如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 华 [huá]2. 华 [huà]3. 华 [huā]华 [huá]美丽而有光彩的:~丽。~艳。~彩。~贵。~章。~表(亦称“桓表”)。~盖。精英:精~。含英咀(jǔ)~。开花:~而不实。春~秋实。繁盛:繁~。荣~富贵。奢侈:浮~。奢……
汉语拼音:tài huá
泰山 与 华山 的并称。
《史记·孙子吴起列传》:“ 夏桀 之居,左 河 济 ,右 泰 华 , 伊闕 在其南, 羊肠 在其北,修政不仁, 汤 放之。” 宋 辛弃疾 《临江仙·戏为山园苍壁解嘲》词:“有心雄 泰 华 ,无意巧玲瓏。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷四:“斯真 泰 华 两峯,同标峻絶矣。”
即 华山 。
明 杨基 《送魏万之安西》诗:“云散岳莲开 泰 华 ,月寒郊树隐 新丰 。”
Know to is the spoilt daughter of a rich household of Tai China, she smiles that is kindly ah, even being euphonic is all temperate several.
得知是泰华的大小姐,她笑得那个慈祥呀,连语调都温和了几份。He was vice general secretary of World Chinese Poets' Pen Club and vice director of Thai Chinese Contemporary Poetry Academy.
世界华文诗人笔会副秘书长,泰华新诗学会副会长。We are JohnsonDiversey, a leading global provider of cleaning and hygiene products and systems.
以下为该公司招聘简章:公司简介我们是庄臣泰华施,全球领先的清洁卫生产品及方案的提供者。This is online map of the address "He Jiang Tai Hua Lu Xiang Ming Xiang , Gaoming District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China" .
这是地址“中国广东省佛山市高明区河江泰华路香茗巷”匹配的在线电子地图。TM International Bank Company Ltd.
泰华国际银行。The Wuhan peaceful China science and technology limited company is the national science and technology department key high-tech enterprise.
武汉泰华科技有限公司是国家科技部重点高新技术企业。So Thai Chinese writers' connection to their homeland is not only a simply spirit return, but also an expression to their own identity.
因此,泰华作家在不同时期与祖籍国的联系并不是一种简单的精神还乡,而是在不同历史时期对自身身份的文化表述。TM International Bank Company Limited Guangzhou Representative Office
泰华国际银行广州代表处TM International Bank Company Limited Beijing Representative Office
ethnic Chinese new literature in Thailand.
On the Evolution and Prospects of Chinese Literature in Thailand.
He was vice general secretary of World Chinese Poets'Pen Club and vice director of Thai Chinese Contemporary Poetry Academy.