


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……






通:四通八~。~德(通行天下的美德)。~人。~士(达人)。通晓:洞~。练~。遍,全面:~观(对不如意的事情看得开,不计个人的得失)。到:到~。抵~。通宵~旦。实现:目的已~。传出来:传(chuán)~。转(zhuǎn )~。得到显要的地位:……



汉语拼音:bù qiú wén dá








  • 【解释】:闻:有名望;达:显达。不追求名誉和地位。
  • 【出自】:三国·蜀·诸葛亮《出师表》:“不求闻达于诸候。”
  • 【示例】:因此不事王侯,~,隐姓埋名,做庄家,学耕稼。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、主语;形容人不想出名


  1. na.
  2. not seek to make oneself known;not seek fame;have no desire to enter government service

  1. 书艺才学双璧, 当今难有抗衡者。而其不求闻达, 更显人品独伦。

    This is matchable to few nowadays and his not and wealth has won him more prestige.

  2. 他不求名。

    He did not desire fame.

  3. 不求无获。

    Nothing seek, nothing find.

  4. 不求人,难生活。

    He that cannot ask cannot live.

  5. 不求名誉而低调

    been stoic, silent.

  6. 不求皎洁的月亮

    I never shot for the moon

  7. 不求胜,就得求饶。

    Cry for quarters, or for victory.

  8. 他学习一向不求甚解。

    He studies only to have a superficial understanding.

  9. 他学习一向不求甚解。

    He studies only to have a superficial understanding.

  10. 求之不得,不求自来。

    Follow love, and it will flee; flee love, and it will follow thee.

  11. 不求其多, 但求其精

    Quality is better than quantity

  12. 不求交点的技巧

    Skill at Solving Problems without Seeking the Point of Intersection

  13. 但求其精, 不求其多

    With a strong focus on quality over quantity

  14. 不求最多, 但求最好!

    Not Seeking The Most But The Best!

  15. 不求最大, 但求最好

    seek the best instead of the largest

  16. 不求最多,但求最好!

    Not Seeking The Most But The Best!

  17. 付出更多,不求回报。

    G ive more that you planned to.

  18. 为何人要不求呢

    Why don't we seek

  19. 我不求他们给以恩惠。

    I ask no odds of them.

  20. 不求有功, 但求无过

    not to hope to distinguish oneself, and be content with not making mistakes

  21. 不求有功只求无过

    Dare not hope for great accomplishment, but only to be free from mistake

  22. 我既不求名, 又不求利。

    I want neither fame nor wealth.

  23. 读书不求甚解, 没有什么用处。

    Read without understanding is of no use.

  24. 苟利国家,不求富贵。

    If it is beneficial to the country, I will sacrifice my personal wealth to do it.

  25. 不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

    Love me little and love me long.

  26. 我们既不求名, 又不图利。

    We seek neither fame nor fortune.

  27. 不求情意浓, 但愿情义长

    love me little and love me long

  28. 他宁可饿死也不求饶。

    He would rather starve to death than beg for his life.

  29. 我们不求最大, 但求最好。

    We re not keen to be the largest, but to be the best one.

  30. 我不求宽大,也不要求减刑。

    I do not plead any extenuating act.


不求闻达(bù qiú wèn dá):不追求名誉和地位。 不希望别人知道自己。出自 三国·蜀·诸葛亮《出师表》。