







汉语拼音:cì děng







  1. 第二等;比原来差一等。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致赵家璧》:“另选次等的来补充。”



  1. For the interior parts ought to be such, and a man ought to be seen by the gods neither dissatisfied with anything nor complaining.


  2. The Toad was so anxious not to be left out that he took up the inferior position assigned to him without a murmur, and the animals set off.


  3. In the United States, an estimated two million subprime adjustable-rate mortgages are expected to reset higher in the next two years.


  4. Buyer shall accept second quality up to 5% of the total quantity with an allowance of 5%.


  5. That's because the card plans to join with both prime and subprime banks, according to a source familiar with the matter.


  6. A firm's share price on any given day, needless to say, can be a very poor guide to long-term shareholder value.


  7. Failed experiments or an aberration, Goblins have always been considered as lesser, degenerate creatures destined for obscurity.


  8. In terms of biodiversity, though, and often of carbon storage as well, they are at best inferior replacements.


  9. It is the swing between superior to inferior that leads to a state of worthlessness , or a lack of internal self-love.


  1. 次等的布料

    common cloth.

  2. 次等小麦粉

    wheat flour middling.

  3. 我们决不使用次等配料。

    We never use second quality ingredients.

  4. 没人想要次等的东西。

    Nobody wants an inferior thing.

  5. 一种天蓝色的次等宝石。

    An azure blue semiprecious stone.

  6. 可惜你永远都是次等的。

    Too bad you'll always be second class.

  7. 我不要卖给你次等的草莓。

    Instead of selling you substandard strawberries.

  8. 我们决不使用次等材料用于建筑。

    We never use second quality ingredients to build building.

  9. 黑人球员过去一直被认为是次等的。

    Black ballplayers were thought of as inferior.

  10. 利用次等红枣生产果醋的工艺研究

    Technology of vinegar production with damaged or defective Chinese jujube through fermentation

  11. 承认你们是被出卖的证明了你的次等。

    Allowing yourself to be betrayed proves your inferiority.

  12. 在这种情况下, 她只好屈就她认为的次等压头。

    And so she's had to settle for what she considers to be subpar pumps.

  13. 只有波斯人是次等人不应该对他们太好了

    It's just the Persians who aren't fully human and don't deserve to be treated very nicely.

  14. 不过那次等的是好结果。最后让我哭出来了。

    But then it was for a good one, which made me cry.

  15. 就好像被人偷车一样,那是一个次等的选择。

    It's like having your car stolen. It's an inferior option.

  16. 很多妇女甚至也满足于自己作为次等公民的角色。

    Most women even are contented with the role as second class citizen.

  17. 约瑟夫确保自己从不会被骗买一些次等原料。

    Joseph made sure that he was never palmed off with inferior stuff.

  18. 我会只是必须忍受比较少的联结和产生的次等敏感。

    I would simply have to put up with less coupling and the resulting inferior sensitivity.

  19. 船只及发电厂使用次等燃油的排放都是主要的问题所在。

    Emissions from ships using heavy residual oil, and also power stations, have been a major problem.

  20. 滑铁卢是一场头等战争,却被一个次等的将领胜了去。

    Waterloo is a battle of the first order, won by a captain of the second.

  21. 造假者在旧瓶中装入新的次等茅台酒以高价重新销售。

    Counterfeiters refill the old bottles with new, inferior moutai for resale at exorbitant prices.

  22. 产品按质量划分等次。

    The products are graded according to quality.

  23. 一个是大卫等次的弥赛亚

    Messiah in the order of David

  24. 五角场、金桥等次中心商务板块成交活跃。

    Five jiao fields, the Jinqiao gradation center commerce tectonic plate deal was active.

  25. 其中,非淋菌性尿道炎居首位,淋病,梅毒等次之。

    Among them NGU took the first place and followed by gonerrhea and syphilis.

  26. 穆迪的非优质或投机性的评级也有3个,其下又分11个等次。

    Moodys then has three nonPrime or speculative grade ratings, divided again into 11 subsidiary levels, from Ba1 to C.

  27. 比常用的氯气,次氯酸等具有更大效力。

    Thus it is more efficiency than chlorine and hypochlorous. 1.

  28. 难怪有的朋友说等我刷新一次等了好长时间。

    No wonder some friend said that she had been waiting for my renewal for a very long time.

  29. 今次他只等了六天。

    He only waited six days this time.

  30. 有多少次你正等着公交或火车, 这时手机铃响了?

    How many times have you been waiting for a bus or a train when you hear that alarming beep


  1. 问:次等拼音怎么拼?次等的读音是什么?次等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次等的读音是cìděng,次等翻译成英文是 second class; second rate; inferior

  2. 问:次等的拼音怎么拼?次等的的读音是什么?次等的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次等的的读音是cì děng de,次等的翻译成英文是 low ordinary

  3. 问:次等宝石拼音怎么拼?次等宝石的读音是什么?次等宝石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次等宝石的读音是,次等宝石翻译成英文是 semiprecious stone

  4. 问:次等正义拼音怎么拼?次等正义的读音是什么?次等正义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次等正义的读音是cì děng zhèng yì,次等正义翻译成英文是 second-rate justice

  5. 问:次等艺人拼音怎么拼?次等艺人的读音是什么?次等艺人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次等艺人的读音是,次等艺人翻译成英文是 barnstormer

  6. 问:次等继承人拼音怎么拼?次等继承人的读音是什么?次等继承人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次等继承人的读音是cì děng jì chéng rén,次等继承人翻译成英文是 secondary heir



次等 cìděng [second-class]∶第二等的,低于或次于最好的 [second-rate]∶属于低等的质量或价值的 例:次等水果,次等木材