


1. 隐 [yǐn]2. 隐 [yìn]隐 [yǐn]藏匿,不显露:~藏。~匿。~居。~士。~讳。伤痛:~恻。怜悯:恻~之心。隐 [yìn]倚,靠:~几而卧(靠着几案睡眠)。……





汉语拼音:yǐn shì







  1. 隐居不仕的人。

    《庄子·缮性》:“隐,故不自隐。古之所谓隐士者,非伏其身而弗见也。” 宋 陆游 《初到荣州》诗:“废臺已无隐士啸,遗宅上有高人家。” 冰心 《寄小读者》二六:“ 绮色佳 真美!美在深幽,喻人如隐士,喻季候如秋,喻花如菊。”

  2. 善说隐语的人。俳优之属。

    汉 刘向 《说苑·正谏》:“ 咎犯 对曰:‘臣不能为乐,臣善隐。’ 平公 召隐士十二人。”参阅“隐语”。



  1. The hermit bent his head before the two women, and gave thanks in his heart. 'If my soul is as these, ' he said, 'I am blessed indeed. '


  2. It would not do for her to drink too much, to reel about in public like the idlers of the Bamboo Brook.


  3. This would be all right if I were a hermit, but since I enjoy the company of others, I prefer to be an "early bird. "


  4. She was one of American literature's most reclusive figures.


  5. I'd get a sickening sense of dread for the fortnight leading up to them, knowing that I would become a sleep-deprived grumpy, spotty hermit.


  6. Only the sannyasi does it in the name of religion, or God, and the competitive man accepts it as a part of the social structure.


  7. Living without feedback, even in the lap of luxury, would be for all but a few recluses barely living at all.


  8. If I was a hermit, I could certainly manage with a single pair of shoes.


  9. Yet, to think of her as a friendless hermit would be incorrect.


  1. 棕隐士蜘蛛

    brown recluse spider.

  2. 遁世的隐士

    a hermit from society

  3. 隐士和野兽

    The Hermit and The Beasts

  4. 隐士般的生活

    The life of a hermit

  5. 他成为了隐士。

    He became a recluse.

  6. 隐士醉南山

    The recluse gets drunk in the southern moontain

  7. 这些隐士离群索居。

    The hermits were alienated from society.

  8. 乔提议去当隐士,

    Joe was for being a hermit

  9. 乔提议去当隐士,。

    Joe was for being a hermit.

  10. 隐士与明初政治

    The Recluse and the Politics of the Beginning of the Ming Dynasty

  11. 魏晋隐士及其品格

    Recluse Scholars in the WeiJin Period and Their Moral Nature

  12. 那隐士住在村中。

    The hermit abided in the village.

  13. 僧侣隐士的清苦生活。

    the ascetic existence of monks and hermits

  14. 僧侣, 隐士和苦行者

    monks, hermits and ascetics

  15. 驳王绩非隐士说

    To Refute the Proposition That Wangji is Not Hermit

  16. 隐士生活隐士状态或隐士生活方式

    The condition or way of life of a hermit.

  17. 他被解职後成了隐士。

    He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office.

  18. 隐士选择独自一人生活。

    A hermit chooses to live solitarily.

  19. 隐士选择独自一人生活。

    A hermit chooses to live solitarily.

  20. 潦而不倒的女隐士们

    lady hermits who are down but not out

  21. 从那以后, 他成了隐士

    After that, he became a recluse.

  22. 从那以后,他成了隐士

    After that, he became a recluse.

  23. 他给人以隐士的印象。

    He gives the impression of a recluse.

  24. 隐居处于做隐士的状况

    The condition of being a recluse

  25. 这种隐士或圣徒的坟墓

    The tomb of such a hermit or saint.

  26. 隐士为宗教原因而隐居者

    A person who has retired into seclusion for religious reasons.

  27. 我也快变成一个隐士了。

    I've been a hermit lately, too.

  28. 但你不能变成一个隐士。

    But you mustn't become a hermit.

  29. 这位隐士以耕读为乐。

    The hermit farms part of the time and studies part of the time.

  30. 这位隐士以耕读为乐。

    The hermit farms part of the time and studies part of the time.


  1. 问:隐士拼音怎么拼?隐士的读音是什么?隐士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐士的读音是yǐnshì,隐士翻译成英文是 recluse; hermit; anchoret

  2. 问:隐士的拼音怎么拼?隐士的的读音是什么?隐士的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐士的的读音是,隐士的翻译成英文是 eremitic

  3. 问:隐士夜鸫拼音怎么拼?隐士夜鸫的读音是什么?隐士夜鸫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐士夜鸫的读音是yǐnshìyèdōng,隐士夜鸫翻译成英文是 Hermit Thrush; Catharus guttatus

  4. 问:隐士般的拼音怎么拼?隐士般的的读音是什么?隐士般的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐士般的的读音是,隐士般的翻译成英文是 eremitic

  5. 问:隐士马可拼音怎么拼?隐士马可的读音是什么?隐士马可翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐士马可的读音是,隐士马可翻译成英文是 Marcus Eremita



隐士,是中华道家哲学术语。 隐士是早期的道家人物,他们跟老子一样,崇尚自然无为的人生态度,选择避世自修的生活方式。隐士一般是道家人物,而道家代表人物也往往是隐士,比如,老子、庄子、列子、河上丈人等等,都是一些有著作传世的隐士。当然,还有很多没有留下著作,并不被我们所知道的道家隐士,他们隐的更深、更纯,以致于我们无法了解他们。