




1. 降 [jiàng]降 [jiàng]下落,落下:下~。~旨。~临。~旗。空~。减低,贬抑:~低。~价。~职。~解(jiě)。~心相从(抵制自己心志以服从别人)。姓。基本字义● 降xiáng ㄒㄧㄤˊ投降,归顺:宁死不~。降服,使驯服。……



汉语拼音:zhòu jiàng








  1. 指雨雪等突然落下。

    《太平广记》卷四二一引 唐 张读 《宣室志·萧昕》:“ 昕 鞭马疾驱,未及数十步,云物凝晦,暴雨骤降。”如:北方的冷空气一来,气温骤降。



  1. When a currency goes into a fall like the dollar's recent plunge, the trend starts to feed on itself.


  2. As the output slump sends Germany's jobless rate towards double-digits, it is hard to see consumers going on a spending spree.


  3. A glut of new ships entering the market just as the global crisis hit demand for shipping was also a factor.


  4. News of such a decline, published today in Current Biology, would be saddening in any species.


  5. Experts also worried that some animals in the mountains might not be able to overcome the challenge of the temperature's sudden drop.


  6. with snow drifted high under gray skies and temperatures dropping below zero , we longed for spring and wondered if it would ever arrive.


  7. On Tuesday, after the news of a possible bailout, the cost of insuring Greek debt, as measured by credit-default swaps, plunged.


  8. It's at this time of year when Brits start wearing their gloves and hats as the autumn nights set in and the temperature plummets.


  9. Since Robinson had the sag correctors installed, cereal production has been able to ride through brown outs and brief power interruptions.


  1. 气温骤降。

    The temperature dropped abruptly.

  2. 价格的骤降

    a sharp drop in prices.

  3. 电网电压骤降

    grid voltage dips

  4. 库水位骤降

    sudden drawdown of reservoir water level.

  5. 出生率的骤降

    a steep decline in the birth rate

  6. 房地产价格骤降。

    Property prices have dropped through the floor.

  7. 她的血压骤降

    Her b. p. Is dangerously low.

  8. 气温也会骤降。

    The temperature will jump down, too.

  9. 气温骤降到零下。

    The temperature dropped below zero.

  10. 骤降, 大幅度降低

    Plummet to decline suddenly and steeply

  11. 温度骤降至零下。

    The temperature plunged below freezing.

  12. 这架飞机俯冲骤降。

    The airplane power-dived.

  13. 温度骤降至冰点以下。

    The temperature plunged below freezing.

  14. 风暴过后,气温会骤降。

    After the storm there will be a sharp drop in temperature.

  15. 专利到期药价将骤降。

    Drug prices to plummet as patents expire.

  16. 她的血管堵塞,血压骤降

    She's tamponading Her b. p's crashed.

  17. 电力系统电压骤降的研究

    Research on Voltage Sags in Power Systems

  18. 温度骤降到了零下十度。

    The temperature dived to ten below zero.

  19. 温度骤降到了零下十度。

    The temperature dived to ten below zero.

  20. 不知道,但他的血压骤降

    I don't know, but his pressure's tanking.

  21. 由于经营不善, 公司利润骤降。

    Through bad operation, the company had a slump in profits.

  22. 由于经营不善,公司利润骤降。

    Through bad operation, the company had a slump in profits.

  23. 经过审查后, 价格骤降到零。

    The price was reduced to zip after the review.

  24. 库水骤降的土坝稳定问题

    Stability problems of an earthfill dam in rapid drawdown

  25. 经过审查后,价格骤降到零。

    The price was reduced to zip after the review.

  26. 大雷雨来临前的气温骤降。

    The sudden drop in temperature that precedes a heavy thunder storm.

  27. 刚才明明还是晴天, 俄而暴雨骤降。

    It was sunny just now, and the next moment a rainstorm came.

  28. 刚才明明还是晴天,俄而暴雨骤降。

    It was sunny just now, and the next moment a rainstorm came.

  29. 第二天温度骤降,暴风雪来袭。

    The next day temperatures plummeted and snowstorm hit.

  30. 电力系统中电压骤降的综合分析

    Integrated Analysis of Voltage Sags in Power System


  1. 问:骤降拼音怎么拼?骤降的读音是什么?骤降翻译成英文是什么?

    答:骤降的读音是zhòujiàng,骤降翻译成英文是 To descend suddenly.



骤降 zhòu jiàng ㄓㄡˋ ㄐㄧㄤˋ