







汉语拼音:shēng shuǐ







  1. 指有利于攻守进退的河流。

    银雀山 汉 墓竹简《孙膑兵法·地葆》:“东注之水,生水也;北注之水,死水。”

  2. 未经烧开的水。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·作酢法》:“时时汲冷水遍浇瓮外,引去热气,但勿令生水入瓮中。” 吴组缃 《山洪》二十:“他深切知道走长途口渴了,是怎么个滋味;这样的天气喝一肚子生水,又怎样容易受病。”

  3. 河流名。

    《山海经·西山经》:“又北二百二十里,曰 盂山 …… 生水 出焉。” 毕沅 校正:“《水经注》谓之 奢延水 。”



  1. For the company to succeed, you and he must agree on the direction of your company and the values by which it will run.


  2. Losing more than a few seats would be embarrassing. Whispers about his judgment --- and his leadership --- would begin.


  3. For a company that's so brilliant at marketing, it seems to have absolutely no clue about crisis management.


  4. Here, it borrows the name of the Five Elements hoping the research of contemporary art could be circulating and unceasing.


  5. It made me realize one of those very important factors that helped me thrive in a foreign country alone--people skills.


  6. In any case, China isn't the only place where the clone business is lucrative. It's also alive and well in Europe and other places.


  7. Mr Saleh needs new ones quickly if he is to fend off the rising tide of opposition at home.


  8. Same as European, the Indian like cold water, usually, the resurant and the hotel do not supply hot boiled water.


  9. Conclusion The main cause of the outbreak of paratyphoid A was due to pollution of school-self prepared water source.


  1. 再生水处理

    reclaimed water treatment.

  2. 含盐共生水

    saline connate water.

  3. 高盐再生水

    highly salty reuse water

  4. 再生水玻璃砂

    Reclaimed sodium silicate sand

  5. 喝生水有害健康。

    Drinking unboiled water is bad for health.

  6. 畜禽养殖再生水

    reclaimed water from livestock and poultry breeding

  7. 水使锅炉生水垢。

    Water scales the boiler.

  8. 他建议不喝生水。

    He propose not to drink unboiled water.

  9. 令水壶生水垢

    to scale the kettle.

  10. 锅炉生水垢了。

    The boiler scaled.

  11. 污水和再生水处理

    municipal wastewater reusing treatment

  12. 硬水使壶生水垢。

    Hard water furs the kettle.

  13. 出口生水貂皮检验规程

    inspection method for raw mink skin export

  14. 再生水的环境成本分析

    Analysis on the Environmental Cost of Reclaimed Water

  15. 不要喝生水, 也不要吃冰。

    Avoid tap water and ice.

  16. 现在都用再生水洗车。

    Now, people use regenerated water to wash cars.

  17. 现在都用再生水洗车。

    Now, people use regenerated water to wash cars.

  18. 再生水的价格形成机制探讨

    Developing mechanism of reuse water price

  19. 再生水的卫生安全问题探讨

    Discussion on the safety of reclaimed wastewater

  20. 温热生水三度空间彻底分离。

    Warm, hot, raw water three dimensions separate thoroughly.

  21. 再生水的环境安全管理机制研究

    Study on environmental security management mechanism for reclaimed water

  22. 原生水也被描述为化石水。

    Connate water is also described as fossil water.

  23. 常年或一年生水生或沼泽植物。

    Perennial or annual aquatic or marsh plants.

  24. 澳大利亚昆士兰州将率先饮用再生水

    Australian state to drink waste water

  25. 哎, 韩佳, 你怎么能随便喝生水呢?

    Hey, Han jia, why are you drinking pond water here?

  26. 北京二七机车厂再生水回用工程

    Reclaimed Water Reuse Project in Beijing Erqi Locomotive Works

  27. 能够有效地避免喝生水的情况发生。

    The utility model can avoid the occurrence of the situations of raw water drinking efficiently.

  28. 自然有一个完美的系统的再生水。

    Nature has a perfect system for recycling water.

  29. 水葱对高盐再生水的净化效果研究

    Study on Effect of Scirpus Tabernaemontani Gmel on Purification of Reclaimed Water with High Salt

  30. 畜禽养殖再生水灌溉试验研究初步分析

    Primary Analyze on Irrigation Experimentation Using Reclaimed Wastewater from Livestock and Poultry Breeding


  1. 问:生水拼音怎么拼?生水的读音是什么?生水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生水的读音是shēngshuǐ,生水翻译成英文是 raw water

  2. 问:生水桶拼音怎么拼?生水桶的读音是什么?生水桶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生水桶的读音是shēng shuǐ tǒng,生水桶翻译成英文是 raw water tank

  3. 问:生水泵拼音怎么拼?生水泵的读音是什么?生水泵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生水泵的读音是shēng shuǐ bèng,生水泵翻译成英文是 raw water pump

  4. 问:生水的拼音怎么拼?生水的的读音是什么?生水的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生水的的读音是shēng shuǐ de,生水的翻译成英文是 aquiparous