







汉语拼音:mò xiǎng







  1. 默默思考。

    许地山 《换巢鸾凤》:“ 和鸾 和 鸣鷟 都高兴得很,她们低着头在那里默想。” 陈毅 《莫干山纪游词》:“凭栏默想透山海,静寂时有草虫鸣。心境平更平。”



  1. Meditation is often misunderstood as some difficult, mysterious ritual practiced by isolated monks and mystics.


  2. It was a fine, clear, autumn morning, when they came upon the scene of his promotion, and stopped to contemplate its beauties.


  3. Almost all the great truths relating to society were not the result of scholarly meditation, "having up wisdom with each curious year. "


  4. Each morning at nine o'clock all the students gathered in the Great Room for a metaphysical warm-up in preparation for the day.


  5. but we shall leave our care with the LORD, our meditation of Him shall be sweet, and He will give us refreshing sleep.


  6. As I have prayed and meditated over the last several weeks on what I should say tonight, I have come to distill it into one sentence.


  7. Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship.


  8. The moment of PRAYER is our encounter with peace, gentleness, quietness, rest, lifting up of our spirit, meditation, and contemplation.


  9. Beth ate no more, but crept away to sit in her shadowy corner and brood over the delight to come, till the others were ready.


  1. 并沉思默想。

    I think of meditation.

  2. 默想基督的苦难。

    meditate on the sufferings of Christ

  3. 默想基督得苦难。

    meditate on the sufferings of Christ.

  4. 读并默想赛60。

    Read and meditate on Isaiah 60.

  5. 他每天默想20分钟。

    He meditated for20 minutes every day.

  6. 沉思默想。空想。幻想

    Be in a brown study

  7. 隐居的和沉思默想的

    Secluded and contemplative.

  8. 去祷告, 默想, 与神亲近。

    Time to pray and meditate and be close to God.

  9. 瑜珈或者默想能够缓解压力。

    Yoga or Meditation relives stress.

  10. 默想默写乱七八糟,考试一塌糊涂。

    Meditation dictation mess, the examination a complete mess.

  11. 她站在那里沉思默想。

    She stood there in a brown study.

  12. 她坐在那里深思默想。

    She sat there deep in contemplation.

  13. 是否你在默想未来的晴天?

    Are still thinking about the sunny days in the future?

  14. 她开始沉思默想自己的遭遇。

    She fell to brooding about what had happened to her.

  15. 她坐在那儿沉思默想。

    She sat, deep in thought.

  16. 他坐在那儿沉思默想。

    He sat there and contemplated.

  17. 人们在默想或祷告时常念念有词。

    A personal mantra is sometimes repeated as an aid to meditation or prayer.

  18. 玛丽性格文静, 好沉思默想。

    Mary has a quiet, contemplative nature.

  19. 我们不可能永远在沉思默想。

    We cannot always be contemplative

  20. 她坐在那儿默想过去的痛苦。

    She sat there meditating upon her bitter past.

  21. 坐禅象禅宗佛教中习练的默想

    Meditation as practiced in Zen Buddhism.

  22. 花时间默想吧, 那是力量得来源。

    Take time to meditate, it is the source of Strength.

  23. 我的老父亲呆呆默想一整天。

    All day my old father was lost in the clouds.

  24. 我得老父亲呆呆默想一整天。

    All day my old father was lost in the clouds.

  25. 他对默想、东方、以及瑜珈深感兴趣。

    He was deeply interested in meditation, the East, and yoga.

  26. 有时她坐在炉火旁边沉思默想。

    Sometimes she sits by the fire, communing with herself

  27. 好几天都默想着受到的侮辱

    Brooded over the insult for several days.

  28. 默念,默想虔诚的心理活动或导致沉思的

    A devotional exercise of or leading to contemplation.

  29. 默念,默想虔诚得心理活动或导致沉思得。

    Meditationn. A devotional exercise of or leading to contemplation.

  30. 她一连几小时坐在那里沉思默想。

    She sat musing for hours.


  1. 问:默想拼音怎么拼?默想的读音是什么?默想翻译成英文是什么?

    答:默想的读音是mòxiǎng,默想翻译成英文是 to think deeply

  2. 问:默想地拼音怎么拼?默想地的读音是什么?默想地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:默想地的读音是,默想地翻译成英文是 meditatively

  3. 问:默想的拼音怎么拼?默想的的读音是什么?默想的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:默想的的读音是,默想的翻译成英文是 meditative

  4. 问:默想的人拼音怎么拼?默想的人的读音是什么?默想的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:默想的人的读音是,默想的人翻译成英文是 brooder