


1. 汲 [jí]汲 [jí]从井里打水:~水。~引(a.汲水;b.吸取)。〔~~〕形容心情急切、努力追求,如“~~于富贵”。姓。……





汉语拼音:jī shuǐ




  1. I could hear small lapping sounds beside me, as if a kindly monster was taking discreet sips of water from a large goblet.


  2. At bore holes deep wells, it's the same story. Women or young girls have walked for miles to come and fetch water, a time-consuming process.


  3. With the sourcing water oxygen energy converged, it finishes off the lock, supplementation and absorption of water.


  4. fire hydrant : an upright pipe with a nozzle or spout for drawing water from a water main.


  5. We came across this footbridge where these children were carrying flour. In Nepal, kids do a tremendous amount of physical labor.


  6. a wheel with buckets attached to its rim; raises water from a stream or pond.


  7. Later said off-year dynasty, not sweeping, don't ever fire, not with the same age, toward the courtyards.


  8. Boys and girls have their own tasks; for boys, the collection of drinking water from nearby meltwater streams is a traditional duty.


  9. The women would come to fill their jars in the pond, and your huge black shadow would wriggle on the water like sleep struggling to wake up.


  1. 汲水门航道

    Kap Shui Mun Fairway.

  2. 我们从该井汲水。

    We draw water from the well.

  3. 瓦罐常汲水,最终要破碎。

    A pot sent to the well is broken at last.

  4. 男人们喂养牲口, 挤牛奶和汲水。

    The men feed and milk the animals and fetch the water.

  5. 清水汲水前,污水休倒掉。

    Cast no out the foul water till you bring in the clean.

  6. 由大屿山看汲水门桥

    Kap shui mun bridge looking from lantau island

  7. 汲水门大桥出现于下列钱钞

    Kap shui mun bridge appears on the following banknote

  8. 我们在过吊桥时遇到的汲水的孩子。

    We came across this footbridge where these children were carrying flour.

  9. 我们可以从这口老井中汲水。

    We can derive water from that old well.

  10. 我们可以从这口老井中汲水。

    We can derive water from that old well.

  11. 小舟进水后, 两人都忙着汲水。

    Both men were kept busy bailing out the rowboat after it began to leak.

  12. 常到井边汲水的瓦罐早晚会被打破。

    The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is Broken at last.

  13. 汇聚源源水氧能,锁水,补水,汲水一并完成。

    With the sourcing water oxygen energy converged, it finishes off the lock absorption of water.

  14. 汲水门桥主跨钢结构件的制作工艺

    The Fabrication Procedure of Kap Shui Mun Bridge Main Span Steel Structure for Hongkong New Airport

  15. 在那样的阴影之下妇女和儿童怎么敢来汲水呢?

    How can the women and the children draw water!

  16. 白日已过,暗影笼罩大地。是我到河边汲水的时候了。

    The day is no more, the shadow is upon the earth. It is time that I go to the stream to fill my pitcher.

  17. 白日已过,暗影笼罩大地。是我到河边汲水得时候了。

    The day is no more, the shadow is upon the earth. It is time that I go to the stream to fill my pitcher.


  1. 问:汲水拼音怎么拼?汲水的读音是什么?汲水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汲水的读音是jí shuǐ,汲水翻译成英文是 draw water

  2. 问:汲水桶拼音怎么拼?汲水桶的读音是什么?汲水桶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汲水桶的读音是,汲水桶翻译成英文是 piggin



“汲水”是个多义词,它可以指汲水(版画 《汲水》), 汲水(词语)。