







汉语拼音:yī zōng










  1. 一个宗族。亦谓同族,同姓。

    《汉书·吴王刘濞传》:“天下一宗,死 长安 即葬 长安 ,何必来葬!” 颜师古 注:“犹言同姓共为一家。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·规箴》:“卿一宗在朝有几人, 陆 ( 陆凯 )曰:二相,五侯,将军十餘人。”《新唐书·宗室传赞》:“建国利一宗,列郡利百姓。”

  2. 表数量。一桩;一件。

    宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷十六:“ 浹 ( 何浹 )索纸万幅以答款,府司以数百幅给之,乃一纸书一宗。”《红楼梦》第八八回:“头一宗,他当家没有空儿。” 赵树理 《小二黑结婚》:“你一宗,他一宗,从晌午说到太阳落。”

  3. 表数量。文卷一夹或一册。

    元 无名氏 《硃砂担》第三折:“这一宗是何文卷?” 章炳麟 《新方言·释言》:“凡事有始终期限曰一成,或曰一终。今公牘转作一宗,通俗转作一桩,皆终字也。”

  4. 表数量。一批。

    《三国演义》第六八回:“ 吕蒙 箭尽,正慌间,忽对 江 一宗船到。”

  5. 表数量。一片,一块。




  1. Would you be surprised if I told you there was a recorded case in California over a century ago?


  2. The Reapers biker gang wants him for a murder he did not commit.


  3. In one incident, a group with babes in arms spent two hours inside a wagon waiting for the train to leave.


  4. The Court of Appeal upheld the convictions and sentences of a jockey and a woman found guilty of race fixing and corruption offences.


  5. Given that most of the 60 interview candidates were probably guilty of at least one of the above, why did none of them own up?


  6. Kirilenko won't get old with the Jazz. . . be prepared to have him in a big trade buster next season.


  7. The first case concerned a Norwegian woman in 1941, who developed a strong German accent and was ostracized from her community.


  8. And this also is a sore evil, that in all points as he came, so shall he go: and what profit hath he that hath laboured for the wind?


  9. Reported that close to Narathiwat Pattani around 9 am the day have taken place in a bomb attack, the attack left two soldiers injured.


  1. 一宗蓄意谋杀

    a murderous ace

  2. 察觉到一宗丑闻

    to sniff out a scandal

  3. 一宗张冠李戴的案子

    A case of mistaken identity

  4. 这是一宗叛国案。

    It is a case of treason.

  5. 他卷入了一宗阴谋。

    He was implicated in a conspiracy.

  6. 证实一宗鹦鹉热个案

    A case of psittacosis confirmed

  7. 这是一宗恶性事故。

    It was a fatal accidentboth drivers were killed.

  8. 节俭本身就是一宗财产。

    Frugality is an estate alone.

  9. 节俭本身就是一宗财富。

    Frugality is an estate along.

  10. 我要报一宗盗窃案。

    I want to report a theft.

  11. 他犯了一宗刑事案。

    He has committed a criminal offence.

  12. 这就变成了一宗悬案。

    So it became a cold case.

  13. 一批, 一宗待售的一批商品

    A quantity of merchandise offered for sale.

  14. 这显然是一宗杀人案。

    It was a clear case of homicide.

  15. 节俭本身根本就是一宗财产。

    Frugality is an estate al first.

  16. 事实上这是关于一宗谋杀。

    Actually, it's about a homicide.

  17. 这证据显示为一宗抢劫案。

    The case adds up to a case of robbery.

  18. 大清早头一宗就饱了眼福。

    Pleasant to see first thing in the morning.

  19. 如果像他说的有一宗谋杀。

    If there'd been a killing like he says.

  20. 他在收集一宗谋杀案的证据。

    He is assembling evidence concerning a murder.

  21. 昨天发生了一宗大胆的抢劫案。

    A daring robbery took place yesterday.

  22. 公爵可能对我隐瞒了一宗秘密。

    The Duke might be concealing a secret from me.

  23. 这到底是另一宗疯狂的罪案。

    Is this just another crime spree.

  24. 这个死者遗赠这家医院一宗财产。

    The deceased endowed a hospital with an estate.

  25. 股票以每五十张为一宗出售。

    The share is on offer in parcel of 50.

  26. 美国本身是一宗大投机买卖,非常大。

    The USA was a big operation, very big.

  27. 他揭露一宗意图颠覆政府的阴谋。

    He had uncovered a conspiracy to overthrow the government.

  28. 他揭露一宗意图颠覆政府的阴谋。

    He had uncovered a conspiracy to overthrow the government.

  29. 董事会的安先生反对这一宗生意。

    Mr. AHN, a member of the board, is obviously against the deal.

  30. 董事会得安先生反对这一宗生意。

    Mr. AHN, a member of the board, is obviously against the deal.


  1. 问:一宗心事拼音怎么拼?一宗心事的读音是什么?一宗心事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一宗心事的读音是Yìzōng xīnshì,一宗心事翻译成英文是 a worrying matter