机头和分辨率的最陈长进所排斥,因为这些终究都是在暗不天看起来比辛不素净的工具。Its white porcelain QingCuiYuDi generic green, the flowers with elegance, who was known as "plain and neat Cen seems Ba" Keith.
其瓷白中泛青,其花青翠欲滴,素来以典雅素净而被称为“叭思涔灞”。A tiny bunch of lilies contrasted sharply with the vivid roses, daffodils, tulips and anemones that surrounded it.
一小束素净的铃兰和周围群艳的玫瑰、水仙、郁金香、白头翁相映成趣。She wore a severe high-collared blouse with a row of small black buttons.
她身上穿着一件素净的高领口,并排镶着黑钮扣的褂子。Although using those cold and edged materials, the meaning he wants to convey is rather modest and simple.
在冰冷尖锐的材质当中,他所意图表达的内涵,却往往是素净而纯粹的。Wear Proper Clothing: Lightweight, loose clothing in neutral colors is best for birders in the summer.
穿着合适的衣服:布料轻薄,素净的宽松衣服是夏季观鸟者最好的选择。We sit down to a supper of corned - beef hash or some other modest fare .
我们坐下来吃一顿咸牛肉或其他菜式素净的晚饭。She has been liking these plain wash colors, drive vegetable E they pick to hike of the colorful ample to leftover, grace deficit.