




1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……



汉语拼音:qīng kōng











  1. 明朗的天空。

    宋 苏轼 《庐山二胜·开先漱玉亭》诗:“乱沫散霜雪,古潭摇清空。”

  2. 犹洁净。

    宋 苏轼 《书王定国所藏<烟江迭峰图>》诗:“江山清空我尘土,虽有去路寻无缘。”《西游补》第十六回:“ 沙僧 道:‘妖魔扫尽,世界清空。’”

  3. 谓中无所有。

    郁达夫 《临平登山记》:“ 临平山 虽则不高,但走走究竟也有点吃力,喘气喘得多了,肚子里自然会感到一种清空。”

  4. 空灵神韵。谓摄取事物的神理而遗其外貌。特指词的境界。

    宋 张炎 《词源·清空》:“词要清空,不要质实;清空则古雅峭拔,质实则凝涩晦昧。” 清 郑文焯 《鹤道人论词书》:“词之难工,以属事遣词,纯以清空出之……所贵清空者,曰骨气而已。” 蔡嵩云 《<乐府指迷笺释>引言》:“ 张氏 尊 白石 ,以其古雅峭拔,特闢清空一境。” 刘大杰 《中国文学发展史》第二十章:“清空是 张炎 提出来的词的最高境界……他所说的清空就是空灵神韵,同 严羽 讨论的意见相同。”



  1. Frequent Ibama raids had made ranchers "reluctant" to illegally clear land on which to expand their herds, said the rancher.


  2. My husband and I were sweeping out the open garage when a woman from a house across the street came up to us with an apple pie.


  3. Prof. Edwards said the ideal message to Mr. Sokol would have been, 'You could either liquidate your position, or we don't do a deal. '


  4. These few weeks of rest and relaxing have done me a great deal of good and has allowed me to reset my brain and allow me clear out my head.


  5. At the beginning of every month he'd wipe his iPod and load up the next batch (a mixture of new and old).


  6. Taking the stuff out of the country for a year or so while the fuel was prepared would have bought time for talks.


  7. An inbox is only useful as a place to collect everything that's important, to get it out of your head so that you can do something with it.


  8. Each player chooses up to seven cards in his or her hand, then shuffles the rest into his or her library.


  9. Our founding editor is not one to leave things set to default, though, so she compiled a list of tweaks to empty an Outlook inbox faster.


  1. 清空我的盘子

    Cleaned my plate.

  2. 清空封锁列表。

    ClearBanList Clears all ban lists.

  3. 确定清空所有公告

    Confirm to empty all announcements

  4. 痰浊蒙闭清空

    turbid phlegm blocking the clear orifices.

  5. 并且用人工去清空。

    and manually emptied.

  6. 地下室很快清空了。

    The cellar was soon cleared out.

  7. 用名字过滤会清空

    Filtering by name just clears the list

  8. 发生器必须完全清空。

    Generator must be completely empty.

  9. 闭上眼,清空你?心。

    Close your eyes. Clear your heart.

  10. 那么谁来清空这些坑?

    And who does the emptying?

  11. 地下室很快就清空了。

    The cellar was soon cleared out.

  12. 清空日记需要删除日记条目。

    Emptying Journal involves deleting journal entries.

  13. 要清空的数据槽的名称。

    The name of the data slot to empty.

  14. 我们清空了所有的抽屉。

    We cleaned out all the drawers.

  15. 清空九窍失其所养

    the nine orifices in head failing to be nourished

  16. 但我们首先要清空楼内

    But we need to evacuate the building first.

  17. 军人清空了沙袋, 拆除了掩体。

    Soldiers emptied their sandbags and tore down their bunkers.

  18. 因为洪水村子都被清空了。

    The village was evacuated because of the floods.

  19. 我离职之前清空了我的桌子。

    I emptied out my desk before I left my job.

  20. 我离职之前清空了我的桌子。

    I emptied out my desk before I left my job.

  21. 我离职之前清空了我得桌子。

    I emptied out my desk before I left my job.

  22. 另外增加一个命令用于清空栈。

    Add a command to clear the stack.

  23. 清空具有指定名称的数据槽。

    Empties a data slot with the specified name.

  24. 有问题时, 清空你得弹匣。

    When in doubt, empty your magazine.

  25. 有问题时,清空你的弹匣。

    When in doubt, empty your magazine.

  26. 雨未下就先别清空水缸。

    Don't empty the water jar until the rain falls.

  27. 这名化学家清空了玻璃瓶。

    The chemist voided the glass bottle.

  28. 清空库存意味着某种经济让步。

    A clearing out of stocks marks a kind of economic capitulation.

  29. 清空所有顶点数据和所有三角形索引。

    Clears all vertex data and all triangle indices.

  30. 将新冰箱清空, 解冻, 并进行清洁

    Empty, defrost, and clean the new refrigerator


  1. 问:清空拼音怎么拼?清空的读音是什么?清空翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清空的读音是qīngkōng,清空翻译成英文是 to empty.