


1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……





汉语拼音:gǎi dào






  1. 改变方法、制度。

    《晏子春秋·外篇上二十》:“ 晏子 对曰:‘臣请改道易行而治 东阿 ,三年不治,臣请死之。’” 汉 班固 《白虎通·三正》:“王者有改道之文,无改道之实。”

  2. 河流改变原有的通道。

    清 傅泽 《行水金鉴·济水》:“盖其时 济水 改道,从 蒲臺 东北,与 河 浑涛而入海也。”

  3. 改变行进的路线。如:非机动车辆改道行驶。



  1. In this world, time is like a flow of water, occasionally displaced by a bit of debris, a passing breeze.


  2. Conclusions Detenial ceacal colon continent reservoir was an effective and simple means of urine diversion after total cystectomy.


  3. Yellow River diverted to the ecological environment, political, economic and even military activities have had a crucial impact.


  4. A colostomy reroutes the colon so that waste products leave the body through a hole in the abdomen, and it isn't anyone's idea of a picnic.


  5. This also had the unforeseen consequence of transforming the Crystal Desert into a lush, verdant region.


  6. and legions of engineers capable of rerouting giant rivers like the Yangtze.


  7. The lower reach has an almost periodical flood, burst, and riverway change and thus silted into a vast and rich alluvial plain.


  8. The high availability increases the usage. Reducing the availability redirects you to take another, hopefully more useful path.


  9. if the pavement is closed or blocked due to works , then look out for temporary signs or alternative routes.


  1. 改道阿富汗

    Leaving For Afghanistan.

  2. 北洛河改道

    North Luohe River divagation.

  3. 河流的改道

    The diversion of a stream.

  4. 黄河大改道

    channel change of Lower Yellow River

  5. 使河流改道

    deflect a stream from its original course.

  6. 河流改道工程

    river realignment works

  7. 外尿流改道

    external urinary diversion.

  8. 肌腱改道术

    tendon rerouting.

  9. 他们使河流改道。

    They divert the course of a river.

  10. 尿流改道复原术

    urinary undiversion

  11. 尿流改道术

    urinary diversion.

  12. 改道性结肠炎

    Diversion colitis.

  13. 盲肠皮肤尿流改道

    ileocecal cutaneous diversion

  14. 他们改道去杭州了。

    They changed their route and went to Hangzhou.

  15. 卡车被迫改道而行。

    The trucks were forced to divert to another road.

  16. 铜锣湾天桥临时改道

    Temporary Traffic Diversion on Causeway Bay Flyover

  17. 河流改道不遂的尝试

    abortive attempts to divert the course of the river

  18. 使河道改道进入新水道

    Divert a river from its course to a new channel

  19. 历史上,黄河曾多次改道。

    The Huanghe River changed its course many times in history.

  20. 黄河下游河道改道问题探讨

    The channel change of lower reaches of yellow river

  21. 我们必须使这条河改道。

    We must divert the river from its course.

  22. 输尿管回肠皮肤尿流改道

    ureteroileal cutaneous diversion

  23. 历史上, 黄河曾经多次改道。

    The Huanghe River has changed its course many times over the centuries.

  24. 黄河入海有过26次改道。

    The Yellow River changed its course to the sea on 26 occasions.

  25. 回肠膀胱尿流改道术

    ileal conduit diversion

  26. 咱们改道往自然博物馆走吧。

    Let's bend our way to the Museum of Natural History.

  27. 建坝时, 他们让河水改道。

    They diverted the river while they were building the dam.

  28. 升结肠在尿流改道中的应用

    Applicability of ascending colon for continent urinary diversion

  29. 专家们正设法使这条河流改道。

    The experts are trying to deflect the stream from its original course.

  30. 对不起,我迟到了因为改道的缘故。

    Sorry Im late there was a diversion.


  1. 问:改道拼音怎么拼?改道的读音是什么?改道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:改道的读音是gǎidào,改道翻译成英文是 diversion; rechannel

  2. 问:改道发送拼音怎么拼?改道发送的读音是什么?改道发送翻译成英文是什么?

    答:改道发送的读音是gǎi dào fā sòng,改道发送翻译成英文是 redirect traffic

  3. 问:改道控制拼音怎么拼?改道控制的读音是什么?改道控制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:改道控制的读音是gǎi dào kòng zhì,改道控制翻译成英文是 redirecting control