




1. 接 [jiē]接 [jiē]连成一体:~合。~骨。~壤。衔~。继续,连续:~力。~替。~班。~二连三。再~再厉。靠近,挨上:~近。邻~。~吻。承受,收取:~受。~收。~纳。~管。迎:~风。~生。~待。姓。……







汉语拼音:zhí jiē xuǎn jǔ






  1. Elsewhere, though, only a few towns and a handful of London boroughs have plumped for directly elected leaders.


  2. Mr Umakhanov says the only way out of this paralysis is direct elections.


  3. Article 29 In a direct election, the election shall be valid if more than half of all the voters in an electoral district cast their votes.


  4. The UML wants a ceremonial president, a directly elected prime minister and a similar devolution, but to less ethnically-tinged states.


  5. Constituency refers to a certain number of population-based direct elections of regional representatives of the people produced.


  6. Article 11 The chairman, vice-chairman (vice-chairmen) and members of a villagers' committee shall be directly elected by villagers.


  7. Now all but a few northern cities elect their leaders directly.


  8. The provincial parliaments are directly elected every four years as well.


  9. Voters do not elect the prime minister, or head of government, directly.


  1. 直接选举制

    direct electoral system.

  2. 这是直接选举。

    This is a direct election.

  3. 我们采取直接选举的办法。

    We will adopt the direct election.

  4. 我们采取直接选举的办法。

    We will adopt the direct election.

  5. 自由参与直接选举的原则

    Principle of free participation in direct election

  6. 村委会直接选举的模式研究

    Research on The Electing System of Village Committee.

  7. 伊拉克人民多数要求直接选举。

    A majority of the people in Iraq want direct elections.

  8. 公民直接选举竞选职务的人的预选

    a primary where voters directly select the candidates who will run for office

  9. 议会为一院制,由直接选举产生。

    The parliament is unicameral, and constituted by direct elections.

  10. 对于由陪审团审判和直接选举的所有法官。

    For trial by jury and the direct election of all Judges.

  11. 新的立法会议席中半数将直接选举产生。

    Half of the new legislative seats would be directly elected.

  12. 选举为普选、统一和直接选举,并进行秘密投票。

    The elections are general, uniform and direct and voting is secret.

  13. 许多人赞成直接选举总统而不是由选举团选举。

    Many people favor direct election of the President rather than election by the Electoral College.

  14. 国家首脑是联邦总统, 他是由直接选举产生的。

    The head of state is the Federal President, who is directly elected.

  15. 我国主要领导职务公务员直接选举的可行性研究

    Feasible Study of Direct Electing Leading Host Civil Servant

  16. 这个团体具有由人民直接选举的不可估量的优势。

    The group has the inestimable advantage of being directly elected by the people.

  17. 二零零四年举行既立法会直接选举,你会唔会去投票?

    Will you vote in the Legislative Council Election in 2004?

  18. 其次是欧洲议会,其成员由欧盟成员国直接选举产生。

    European Parliament whose members are directly elected by citizens across the EU.

  19. 第一章讲述了我国人大代表直接选举的历史与发展。

    Chapter 1 is a general survey of the direct election in China.

  20. 第一章讲述了我国人大代表直接选举得历史与发展。

    Chapter 1 is a general survey of the direct election in China.

  21. 参议院反动势力阻挠直接选举参议员的宪法修正案的通过。

    Reactionary forces in the Senate would not allow a constitutional amendment for direct election of senators to pass.

  22. 科威特也进行了第一次有妇女参与的国民议会直接选举。

    Kuwait has held direct elections for the National Assembly with the participation of women for the first time.

  23. 尽管有过一次新生的民主运动,但几乎不会带来直接选举。

    Despite a nascent democracy movement, there's little traction for direct suffrage.

  24. 国家元首是总统,直接投票选举产生,任期七年。

    The head of state is the president, elected by direct suffrage for a term of seven years.

  25. 赞比亚选举是直接成人普选和不记名投票。

    Elections in Zambia are by direct universal adult suffrage and secret ballot.

  26. 总统依法通过普遍、直接和不记名投票选举。

    The President shall be elected by universal, direct and secret ballot, in accordance with the law.

  27. 欧洲议会议员应经由普遍,直接,无记名之自由选举方式产生。

    Members of the European Parliament shall be elected by direct universal suffrage in a free and secret ballot.

  28. 那次选举是两大党直接交锋。

    The election was a straight fight between the two main parties.

  29. 选举结果将用无线电直接发送到新闻编辑室。

    The election results will be transmitted directly to the newsroom.

  30. 由人民或通过选举出来的代表们直接管理的政府。

    Government by the people,exercised either directly or through elected representatives.


  1. 问:直接选举拼音怎么拼?直接选举的读音是什么?直接选举翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直接选举的读音是zhíjiēxuǎnjǔ,直接选举翻译成英文是 Voters elect representatives or leaders direc...

  2. 问:直接选举制拼音怎么拼?直接选举制的读音是什么?直接选举制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直接选举制的读音是zhí jiē xuǎn jǔ zhì,直接选举制翻译成英文是 system of direct election