




1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……


哺乳动物,种类很多,听觉嗅觉都很敏锐,善于看守门户,有的可以训练成军犬、警犬:走~。~彘(狗和猪)。~刨(páo )(一种游泳动作)。~盗(小偷)。~腿子。~仗人势。~尾续貂(喻拿粗劣的东西接到美好的东西后面,很不相称,常指文章)。……





汉语拼音:shēng sè gǒu mǎ








  • 【解释】:声:歌舞;色:女色;狗:养狗;马:骑马。泛指旧时统治阶级的淫乐方式。
  • 【出自】:《隋书•齐王暕传》:“ 暕 颇骄恣,昵近小人,所行多不法。遣 乔令则 、 刘虔安 、 裴该 、 皇甫谌 、 库狄仲锜 、 陈智伟 等求声色狗马。”
  • 【示例】:宋 李清照 《<金石录>后序》:“于是几案罗列,枕席枕藉,意会心谋,目往神授,乐在声色狗马之上。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异•续黄粱》:“声色狗马,昼夜荒淫;国计民生,罔存念虑。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗•诗歌之敌》:“ 宋玉 、 司马相如 之流,就受着这样的待遇,和后来的权门的‘清客’略同,都是位在声色狗马之间的玩物。”亦作“ 声色犬马 ”。 宋 苏辙 《龙川别志》卷上:“人主少年,当使知四方艰难。不然,血气方刚,若不留意声色犬马,则土木、甲兵、祷祠之事作矣。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作主语、宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. Somewhere between this extreme repression of the monk and the license of the sensualist lies the truth.


  1. 纯种的牛, 狗, 马等。

    pedigree cattle, dogs, horses, etc

  2. 狗、马、牛等的饲养员

    A dog, horse, cattle, etc breeder

  3. 我们得狗和马开始病。

    Our dogs and horses to get sick.

  4. 我们的狗和马开始病。

    Our dogs and horses to get sick.

  5. 这个老人喜欢养狗和马。

    The old man likes raising dogs and horses.

  6. 这个老人喜欢养兔子, 狗和马。

    The old man likes raising rabbits, dogs and horses.

  7. 它们不像狗和马那样柔驯。

    They never become submissive like dogs and horses.

  8. 它们从不像狗和马那样柔驯。

    They never submissive like dogs and horses.

  9. 除了狗和马的时候,他是有他的原因的。

    Except the dogs and horses he had his reasons.

  10. 我的最佳男主角中有一些是狗和马。

    Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses.

  11. 它们从不像狗和马一样变得那么顺从。

    They never become submissive like dogs and horses.

  12. 如本书标题所示, 他谴责人们放纵于声色犬马。

    In the books title manifesto, he decries our appetite for easy amusement and gluttonous pleasures.

  13. 吃圈养的狗和马至少要比吃快绝种的鲸鱼好。

    Dogs and horses raised in captivity are way better to eat than endangered whales poached from the wild.

  14. 他开始寻找和使用不寻常的动物,而不仅仅是狗和马。

    He began finding and unusual animals, not just dogs and horses.

  15. 而活动的狗和马, 既有形又不定形, 那就更加难画。

    And mobile dog and horse, already corporeal errant form, that is drawn more hard.

  16. 而活动得狗和马, 既有形又不定形, 那就更加难画。

    And mobile dog and horse, already corporeal errant form, that is drawn more hard.

  17. 猴子,马,狗和猫。

    Monkeys, horses, dogs and cats.

  18. 这种狗主要以马,麝牛和驯鹿为食。

    This kind of dog mainly take the horse, the musk ovibos moschatus and the caribou as the food.

  19. 人, 马, 狗可以永远相伴不厌倦。

    A man, a horse, and a dog are never weary of each others company.

  20. 坏人偷了一个人的东西一个玩具狗,一个马和一个宠物。

    There was one bad guy. He took one persons stuff a toy dog, a horse and a pet.

  21. 为在马, 狗上面打赌所交之税

    Tax levi on betting on horse dog, etc

  22. 用来狩猎的马和狗不得不被消灭掉。

    Horses and dogs used for the hunt would have to be destroyed.

  23. 用来狩猎的马和狗不得不被消灭掉。

    Horses and dogs used for the hunt would have to be destroyed.

  24. 行走时只用脚趾着地的动物,如狗,猫和马

    an animal that walks so that only the toes touch the ground as e.g. dogs and cats and horses

  25. 骑着马牵着狗猎取狐狸。

    Hunt foxes, on horseback and with dogs.

  26. 袋鼠,和马不同,和狗不同,袋鼠靠尾巴推动前进。

    A kangaroo, unlike a horse or a dog, propels itself by pushing with its tail.

  27. 我家里只有一匹小马和两条狗四只猫六只小白兔

    All Ive got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six bunny rabbits.

  28. 属虎的与属马、属龙和属狗的非常合得来。

    Tigers are most compatible with Horses, Dragons, and Dogs.

  29. 恺乐和奶奶,恺恩和爸爸,一道骑马看马,还看小狗。

    Kevin and his little playmates had a good time outside the Carousel.

  30. 枣红马和小白狗

    Bay Horse and White Dog



