




1. 何 [hé]2. 何 [hē]3. 何 [hè]何 [hé]疑问代词(a.什么,如“~人?”b.为什么,如“~必如此?”c.哪样,怎样,如“~不?”“~如?”d.哪里,如“~往?”e.发表反问,如“~乐而不为?”)。副词,多么:~其壮……



汉语拼音:shuí hé






  1. 谁人;哪个。

    《庄子·应帝王》:“吾与之虚而委蛇,不知其谁何。” 宋 梅尧臣 《风异赋》:“众心惊惶,广衢翳昧,莫辨谁何,执手相对。” 清 王韬 《瓮牗馀谈·田玉梅小传》:“贼援兵麕集,不知杀贼者谁何,大譁,下令闭门,大索三日。”

  2. 盘诘查问。

    《六韬·金鼓》:“凡三军以戒为固,以怠为败,令我垒上,谁何不絶。”《史记·陈涉世家》:“良将劲弩,守要害之处,信臣精卒,陈利兵而谁何。” 司马贞 索隐:“音呵,亦‘何’字,犹今巡更问何谁。” 唐 刘禹锡 《管城新驿记》:“谁何宜谨,啟闭宜度。” 清 姚鼐 《议兵》:“今之纷纷而呼於市,而谁何於道路者,夫岂非兼任也。”

  3. 宫廷警卫。

    唐 白居易 《田盛可金吾将军勾当左街事制》:“而 盛生 勋德门,有文武略,居贵介而无佚,领谁何而有劳。”《旧唐书·宦官传·王守澄》:“ 李训 从輦大呼曰:‘ 邠寧 、 太原 之兵,何不赴难?衞乘舆者,人赏百千!’於是谁何之卒及御史臺从人,持兵入 宣政殿 院,宦官死者甚众。”参见“ 大谁 ”。



  1. "Tell me whom you love, " Houssaye wrote, "and I will tell you who you are. "


  1. 如斯颜面若谁何?

    But where could I find again a face?

  2. 我该去问谁?何为你的爱烟消云散?

    Who shall I ask why you loved me then, and you don't love me now ?

  3. 我知道你是谁, 有何贵干?

    I know who you are, but what are you doing here?

  4. 由谁来决定何为其他国家的善政?

    Who decides what good governance is for other countries?

  5. 我们是谁?我们从何而来?

    Who are we? Where do we come from?

  6. 是谁教会了我们何为真实且如何揭穿谎言?

    Who teaches us what's real and how to laugh at lies?

  7. 在该文章中, 谁有克制能力?谁没有?它有何价值?

    Who has restraint in this text and who does not ?What is its value ?

  8. 最终,我们作何反应将决定谁生谁亡。

    Ultimately, how we react will decide who survives and who dies.

  9. 何时何地以及罪犯是谁,我们就可以监管警察的职责。

    where, when and by whom, and we can hold the police to account.

  10. 有何贵干?你又是谁?

    What do you want to do? And who are you?

  11. 对于邀请谁参加派对你有何建议?

    Who do you suggest we invite to the party ?

  12. 谁发明得这些词?何时何地发明得?这些至今仍是个谜。

    Just who invented them, and when or where remains a puzzle.

  13. 谁发明的这些词?何时何地发明的?这些至今仍是个谜。

    Just who invented them, and when or where remains a puzzle.

  14. 尸体何处找?谁来把它找?真假尤难辨,不知更何来!

    Where was the dead body found? Who found the dead body? Was the dead body dead when found? How was the dead body found?

  15. 今天,你对自己是谁、在何处、做何事感到满意吗?

    Are you happy with who, what, or where you are today?

  16. 他们不知道奶酪从何而来,又是谁把它们放在了那里。

    They had no idea where the Cheese came from, or who put it there.

  17. 你看见何人你看见了谁

    Tu pa vide qope Whom did you see

  18. 谁也不知道她从何处来。

    No one knows whence she came.

  19. 光荣的黎明,谁能说何时出现?

    Some glorious mornbut when Ah, who shall say

  20. 我不知道我是谁,也不知道我来自何方。

    I do not know who I am or where I came from.

  21. 我们是谁?来自何方?去往哪里?

    Who are we? Where we came from? And where is our destination?

  22. 不要忘记你是谁和你来自何方。

    Never forget who you are and where you came from.

  23. 你是谁,为了谁,我的战友你何时回?

    Who are you? For whom? My ally, when will you return?

  24. 该项目有谁资助?或该项目的资助出自何方?

    Who is providing the backing for the project ?

  25. 该项目有谁资助?或该项目得资助出自何方?

    Who is providing the backing for the project ?

  26. 如果现在不做,那何时做?如果我不做,那谁来做?

    if not now, then when? And if not me, then who?

  27. 旧爱已杳然, 痴心何悲叹!所叹谁堪解?

    Who can say why your heart sighs as your love flies?

  28. 而且何时他们做, 我们谁会出这钱。

    And when they do, we're the ones who are gonna pay for this.

  29. 地的根基安置在何处。地的角石是谁安放的。

    Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof.

  30. 让我们来检讨一下谁为正义, 让我们看看何者为善。

    Let us discern what is right, learn between us what is good.



唐 白居易 《田盛可金吾将军勾当左街事制》:“而 盛生 勋德门,有文武略,居贵介而无佚,领谁何而有劳。”《旧唐书·宦官传·王守澄》:“ 李训 从辇大呼曰:‘ 邠宁 、 太原 之兵,何不赴难?衞乘舆者,人赏百千!’於是谁何之卒及御史台从人,持兵入 宣政殿 院,宦官死者甚众。”参见“ 大谁 ”。